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RT abbr.
abbr. radio and television; radio telegraph; radio telegraphy; radio telephony; radium therapy; range territory; road junction
abbr., avia. radio telecommunication; receiver transmitter; regression testing; rejection tag; rats table
abbr., busin. radio telephone; registered ton; rent; revenue ton
abbr., commer. registered trademark
abbr., dril. radiation testing
abbr., earth.sc. radiotelemetry; receiver transducer; relative temperature; relative topography; resistivity tomography; rise time pulse; rtom temperature
abbr., ecol. radio-isotope tracer
abbr., med. Radiologic Technologist; Registered Technologist; Respiratory Therapist
abbr., met. relaxation time
abbr., mil. range-taker
abbr., oil radio wave tomography; radioactive tracer; radiographic examination; radioisotope tracer; Radon transform; ray-tracing tomography; real-time; receiver terminal; reduction time; regional truncation; repair time; replacement tyre; resistor tolerance; return ticket; reversal trend; reversed time; roller tension series; rotational fault; routine tag
abbr., rugb. right tackle
abbr., space range-to-target; rapid tooling; replaceable tiles
abbr., tech. radiation test
abbr., telecom. rotary transmitter
abbr., textile rated time
RT abbr.
abbr., mining. rigid truck (frontier mining Сергей Недорезов)
Rt abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. true resistivity (of uninvaded formation)
Rt. abbr.
abbr., econ. rate
RT abbr.
abbr., belar. Republic of Tatarstan (igisheva)
abbr., TV Russia Today (igisheva)
Rt abbr.
abbr. roughness total (Segun); true formation resistivity; rate of termination
abbr., geophys. true resistivity (MichaelBurov)
RT abbr.
abbr. Red Tape; Resolved That; Run Time; Research and Technology; radiography tests (eternalduck); RadioTelephone; Reuters (agency, UK); Rhodes Tower (formerly University Tower, Cleveland State University); room light (вася1191); return time (of aortic pulse wave)
abbr., auto. rack travel; rapid transit; rear track width; rough-terrain
abbr., avia. reference transmitter; radio transmission (transmit); reaction turbine; receive/transmit; relocated threshold; replacement test; retraction test; reverse thrust; rigging tool; rough treatment; route
abbr., avia., med. reading test
abbr., biol. rectal temperature
abbr., cartogr. radiotower
abbr., commun. receive terminal
abbr., comp., net. real time
abbr., cycl. ride time
abbr., econ. right
abbr., el. room temperature; radio telephone; radar trigger; radio text; rapid thermal; rate transmitter; readout technique; read text; receive timing; receiving terminal; reference track; register traffic; register transfer; regression test; reliability test; reset trigger; resonant-tunneling; reverse tracking; rework time; ringing tone; rise time; room temperature processed; rotation tool; route treatment; routine test; routing table; routing topology; run-time; reduced instruction set computing technology; retransmission timeout
abbr., electr.eng. recovery time; remote tripping
abbr., file.ext. Reperforator Transmitter; Rich text
abbr., fin. bank routing number (Denis Lebedev)
abbr., genet. reverse transcription
abbr., inet. retweet (перепечатка чужого поста в своей ленте сообщений на сайте twitter.com Rudy)
abbr., insur. Register ton
abbr., IT Ray Tracing; Retention Time; Requirement of Testability
abbr., law Response Time
abbr., med. heart Repolarization Time; Recurrent Tumor (TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) Classification); Rubinstein-Taybi (syndrome); respiratory therapy; calcium clotting time (MichaelBurov); radio-therapy (MichaelBurov); recalcification time (MichaelBurov); radio therapy (MichaelBurov); recreational therapy; registered X-ray technician; resistance transfer
abbr., med.appl. Radiation Thermometer (iwona)
abbr., media. reperforator-transmitter
abbr., mil. Real Time; recovery team; remote terminal; rough terrain; radiotelephone
abbr., mil., air.def. radio television; teal time; receiver-transmit
abbr., mil., avia. radar tracking
abbr., nautic. Revenue Tonne i.e. 1.0 metric Tonne or 1.0 cubic meter, whichever greater. The overall RT is calculated on a line by line basis of the Packing List using the largest amount. The overall freight liability is calculated on the total RT amount, multiplied by the freight rate.
abbr., O&G Rock Type (tat-konovalova)
abbr., O&G, sakh. radiographic testing; Real Terms (Sakhalin Energy); resident team; resident team (Shell in Haarlem); running tool; true resistivity
abbr., oil rotary table; rotary tools
abbr., oncol. RadioTherapy
abbr., oncol., med. Radiotherapy
abbr., physiol. Respiratory Therapy
abbr., physiol., med. Radiation therapy; Right
abbr., polym. radiographic test; reinforced thermosets; regular tenacity; replacement tire; rolled tube; room temperature
abbr., progr. reliable transfer (ssn)
abbr., PSP relay technology categories
abbr., qual.cont. review time
abbr., radio reverberation time
abbr., refrig. refrigeration ton
abbr., scottish Radio Transceiver
abbr., securit. royalty trust
abbr., tech. receiver-transmitter; radiography test
abbr., transp. Reaction Time; Round Trip
abbr., work.fl. related term
energ.ind., abbr. real-time; release time; reliability targets; residence time; robotic technology
mil. reconnaissance team
mil., abbr. radio technician; radio tracking; radio transmitter; radiotelegraph; radiotelegraphy; radiotelephony; range table; range timing; range tracking; reaction time; readiness test; recognition time; record transfer; reduction table; reference trajectory; regiment transport; regulation team; relay transmitter; relocatable target; reserve training; response time; retention time; road traffic; road transport; rocket target; round trip
physiol., abbr. Respiratory therapy
tech. radio tower
tech., abbr. radioactive test; radiography testing; range tracker; reactor trip; receive-transmit; receiver and transmitter; rectangular transform; reference temperature; repeatability factor; resistance thermometer; reusable telescope; revolving radio beacon; rotating table; running time
TV, abbr. rotary transformer
rt abbr.
abbr. rate
abbr., earth.sc. rutile
abbr., sport. reaction time; right tackle
O&G, sakh. real term
rt. abbr.
abbr. right
polym. retardation
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects