
Terms for subject Microsoft containing unidades | all forms | exact matches only
Cifrado de unidad BitLockerBitLocker Drive Encryption (A hardware-based security feature that prevents unauthorized access to a computer by providing full-volume encryption and integrity checking of boot components)
clase de unidadunit class (A classification of units of measurement)
Configuración de unidad de negocioBusiness Unit Settings (A sub-area of the Settings module where business units, users, security roles, teams, facilities and equipment, resource groups, and queues are managed)
disponibilidad de unidadesunit availability (Amount of time, expressed as a percentage or a decimal number, that a resource can be scheduled for assigned work. It refers to the availability of a resource; for example, a resource may be available 50%, 100%, or 300% of full time)
electrónica integrada de unidadesintegrated drive electronics (A type of disk-drive interface in which the controller electronics reside on the drive itself, eliminating the need for a separate adapter card. IDE offers advantages such as look-ahead caching to increase overall performance)
electrónica inteligente de unidadesintelligent drive electronics (A type of disk-drive interface in which the controller electronics reside on the drive itself, eliminating the need for a separate adapter card. IDE offers advantages such as look-ahead caching to increase overall performance)
factor de conversión de unidadesunit conversion factor (The factor used to convert from one unit of measure to another unit of measure, such as from centimeters to meters)
letra de unidaddrive letter (The naming convention for disk drives or partitions on most computers, consisting of an alphabetical letter followed by a colon)
número de unidad lógicalogical unit number (A logical reference to a portion of a storage subsystem. For example, in a disk storage subsystem, a LUN can comprise a disk, a section of a disk, a whole disk array, or a section of a disk array in the subsystem)
opción de la unidad de ventaquantity selling option (An option in the product catalog that determines whether a product is sold whole, in fractions, or in whole and fractions, or if a user has no control over the quantity)
precio por unidadunit price (The amount per unit an item is sold for)
Primario: unidades de negocio secundariasParent: Child Business Units (A security access level that allows a user access to record types in the user's business unit and all business units subordinate to the user's business unit)
referencia de almacén, unidad de almacenamientostockkeeping unit (An inventory dimension)
Restricciones en las unidadesDrive Restrictions (A feature on the Windows Restrictions tab of the User Settings tool that allows the administrator to select which drives on the computer are accessible and visible to the users of the shared user profile)
sanitización de unidadesdrive sanitation (The forced recovery of a BitLocker-protected volume through the removal of all the key binary large objects (BLOBs) that could have decrypted the disk)
sistema de unidadessystem of units (A set of units used for measurement or exchange)
Sistema internacional de unidadesInternational System of Units (The international metric system of units of measurement)
unidad angularangular unit (The unit in which angles are expressed in ShapeSheet cells)
unidad Application VirtualizationApplication Virtualization drive (The default virtual application client drive (Q:\) from which sequenced applications are run)
unidad aritmético lógicaarithmetic logic unit (A component of a microprocessor chip used for arithmetic, comparative, and logical functions)
unidad basebase unit (A fundamental unit of measure in a system of measurement from which other units are derived)
unidad biométricabiometric unit (A software object that consists of three software plug-in components: a sensor adapter, engine adapter and storage adapter. These adapters are plug-ins for the Windows Biometric Service and are used to capture and process biometric samples, as well as create, store, and match biometric templates)
unidad central de procesamientocentral processing unit (The computational and control unit of a computer. The CPU is the device that interprets and executes instructions. Mainframes and early minicomputers contained circuit boards full of integrated circuits that implemented the CPU. Single-chip central processing units, called microprocessors, made possible personal computers and workstations)
unidad comercialcommercial unit (A Surface unit that is optimized to use in a user environment (or venue). A commercial unit does not include the software that is required to develop applications by using the Surface SDK, such as Microsoft Visual C 2008 Express Edition)
unidad de almacenamientostockkeeping unit (An inventory dimension)
unidad de arranqueboot drive (In a PC-compatible computer, the disk drive that the BIOS uses to automatically load the operating system when the computer is turned on)
unidad de asignaciónallocation unit (The smallest amount of disk space that can be allocated to hold a file)
unidad de basebase unit (A Surface developer unit that has metal panels, with the I/O connections exposed on one end of the unit. In contrast, a finished unit has acrylic side and end panels)
unidad de cambiochange unit (The minimal unit of change tracking in a store. In change propagation, only the units that are changed must be sent; whereas, in conflict detection, independent changes to the same unit are considered a conflict)
unidad de CDCD drive (An electromechancial device that reads data on CD-ROMs. Most CD-ROM drives have a SCSI interface, although some are connected to a PC via a controller for a disk drive. Data is read through a small laser that is focused on the surface of the CD-ROM through optical mirrors in the read/write head. A spindle and drive motor revolve the CD-ROM, so all data, which is stored in spirals from the center, can be read)
