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noun | abbreviation
PVP abbr.
abbr. Palos Village Players; Player Verses Player
abbr., bot., scient. Plant Variety Protection
abbr., comp. Packet Video Protocol (Vosoni)
abbr., el. polyvinylpyrrolidone
abbr., file.ext. Parallel Vector Processing
abbr., immunol. polyvinylpyrolidone
abbr., IT Packet Video Processor; Protected Video Path
abbr., med. Pulmonary Vein Potential; Pulmonary Venous Pressure
abbr., mil. Planned Value Profile; Permanent Virtual Path (network topology)
abbr., oil present value profit
abbr., physiol. Post-Vasectomy Pain
abbr., plast. Poly- Vinyl Pyrrolidone
abbr., polym. polyvinyl pyrrolidone
abbr., sec.sys. parallel video processing
abbr., sport. Player Versus Player
abbr., tradem. Prime Video Productions
energ.ind. photovoltaic power; pressure vessels and piping
pvp abbr.
abbr. player versus player (в онлайновых играх acrogamnon)
PVPS abbr.
abbr., el. plasma varactor phase shifter
PVP abbr.
abbr. personal video player; Paint and Varnish Production
abbr., auto. pilot valve plunger
abbr., avia. prototype validation phase
abbr., chem.ind. Process Validation Protocol (ННатальЯ)
abbr., comp., net. permanent virtual path
abbr., el. packetized voice protocol; polyvinylphenol; polyvinylpyridine; portable video player; programmable video processor
abbr., horticult. plant variety protection
abbr., med. peripheral venous pressure
abbr., mil., avia. production verification program
abbr., polym. poly (N-vinylpyrrolidone)
abbr., textile polyvinyl pyrrolidine
abbr., toxicol. Pyrrolidinopentiophenone (наркотическое вещество, производное N-метилэфедрона: α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone (also known as α-pyrrolidinovalerophenone, α-PVP, O-2387, β-keto-prolintane, prolintanone, or desmethylpyrovalerone) is a synthetic stimulant of the cathinone class developed in the 1960s that has been sold as a designer drug. Colloquially, it is sometimes called flakka. α-PVP is chemically related to pyrovalerone and is the ketone analog of prolintane. wikipedia.org)
PvP abbr.
abbr., exhib. payment vs payment