
Terms containing teclas | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MS, mexic.al presionar una teclaKey press (" An option in "ringtones & sounds" settings. When this option is selected, the phone makes a sound when buttons on the on-screen keypad or keyboard are tapped.")
dat.proc., life.sc.análisis de la pulsación sobre las teclaskeystroke dynamics
dat.proc., life.sc.análisis de la pulsación sobre las teclaskeyboard dynamics
dat.proc., life.sc.análisis de la pulsación sobre las teclaskeystroke analysis
IT, dat.proc.archivo de pulsaciones de teclakeystroke file
ITcambio de teclakey shift
ITcambio inverso de teclainverse key shifting
comp., MScombinación de teclaskey combination (Any combination of keys that must be pressed simultaneously)
comp., MScombinación de teclas de liberaciónRelease key (The key combination (Ctrl+Alt+Left arrow key by default) that must be pressed to move keyboard and mouse focus from a guest operating system back to the physical computer)
IT, dat.proc.conversión de un valor de tecla en un númerokey-to-number conversion
comp.corregir el uso accidental de la tecla Bloq. Mayús.correct accidental usage of CAPS LOCK key (letras mayúsculas)
IT, el.cuadro de teclaskeyshelf
comp., MScódigo de teclascan code (A code generated by the keyboard software to identify the key pressed in a unique manner)
IT, dat.proc.código de tecla de una macrocontrol code of a macro
IT, dat.proc.código de tecla de una macrokey code of a macro
IT, dat.proc.código de tecla de una macroaccess code of a macro
comp., MScódigo de tecla virtualvirtual key code (A symbolic constant name, hexadecimal value, or mouse or keyboard equivalent that provides a hardware and language-independent method of identifying keyboard keys. Each virtual key code represents a unique keyboard key and also identifies the purpose of that key. The keyboard driver must provide one or more keyboard layouts that maps keyboard scan codes to the appropriate virtual key codes)
comp., MScódigo de tecla virtualvirtual-key code (A symbolic constant name, hexadecimal value, or mouse or keyboard equivalent that provides a hardware and language-independent method of identifying keyboard keys. Each virtual key code represents a unique keyboard key and also identifies the purpose of that key. The keyboard driver must provide one or more keyboard layouts that maps keyboard scan codes to the appropriate virtual key codes)
IT, dat.proc.espera por la pulsación de una teclawait for a key
IT, dat.proc.espera por la pulsación de una teclakey prompting
IT, dat.proc.fichero de pulsaciones de teclakeystroke file
comp.haga clic aquí y mantenga presionada una tecla para probar la velocidad de repeticiónclick here and hold down a key to test repeat rate
ITjuego de teclaskeyset
commun., mech.eng.mando por teclastouch control
IT, dat.proc.nombre de teclakeyname
commun.perforador de teclakeyboard perforator
commun.perforador impresor de teclaprinting keyboard perforator
comp., MSPresión de teclasKey press (" An option in "ringtones & sounds" settings. When this option is selected, the phone makes a sound when buttons on the on-screen keypad or keyboard are tapped.")
IT, dat.proc.pulsación de teclakeystroke
IT, dat.proc.pulsación simultánea de ratón y tecla de mayúsculasshift-clic
el.pulsador de tecla de pianopiano key button
IT, industr.pulsar dos teclasbridging
IT, dat.proc.reasignación de teclaskey reassignment
comp., MSregistrador de pulsaciones de teclaskeylogger (A type of Trojan that records user activity, such as keystrokes. This information can be sent to an attacker using e-mail or other methods)
IT, dat.proc.secuencia de pulsaciones de teclakeystroke sequence
comp., MSsecuencia de teclaskey sequence (Any combination of keys that must be pressed sequentially)
commun.sistema de teclas dedicadaskey system
commun.sistema telefónico con teclas electrónicaselectronic key system
commun.sistema telefónico con teclas electrónicaselectronic key telephone system
el.sistema telefónico con teclas electrónicaselectronic key telephone sets
dat.proc.tecla aceleradoraspeed key
dat.proc.tecla aceleradorakeyboard shortcut
ITtecla alfabéticaalpha key
IT, dat.proc.tecla alfanuméricaalphanumerical key
IT, dat.proc.tecla alfanuméricaalphanumeric key
mun.plan.tecla "almacenar"memory button
comp., MStecla almohadillapound key (The character)
comp., MStecla AltALT key (A keyboard key that is used in conjunction with another key to produce some special feature or function and is typically marked with the letters Alt)
IT, dat.proc.tecla alternativaalternate key
ITtecla autorepetitivaauto-repeat key
comp., MStecla Avanzar PáginaPAGE DOWN key (" A keyboard key (often labeled "PgDn") that is often used to move the cursor down to the top of the next page or a specific number of lines. Its function may vary in different programs.")
