
Reading room | Лев Толстой | Анна Каренина | 📋 | 📖 | 🔀 | Russian English
Chapter 10
Анна, как всегда, ездила в свет, особенно часто бывала у княгини Бетси и встречалась везде с Вронским.
Anna went out into society, as she had always done, was particularly often at Princess Betsy’s, and met Vronsky everywhere.
На все попытки его вызвать её на объяснение она противопоставляла ему непроницаемую стену какого-то весёлого недоумения.
All his efforts to draw her into open discussion she confronted with a barrier which he could not penetrate, made up of a sort of amused perplexity.
Снаружи было то же, но внутренние отношения их совершенно изменились.
Outwardly everything was the same, but their inner relations were completely changed.
Но каждый раз, как он начинал говорить с ней, он чувствовал, что тот дух зла и обмана, который владел ею, овладевал и им, и он говорил с ней совсем не то и не тем тоном, каким хотел говорить.
But every time he began talking to her, he felt that the spirit of evil and deceit, which had taken possession of her, had possession of him too, and he talked to her in a tone quite unlike that in which he had meant to talk.
Он говорил с ней невольно своим привычным тоном подшучиванья над тем, кто бы так говорил.
Involuntarily he talked to her in his habitual tone of jeering at anyone who should say what he was saying.