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Gt abbr.
abbr. grit; gritty (consistence); formation geometrical factor
abbr., earth.sc. garnet
abbr., tech. gross tons
Gt. abbr.
abbr., libr. Britain. Great Britain
GT abbr.
abbr. Galaxy Tour; Gallery Talk; game theory; Garbage Truck; Gary Turner; Gas Truck; Gazette Times; General Talk; General Topic; General Trade; Generic Task; generic term (Andrey250780); Gentle Touch; Geometry And Topology; Georgia Tech; Get Tiffany; Get Together; Gifted And Talented; Gifted Talented; Glass Tubular; Global Trading; Glucose Tolerance; Golden Tornado; Golden Tornadoes; Good Time; Good Times; Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company; Got Taken; Got Turbo; Government Test; Grand Tourer; Grand Touring; grand touring car; Grand Tourism; Grand Tournament; Graph Theorist; Graphic Technology; grease trap; Great Time; Great Times; Georgetown; ground transformer; Great Touring; Greater Than; Greater Throughput; Gross Ton; Group Talk
abbr., AI. Graph Traverser
abbr., automat. gang-tool (ssn); group technology; greater than (ssn)
abbr., avia. ground transmission; gas tight; gear train; grid track; ground transit; tail gun; tail gunner; gate tube; geared tab; general tool
abbr., biochem. galactosyltransferase (Игорь_2006)
abbr., busin. gasoline tight; general tax; general terms
abbr., combust. gas turbine (MichaelBurov)
abbr., commer. gross ton
abbr., earth.sc. geological transect; Georgetown Thrust; gigaton; ground truth
abbr., econ. gross register ton; production by; gross tariff; Group Travel
abbr., el. geometric transformation; give token; global transport; graphics terminal; group transformation
abbr., IT Go To
abbr., med. Gastrostomy; gastric tube; glutamyl transpeptidase; treatment of gingiva
abbr., mil. gross tonnage
abbr., mil., avia. gain/temperature
abbr., mining. gauge template
abbr., oil total gas; gas tank; Gas Technology Symposium; gasoline tank; gauge trimmer; general tariff; general term; geophysical tomography; geothermal (gradient); glacial till; glycol terephthalate; Green test; grounding transformer
abbr., orthop. greater trochanter (большой вертел бедренной кости Баян)
abbr., pharm. guanosine triphosphate
abbr., physiol. Gait Training
abbr., polit. Guatemala
abbr., polym. gastight
abbr., scottish Geared Turbine; Gun Tank; Guatemala (NATO country code)
abbr., space gas temperature; Gemini test; Gemini Titan; glass temperature; gyro torque
abbr., sport. Gran Turismo
abbr., tax. government tax (авиаперевозка Yuriy83)
abbr., telecom. global title (ssn)
meteorol. global transponder; ground fog
mil. general technical; general test; general training; general transport; glide torpedo; Greenwich time; ground test; ground trainer; guidance transmitter; gun target; gun turret
O&G greater than operator block
physiol. Gait training
tech. antenna gain-to-noise temperature ratio; drop; gage template; gas thread; gas tube; gas-tight; glass tube; glow tube; graphic terminal; great ton; ground track; ground transmit; guard time; gutta
gt abbr.
abbr. gas turbine; gilt; gran turismo (класс машин Иванской); great; Gross Tonnes; greetings telegram
abbr., earth.sc. goethite
abbr., genet. giant
abbr., mil. gross ton
refrig. globe temperature
gt. abbr.
abbr., libr. gilt
abbr., med. a drop
abbr., med., lat. gutta
γ-GT abbr.
abbr., med. γ-glutamyltranspeptidase
gT abbr.
abbr. temperature gradient
GT. abbr.
abbr. gross ton