comp., MStecla BLOQ DESPLSCROLL LOCK key (On the IBM PC/XT and AT and compatible keyboards, a key on the top row of the numeric keypad that controls the effect of the cursor control keys and sometimes prevents the screen from scrolling. On the enhanced and Macintosh keyboards, this key is to the right of the function keys on the top row. Many modern applications ignore the Scroll Lock setting)
comp., MStecla Bloq MayúsCAPS LOCK key (A toggle key that, when on, shifts the alphabetic characters on the keyboard to uppercase)
IT, dat.proc.tecla bloque desplazamientoscroll-lock key
comp., MStecla ControlControl key (A key that, when pressed in combination with another key, gives the other key an alternative meaning)
comp., MStecla CTRLCTRL key (A key that, when pressed in combination with another key, gives the other key an alternative meaning)
comp., MStecla de accesoaccess key (Any combination of keys that must be pressed sequentially)
tech.teclado tecla de ajustekeyset
mun.plan., commun.tecla de ajuste de canalchannel set button
comp., MStecla de alternanciatoggle key (A keyboard key that alternates between turning a particular operation, function, or mode on or off)
ITtecla de avance de campofield advance key
ITtecla de avance entre registrosenter/record advance key
mun.plan., commun.tecla de avance rapidofast forward button
ITtecla de ayudahelp key
IT, dat.proc.tecla de bloqueo numériconumber lock key
IT, dat.proc.tecla de bloqueo numéricoNUM-LOCK key
ITtecla de borradodelete key
ITtecla de borrado de entradaerase input key
mech.eng.tecla de borrarrub-out key
comp.tecla de cambioshift (a mayúscula)
ITtecla de cargaload key
ITtecla de comandocommand key
IT, dat.proc.tecla de conmutacióntoggle key
ITtecla de controlcontrol key
ITtecla de control del cursorcursor control key
math.tecla de conversión de fracción a decimalfraction to decimal key
ITtecla de correccióncorrection key
IT, dat.proc.tecla de corte de línealine break key
IT, dat.proc.tecla de corte de páginapage break key
ITtecla de datosdata key
mun.plan., commun.tecla de desconexion de dispalydisplay off button
ITtecla de desplazamientoshift key
ITtecla de desplazamiento del cursorcursor movement key
mun.plan.tecla de destinorepertory button
comp., MStecla de direccióncursor key (Any of four keys labeled with arrows pointing up, down, left, and right, used to move the cursor vertically or horizontally on the display screen or, in some programs, to extend the highlight)
comp., MStecla de direcciónarrow key (Any of four keys labeled with arrows pointing up, down, left, and right, used to move the cursor vertically or horizontally on the display screen or, in some programs, to extend the highlight)
ITtecla de duplicaciónduplicate key
IT, dat.proc.tecla de ediciónediting key
ITtecla de ejecuciónsystem key
ITtecla de entradaenter key
comp.tecla de entrarenter key
IT, dat.proc.tecla de formatoformatting key
IT, dat.proc.tecla de funciónfunction key
dat.proc.tecla de función programablesoft key
dat.proc.tecla de función programablesoft function key
ITtecla de función programableprogrammable function key
ITtecla de función variableSoft key
mun.plan., commun.tecla de grabacionrecording button
ITtecla de impresiónprint key
ITtecla de iniciohome key
comp.tecla de introenter key
mech.eng.tecla de la máquina de escribirtypewriter key
commun., ITtecla de llamadacall key
ITtecla de llamada al sistemasystem request key
automat.tecla de mandocontrol key
mun.plan., commun.tecla de marcacionmark button
ITtecla de mayúsculasshift key
