
Terms for subject Environment containing urgencia | all forms | exact matches only
ayuda de urgenciaemergency relief Money, food or other assistance provided for those surviving a sudden and usually unexpected occurrence requiring immediate action, especially an incident of potential harm to human life, property or the environment
centro de las Naciones Unidas para la asistencia de urgencia en materia de medio ambienteUnited Nations centre for emergency environmental assistance
ley de urgenciaemergency law
límite público de urgenciapublic emergency limit
límite público de urgenciapublic emergency limit No definition needed
Operación de urgencia contra la sequía en el Africa australDrought Emergency in Southern Africa
planificación para situaciones de urgencia ambientalenvironmental contingency planning
planificación para situaciones de urgencia ambientalenvironmental contingency planning The production of an organized, programmatic and coordinated course of action to be followed in the case of some accident, disaster or occurrence threatening an ecosystem and the human health or natural resources within it
procedimiento de urgenciacontingency procedure
refugio de urgenciaemergency shelter
refugio de urgenciaemergency shelter Shelter given to persons who are deprived of the essential needs of life following a disaster