
Terms for subject Law containing total | all forms | exact matches only
anulación total de la resolución del Tribunal de Primera Instanciato set aside in whole the decision of the Court of First Instance
contrato con garantía totalcontract involving full owner-occupier liability
deducción total o parcialtotal or partial deduction
desestimación total del recursodismiss in whole the appeal
destrucción total del crédito del deudorinability of the debtor to raise credit
deuda bruta total a su valor nominaltotal gross debt at nominal value
déficit total trasladabletotal deficit that can be carried over
embargo total que prohíbe intercambioscomplete embargo on trade
empleo total o parcial de otra lenguause another language for all or part of the proceedings
exclusión total o parcial de la deduccióntotal or partial exclusion of the right of deduction
huelga totalall-out strike
incapacidad totaltotal incapacity for work
liberación total de una acciónpayment in full of a share
parte cuyas pretensiones hayan sido total o parcialmente desestimadasparty which has been unsuccessful, in whole or in part, in its submissions
repartir total o parcialmente las costasorder the parties to bear all or part of their own costs
superficie totaltotal area