unidad de CD-ROMCD-ROM drive (An electromechancial device that reads data on CD-ROMs. Most CD-ROM drives have a SCSI interface, although some are connected to a PC via a controller for a disk drive. Data is read through a small laser that is focused on the surface of the CD-ROM through optical mirrors in the read/write head. A spindle and drive motor revolve the CD-ROM, so all data, which is stored in spirals from the center, can be read)
unidad de cintatape drive (A device that can read or write data to tape. A library contains one or more tape drives)
unidad de cinta independientestand-alone tape drive (A single-drive, non-automated tape drive that holds a single tape)
unidad de coherenciaconsistency unit (The minimal unit of data synchronization. Because all changes that have the same consistency unit are sent together, synchronization can never be interrupted with part of a consistency unit applied)
unidad de comprapurchase unit (A unit of measure for expressing quantities of purchased product)
unidad de consumoconsumption unit (A unit that is used to enter unit price and calculate depreciation proposals for value models associated with depreciable fixed assets)
unidad de cuadro de diálogodialog unit (A device-independent measure to use for layout. One horizontal unit is equal to one-fourth of the average character width for the current system font. One vertical unit is equal to one-eighth of an average character height for the current system font)
unidad de cuidados intensivosintensive care unit (A section of a hospital that provides comprehensive care for critically ill patients requiring immediate and continuous attention)
unidad de detallesdetail unit (A reporting unit that draws information directly from the general ledger)
unidad de discodrive (An area of storage that is formatted with a file system and has a drive letter. The storage can be a floppy disk, a CD or DVD, a hard disk, or another type of disk)
unidad de discodisk drive (A hardware device that reads data from and writes data to floppy disks)
unidad de discofloppy disk drive (A hardware device that reads data from and writes data to floppy disks)
unidad de disco durohard disk drive (A hardware device, or a logical partition of it, that reads data from and writes data to hard disks)
unidad de disco óptico con consumo cerozero power optical disk drive (Pertaining to the ability to reduce the power consumption of optical disk drives in the operating system to zero to save energy when the drives are not in use)
unidad de disquetefloppy disk drive (A hardware device that reads data from and writes data to floppy disks)
unidad de divisacurrency unit (A discrete division of currency value)
unidad de divisa basebase currency unit (The computed currency unit in an exchange rate calculation)
unidad de divisa de informereporting currency unit (A currency unit that is used to record the financial consequences of accounting events and to prepare and report ancillary financial statements)
unidad de divisa de transaccióntransaction currency unit (A currency unit that a party accepts for payment)
unidad de divisa del sistemasystem currency unit (A currency unit that is used as the default currency unit if no currency unit is specified when entering monetary amounts)
unidad de divisa extranjeraforeign currency unit (A currency unit of a country/region that is not the functional currency unit of the primary legal entity)
unidad de divisa funcionalfunctional currency unit (A currency unit of a country/region in which a primary legal entity locates its business activities and in which it generates most of its revenue and expenses)
unidad de divisa para contabilidadaccounting currency unit (A currency unit used to quantify the financial consequences of accounting events)
unidad de divisa para presupuestoquotation currency unit (The currency unit in an exchange rate calculation)
unidad de DVDDVD drive (A disk storage device that uses digital video disc (DVD) technology)
unidad de embalajepacking unit (The way an item is bundled for shipment. A packing unit consists of packaging materials and one or more items or components of items)
unidad de escaladoscale unit (In Windows Azure, a base configuration of web and worker role instances and related services. A scale unit supports a defined degree of load in an application that can be easily duplicated and deployed to support additional load. A scale unit might consist of, for example, three web roles, two worker roles, one queue, and two SQL Database instances)
unidad de estado sólidosolid-state drive (A primary storage device based on solid-state memory, such as flash memory, that provides nonvolatile storage with benefits of performance, reliability and power saving)
unidad de gestión de materialhandling unit (A uniquely identifiable logistics unit of material that can be transferred, stored, received, and shipped)
unidad de medidaunit of measure (A division of quantity established in calibrated or normative systems of measurement)
unidad de medidameasurement unit (The size or distance in the real world)
unidad de medida de EE.UU.U.S. unit (A unit used in the United States' measurement system, such as inches, feet, yards, and miles)
unidad de medida de EE.UU.US unit (A unit used in the United States' measurement system, such as inches, feet, yards, and miles)
unidad de negociobusiness unit (A semi-autonomous operating unit that is created to meet strategic business objectives)
unidad de negocio primariaparent business unit (A business unit that is immediately above another business unit in the business hierarchy of an organization)
unidad de negocio secundariachild business unit (A business unit that is immediately under another business unit in the business hierarchy of an organization)
unidad de precioprice unit (The quantity of items for which a price is set)
unidad de procesamiento gráficographics processing unit (A processor on a graphics card that is used as a video encoding accelerator)
unidad de páginapage unit (The size or distance on the printed page)
unidad de rednetwork drive (On a local area network (LAN), a drive that other computers on the network can connect to. A network drive allows people to access shared files and folders)