commun., ITtecla de memoriamemory key
mun.plan., commun.tecla de memoria del contadorcounter memory button
ITtecla de modalidad insercióninsert mode key
comp., MStecla de método abreviadoshortcut key (Any combination of keys that must be pressed simultaneously)
ITtecla de opciónoption key
mun.plan., commun.tecla de parada/expulsionstop/eject button
ITtecla de parpadeoblink key
ITtecla de paso de páginaroll key
commun.tecla de programa de TVTV program button
mun.plan., commun.tecla de programa/ajuste del relojprogram/clock adjustment button
mun.plan., commun.tecla de rebobinacionrewind button
gen.tecla de reconocimientoacknowledgement button
IT, dat.proc.tecla de reinicialización de comprobacióncheck reset key
ITtecla de reinicio de controlcheck reset key
mun.plan.tecla de repeticion de la marcacion/pausaredial/pause button
ITtecla de repeticiónrepeat key
ITtecla de repetición automáticatypamatic key
mun.plan., commun.tecla de reposicion del contadorcounter reset button
IT, dat.proc.tecla de reservaspare key
ITtecla de restauración de errorerror reset key
comp.tecla de retornoreturn key
ITtecla de retorno a nueva líneanew line key
ITtecla de retorno de carrocarriage return key
ITtecla de retrocesobackspace key
ITtecla de retrocesocharacter backspace key
ITtecla de retroceso de campofield backspace key
ITtecla de salida de campofield exit key
ITtecla de selección de atributosattribute selection key
tech.tecla de selección de dígitosnumeric entry key
ITtecla de selección de sobrebrillohighlight selection key
IT, dat.proc.tecla de selección rápidaquick-selection key
IT, dat.proc.tecla de selección rápidaaccelerated-execution key
mun.plan.tecla de senalizacionrecall button
commun., ITtecla de servicioservice button
ITtecla de subrayadounderscore key
IT, dat.proc.tecla de subrayadounderlining key
comp.tecla de tabulacióntab key
IT, dat.proc.tecla de tabulador decimaldecimal-tab key
mun.plan.tecla de tono de llamadaringer button
tech.tecla de totalizacióntotal key
ITtecla de visualización en negativoreverse video key
ITtecla dedicadadedicated key
ITtecla del cursorcursor key
comp., MStecla del hostHost key (The key (right ALT key by default) that must be pressed with Virtual Server to move keyboard and mouse focus from a guest operating system back to the host operating system)
comp., MStecla ENTRARENTER key (The key that is used at the end of a line or command to instruct the computer to process the command or text. In word processing programs, the Enter key is used at the end of a paragraph. Also called: Return key)
comp., MStecla EscESC key (A keyboard key that sends the escape (ESC) character to the computer. Often this key moves the user back one level in the menu structure or exits the program)
IT, dat.proc.tecla escapeescape key
IT, dat.proc.tecla escapecancel key
commun., ITtecla funcional dinámicadynamic function key
comp., MStecla Impr PantPRINT SCREEN key (A key on IBM PC and compatible keyboards that normally causes the computer to send a character-based "picture" of the screen contents to the printer)
comp., MStecla Imprimir pantallaPRINT SCREEN key (A key on IBM PC and compatible keyboards that normally causes the computer to send a character-based "picture" of the screen contents to the printer)
mech.eng.tecla indicadoraindicator key
comp., MStecla InsertarINSERT key (" A key on the keyboard, labeled "Insert" or "Ins", whose usual function is to toggle a program's editing setting between an insert mode and an overwrite mode, although it may perform different functions in different applications.")
