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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
NEO ['ni:ə(u)-] abbr.
abbr. New Elite Order
abbr., astr. near-Earth object (such as asteroid, comet and other objects that pose a credible risk of impact Val_Ships)
abbr., astronaut. near-Earth object (MichaelBurov)
abbr., avia. new engine option (Alexander Matytsin); not fully open
abbr., el. near end output; network expansion option; new end office
abbr., fant./sci-fi. None Existing One
abbr., file.ext. Bitmap graphics (Atari NeoChrome image file)
abbr., food.ind. noneasy-open end (e.g., ...sanitary or classic ends (also sometimes called noneasy-open ends (NEO)) см. tinyurl.com/yc2njw3o (google books) | Вариант найден пользователем Vsolo)
abbr., given. nonequity Option
abbr., inet. Next Evolution Online
abbr., IT Bitmap graphics
abbr., mil. Near Earth Object; Noncombatant Evacuation Operation; Non-combatant Evacuation Operations; noncombatant evacuation operations
abbr., mil., avia. Navy Exchange Office
abbr., physiol., med. NEOmycin
abbr., progr., IT Nelson Email Organizer
abbr., scottish Non-combatant Evacuation Operation
abbr., st.exch. NeoPharm, Inc.
energ.ind. nuclear equipment operator
mil. near-earth orbit; noncombatant evacuation officer; noncombatant evacuation operation; noncombatant evacuation order
mil., abbr. near-earth orbit; noncombatant evacuation officer; noncombatant evacuation operation; noncombatant evacuation order
tech. nuclear engineering and operations
Neo ['ni:ə(u)-] abbr.
abbr. neoplasm
abbr., med. neoplasm
abbr., oil Neocomian
NEO ['ni:ə(u)-] abbr.
abbr., astrometr. near-Earth objects (Val_Ships)
abbr., avia. national energy outlook
abbr., earth.sc. near Earth orbit
abbr., food.ind. noneasy-open end
abbr., oil neospar; not in excess of
NEO: 2 phrases in 2 subjects