unidad de resumensummary unit (A reporting unit that summarizes data from lower-level units. The lower-level units can be either detail units or other summary units)
unidad de sistemasystem drive (The drive letter of the mass-storage device (usually a hard disk) where Windows is installed)
unidad de trabajounit of work (An object that uses referential integrity constraints to sequence database reading and writing operations in one atomic work process)
unidad de ventaunit group (A compilation of the different measurements that a product is available in. A unit group contains the base unit in which a product is available, for example, a two-liter. It then lists all the different increments that this base unit is packaged in for sale, such as an individual two-liter bottle or a case of 6 two-liter bottles, and also indicates which measurement is the primary unit)
unidad de ventasales unit (A team of salespersons responsible for a common sales target)
unidad de ventassales unit (A unit of measure for expressing quantities of sales product)
unidad de Windows AzureWindows Azure drive (A NTFS volume that is mounted on a server's file system in Windows Azure and that is accessible to code running in a role)
unidad extraíbleremovable drive (A removable storage device, such as an external hard disk or USB flash drive, used for increasing storage space on a computer or for transferring information between computers)
unidad flash USBUSB flash drive (A small device used to store information. USB flash drives plug into computer USB ports so you can copy information to or from them, making it easy to share and transport information)
unidad híbridahybrid drive (A hard disk that contains a small amount of solid-state nonvolatile memory which, when used as a cache, can realize significant benefits such as faster booting, extended battery life, and a more rugged PC)
unidad independiente del dispositivodevice independent unit (A unit of measure that equals 1/96 of an inch)
unidad lógicalogical drive (A volume that you create within an extended partition on a basic master boot record (MBR) disk. Logical drives are similar to primary partitions, except that you are limited to four primary partitions per disk, whereas you can create an unlimited number of logical drives per disk. A logical drive can be formatted and assigned a drive letter)
unidad lógicalogical device (A volume that you create within an extended partition on a basic master boot record (MBR) disk. Logical drives are similar to primary partitions, except that you are limited to four primary partitions per disk, whereas you can create an unlimited number of logical drives per disk. A logical drive can be formatted and assigned a drive letter)
unidad Microsoft SurfaceMicrosoft Surface unit (The set of hardware components that, together with the Microsoft Surface software, make up the Microsoft Surface product. At a high level, a Surface unit consists of a computer module and the Surface Vision System enclosed in a frame and covered by the Surface tabletop)
unidad montadamounted drive (A drive attached to an empty folder on an NTFS volume. Mounted drives function the same as any other drive, but are assigned a label or name instead of a drive letter. The mounted drive's name is resolved to a full file system path instead of just a drive letter. Members of the Administrators group can use Disk Management to create mounted drives or reassign drive letters)
unidad operativaoperating unit (An organization that divides the control of economic resources and operational processes among people who have a duty to maximize the use of scarce resources, to improve processes, and to account for their performance)
unidad operativaoperating unit (An organization that divides the control of economic resources and operational processes among people who have a duty to maximize the use of scarce resources, to improve processes, and to account for their performance)
unidad organizacionalreporting unit (" Any unit or "box" within the reporting tree.")
unidad organizativaorganizational unit (A type of entry that is used specifically for storing information on a section of an organization. It can represent a department or a group of people, for example, ou = Accounting Dept)
unidad para el desarrolladordeveloper unit (A Surface unit that is optimized for developers to create new Surface applications. A developer unit includes software that is required to develop applications with the Surface SDK, including Microsoft Visual C 2008 Express Edition, Microsoft Expression Web, and Microsoft XNA Framework. In contrast, a commercial unit is optimized for user environments and includes only the software that is needed to run Surface applications)
unidad perfeccionadafinished unit (A Surface developer unit that has acrylic panels on all sides. You have to remove the appropriate end panel to access the I/O connections)
unidad predeterminadadefault unit (The unit of measure used to display a value if no units of measure are explicitly specified)
unidad principalprimary unit (The measurement used to define the most commonly sold unit of a product)
unidad SurfaceSurface unit (The set of hardware components that, together with the Microsoft Surface software, make up the Microsoft Surface product. At a high level, a Surface unit consists of a computer module and the Surface Vision System enclosed in a frame and covered by the Surface tabletop)
unidad USBUSB drive (A small device used to store information. USB flash drives plug into computer USB ports so you can copy information to or from them, making it easy to share and transport information)
unidades de asignaciónassignment units (The percentage of a work resource's time, or units, that the resource is assigned to a task)
unidades de recursos asignadaspeak units (The highest level at which a resource is scheduled for all assigned tasks during a given period of time. Peak units are expressed as a percentage, number of units, or consumption rate)