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Cst abbr.
abbr. cassiterite
abbr., med. static compliance
CST abbr.
abbr. central standard time; Central Standard Time; Corpus-based Specialised Translation (Anglophile); channel status table; compatible sideband transmission; concurrent Smalltalk; Continue Same Treatment; College of Science and Technology
abbr., astronaut. cryogen servicing tool (MichaelBurov)
abbr., auto. controllo stabilita
abbr., avia. cabin service trainer; command sequence test; contract supplemental tooling; controlled skills test; coordinate system translator; cross section template
abbr., BrE Code Sort Translator (converts keystrokes to dot codes and dotcodes to addresses)
abbr., busin. chest; coast
abbr., chem., scient. CentiStokes
abbr., comp.name. Cia Siderurgica de Tubarao
abbr., dril. capillary suction time
abbr., earth.sc. character state trees; conventional sedimentation tank
abbr., econ. Central Sales Tax (Yuriy83); Classification for Statistics and Tariffs
abbr., ed. Career Skills Training
abbr., ed., scient. Curriculum Sharing Tool
abbr., el. carrier-suppressed transmission; centrifugal spray technology; clean, storage and transport system; COP synchronization tool; creative software tools; crystal stabilized transmitter; current source transistor; temperature-dimension combination scaling theory
abbr., el., scient. CIM Systems Technology
abbr., electr.eng. commercial subsurface transformer
abbr., fr., space Centre Spatial de Toulouse
abbr., inet. Continuing Story Thread
abbr., insur. Container Service Tariff
abbr., IT California Seller Of Travel; code segment table; Customer Service Terminal
abbr., lab.eq. Contraction Stress Test
abbr., law Competent to Stand Trial
abbr., Makarov. crystal-stabilized
abbr., med. Cardiac Stress Test; Christ-Siemens-Touraine (syndrome); Corticospinal Tract; cavernous sinus trombosis; central system test; certified surgical technologist
abbr., media. Commission Supérieure Technique du Cinéma Française
abbr., mil. Classroom Systems Trainer; Civil Support Team (В. Бузаков); Comprehensive Security Transformation (название компании WiseSnake); Collective Security Treaty; contingency support team; customer service team
abbr., mil., air.def. computer simulation technology
abbr., nautic. Centistoke
abbr., nautic., scient. Toulouse Space Center
abbr., neurol. cavernous sinus thrombosis or thrombophlebitis (тромбоз/тромбофлебит пещеристого синуса твёрдой мозговой оболочки doc090)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Core Sample Taker; sidewall coring percussion sample taker; coring sample taker
abbr., O&G, sakh. core gun; sidewall coring; Percussion sidewall core sampler
abbr., O&G. tech. chronological sample taker (Schlumberger MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil compressed-air soil sampler; sidewall coring sample taker (andrushin); capillary suction time (value); cappillary suction timer; casing sidetrack; chronological sidewall core tool; colloidal system test; concentration stress test; conceptual system test; connection signature tracer; continuously stirred tank; critical spreading tension; critical stability temperature; critical surface tension; customer steering tool
abbr., org.name. consultant
abbr., physiol. corticospinal tract (Acruxia)
abbr., physiol., med. Cortico-Spinal Tract
abbr., polym. critical solution temperature
abbr., progr. coordinated system time (ssn)
abbr., psychother. certified sex therapist (soulveig)
abbr., qual.cont. combined systems test
abbr., railw. Contactless Smart Token
abbr., scottish Combat Support Trailer; Conventional Stability Talks
abbr., silic. chemical strengthening treatment
abbr., space common-channel signaling terminal; countdown sequence timer; cycling strength test
abbr., tradem. Custom Source Tools; Central Steel Tube Co. (США)
abbr., UN, ecol. Committee on Science and Technology
energ.ind. cladding surface temperature
energ.ind., abbr. coolant saturation temperature; corium solidification test
immunol., abbr. Contraction stress test
mil. complex safety technician
mil., abbr. coding speed testing; combat support training; combined system test; common specialist training; conceptual systems test; control system test; Communications Subtest
school.sl., abbr. car system training
tech., abbr. coding speed test; compensated sonic tool; condensate storage tank; constant separation traversing; crystal-stabilized transmitter
tech., mil., avia. Canopus star tracker
TV, abbr. cassette
cst abbr.
abbr. cargo ships and tankers
abbr., earth.sc. casting
med. convulsive shock therapy
polym. centistoke
cSt abbr.
abbr. centi stokes (MichaelBurov); centistoke (measure of kinematic viscosity equal to the absolute viscosity divided by the density of the fluid)
tech. Centistokes
CST. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. coast