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Mbs abbr.
abbr., mil. megabits per second
MBS abbr.
abbr. Maha Bodhi School; Management By Strengths; Midland, Bay City, Saginaw; Mortgage- Backed Security; Much Better Service; Multi Bank Standard; main bang suppressor; Main Battle Ship; Management By Shitting-on-everybody; MBS International Airport Tri- City International Airport, Midland, Bay City, Saginaw, Michigan; Meter Backflow Services; Metzler Belt System; Monthly Bulletin of Statistics; magnetron beam switching tube; main bang supression; metallurgical balance sheet
abbr., auto. main shaft brake system
abbr., avia. Manager, Business Services; marker beacon system; main bang suppression; material business system
abbr., chem. methyl methacrylate-butadiene-styrene copolymer
abbr., commun. Mobile Base Station
abbr., comp. main buffer storage
abbr., corp.gov. mortgage backed security
abbr., earth.sc. membrane bioreactor system
abbr., el. magnetic bubble storage; metal backing screen; microcomputer-based system; minimum batch size (strategy); mobile station; modular base station; monitoring block size; multi-block synchronization; multiple beam satellite; municipal broadcasting system
abbr., file.ext. Multiple Batch Station
abbr., fin. mortgage-backed security
abbr., inet. My Big Sis
abbr., IT maximum burst size; Mobile Broadband Services; multidatabase management system; Multi-Standard Base Station (Aleksandra007)
abbr., med. Marie-Bamberger Syndrome; Martin-Bell Syndrome; Media Broadband Service; Medulloblastomas; Melanoblastoma; Mhc Based Suppression; marble brain syndrome (Игорь_2006); Model Based Segmentation (harser); the most bothersome symptom (ННатальЯ); mass blood survey; metabolic and bariatric surgery (bigmaxus)
abbr., media. Mutual Broadcasting System
abbr., mil. Maximum Burst Size; Mobile Broadcast System; Multi-Beam Sonar; NATO Mailbox System
abbr., mil., avia. magnetic bubble store
abbr., mus. Middle Bar Singer
abbr., O&G, sakh. monobutyl styrene
abbr., oil machinery and boiler classed by British Standard; megabit per second; methyl methacrylate-butadiene-styrene (copolymer); migration before stack
abbr., org.name. Machinery Builders'Society
abbr., phys., scient. Many Body Systems; Minimum Breaking Strength
abbr., physiol., med. Modified Barium Swallow
abbr., polym. methyl methacrylate butadiene styrene; methyl methacrylate-butadiene-styrene resin
abbr., relig. Mind Body And Spirit; Mind Body Soul
abbr., scient. Master of Biological Sciences (ННатальЯ)
abbr., scottish Modular Bridge System
abbr., shipb. main boiler surveyed
abbr., space millibars; mobile broadband system
abbr., sport. Mind, Body, And Spirit; Mountain Board Sports
abbr., st.exch. Mortgage Backed Securities
abbr., tradem. Metal Boat Society; Modern Beauty Salon
abbr., transp. Modular Braking System
comp. message box service
invest. mortgage-backed securities
mil. medium bomber squadron; medium bomber, strike; muzzle boresight
tech. magnetron beam switching; multidatabase management system
MbS abbr.
abbr., IT Management by Strategies
mbs abbr.
radio Milibars (Leonid Dzhepko)
Mbs: 1 phrase in 1 subject