comp., MStecla InterrumpirBREAK key (A key or combination of keys used to tell a computer to halt, or break out of, whatever it is doing. On IBM PCs and compatibles under DOS, pressing the Pause/ Break or Scroll Lock/Break key while holding down the Ctrl key issues the break command (as does Ctrl-C). On Macintosh computers, the key combination that sends a break code is Command-period)
IT, dat.proc.tecla IR AGO-TO key
comp.tecla mayúsculashift key
comp., MStecla MayúsculasSHIFT key (A keyboard key that, when pressed in combination with another key, gives that key an alternative meaning, for example, producing an uppercase character when a letter key is pressed. The SHIFT key is also used in various key combinations to create nonstandard characters or to perform special operations)
comp., MStecla modificadoramodifier key (A keyboard key that, when pressed (and held), changes the actions of ordinary input)
ITtecla numéricanumeric key
comp., MStecla para colgar y descolgarhook (The telephone switch on a desk telephone that opens or closes the call connection. If the telephone has a handset, hanging up the handset depresses the switch so that the call is disconnected)
mun.plan.tecla para commutar el nivel de las teclas de destinobutton for switching repertory levels
comp.tecla para eliminardelete key
comp.tecla para suprimirdelete key
dat.proc.tecla programablesoft function key
ITtecla programableSoft key
ITtecla redefinibleSoft key
comp., MStecla Retroceder PáginaPAGE UP key (" A keyboard key (often labeled "PgUp") that is often used to move the cursor up to the top of the previous page or a specific number of lines. Its function may vary in different programs.")
comp., MStecla RetrocesoBACKSPACE key (A keyboard key that moves the cursor to the left, one character at a time, usually erasing each character as it moves)
comp., MStecla rápida de correoe-mail quick key (A key that you use in some e-mail programs to enter text that is commonly used)
comp., MStecla SuprimirDELETE key (On IBM and PC-compatible computers, a key whose function changes depending on the application program. Usually it erases the character under the cursor, although in some applications it can erase selected text or graphics)
comp., MStecla TABTAB key (A keyboard key, often labeled with both a left-pointing and a right-pointing arrow, that traditionally (as in word processing) is used to insert tab characters into a document. In other applications, such as menu-driven programs, the TAB key is often used to move the on-screen highlight from place to place)
IT, dat.proc.tecla virtualvirtual push button
IT, dat.proc.tecla virtuallight button
commun., ITteclado con teclas de presiónpressure-action keyboard
ITteclado de tres filas de teclasthree-row keyboard
ed.teclas de acceso rápidoshortcut
tech.teclas de ejecuciónoperating keys
comp.teclas de flechasarrow keys
comp., MSTeclas de mouseMouseKeys (A keyboard feature that enables you to use the numeric keypad to move the mouse pointer and to click, double-click, and drag)
gen.teclas de máquinas de escribirtypewriter keys
tech.teclas de operaciónoperating keys
gen.teclas de pianospiano keys
comp., MSTeclas de repetición accidentalBounceKeys (A feature in Windows that instructs the processor to ignore double strokes of the same key and other unintentional keystrokes)
comp., MSTeclas filtroFilterKeys (A Windows 9x accessibility control panel feature that enables users with physical disabilities to use the keyboard. With FilterKeys, the system ignores brief and repeated keystrokes that result from slow or inaccurate finger movements)
comp., MSTeclas lentasSlowKeys (An accessibility feature built into Macintosh computers and available for DOS and Windows that allows the user to add a delay to the keyboard so that a key must be held down for a certain amount of time before it is accepted)
mun.plan., commun.teclas numéricas de multiples funcionesmulti-purpose numeric keys
ITteclas para avanzar el papelpaper advance
gen.teclas para instrumentos de músicakeys for musical instruments
commun.transmisor de teclaskeyboard transmitter
commun.transmisor de teclasdial transmitter
comp., MSvelocidad de repetición de las teclaskey repeat rate (The rate at which characters repeat when a user holds down a key)