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abbr. paid; position-sensitive; per sample; pusher side
abbr., earth.sc. particle size; piezometric surface; power station
abbr., telecom. preset channels
O&G per second
abbr., earth.sc. periods per second
abbr., nautic. port and starboard
abbr. Police Station (В. Бузаков); public sale (Vosoni); power supply (Andrey250780); period of stay (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., account. preferred stock
abbr., auto. power steering
abbr., avia. packing sheet; parts shortage; pilot-static; pitot/static
abbr., busin. power station; profit-sales (ratio)
abbr., earth.sc. pulse per second
abbr., el. parallel-to-serial conversion
abbr., electr.eng. parallel/series
abbr., med. Polisher-stimulator (fatty Acid Ratio); Polyunsaturated/ Saturated (fatty Acid Ratio)
abbr., mil. power section; product standards
abbr., perf. Purse Spray (uar)
mil. point of shipment
abbr. post-scriptum; postscriptum (Vosoni)
abbr., commer. point of shipment
abbr., comp. PostScript format (Vosoni)
abbr., earth.sc. photosynthesis
abbr., econ. passenger steamer; priority service; public sale
abbr., insur. Passenger ship; Post script
abbr., lat. Post Scriptum ("postscript")
abbr., law Pennsylvania Unconsolidated Statutes Annotated; permanent secretary (данные в американском свидетельстве Horacio_O)
abbr., med. pulmonic stenosis (Vosoni)
abbr., tech. pferdstarke
abbr., textile palm size
invest. postscript
abbr., earth.sc. Principles and Standards of Water Resources Council; program store
abbr., ed., scient. Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons
abbr., med. paracentesis and suction; proctosigmoid
abbr., met. pig and scrap process (process); pig-and-scrap process
abbr., mil. planning & scheduling; planning and scheduling
abbr., mil., avia. port and starboard
abbr., oil plugged and suspended; purchase and sale
abbr., phys., scient. Permanent and Stationary
abbr., avia. parallel to series
abbr., earth.sc. petro-sonde
abbr., med. pancreozymin-secretin
abbr., mil., air.def. parallel to serial
abbr., oil pressure-sensitive
P & S
abbr. pay and supply
abbr., auto. plug and socket
abbr., typogr. pulls
abbr., earth.sc. pelitic schist
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