
Terms containing tarea | all forms | exact matches only
lab.law., nucl.phys.acuerdo asignando las tareastask agreement
gen.adecuación a las tareas desempeñadasmatched to the tasks facing them
comp., MSAdministrador de tareasTask Manager (A tool that provides information about programs and processes running on the computer. Using Task Manager, you can end or run programs, end processes, and display a dynamic overview of your computer's performance)
gov.agente encargado de tareas complejasstaff doing difficult work
gov.agente encargado de tareas simplesstaff doing simple work
tech.agrupación táctica de tarea aerotransportadaairborne task force
el.alumbrado de tareas visualestask lighting
polit.ampliación de tareasjob enlargement
lab.law.análisis de tareatask analysis
polit.análisis de tareasjob analysis
psychol.análisis de tareastask analysis
polit.Análisis de tareasJob analysis
polit.análisis de tareasjob analysis Process of collecting and analysing information about the tasks, responsibilities and content of jobs (Proceso de recolección y análisis de información sobre las tareas, responsabilidades y contenidos de los puestos de trabajo)
comp., MSaplicación de panel de tareastask pane app (An app for Office that resides within a task pane in a client application)
comp., MSaplicación de panel de tareas para Officetask pane app for Office (An app for Office that resides within a task pane in a client application)
tech.asignación de la orden de tarea aéreabreak out the frag (se refiere al proceso de asignar y programar misiones de los aviones de la unidad, basándose en la orden diaria de tarea aérea enviada a dicha unidad por mandos superiores)
IT, dat.proc.asignar recursos a tareasto assign resources to tasks
comp., MSAsistente del programador de tareasTask Scheduler Wizard (A Windows Vista wizard that allows users to set up tasks with Task Scheduler)
comp., MSAsistente para crear tareasCreate Task Wizard (A wizard that allows the user to create new tasks that can be run in different locations, for example, in the Operator console or on an agent-managed computer)
comp., MSAsistente para tareas personalizadasCustom Task Wizard (A wizard that will help users to define a custom task for their workflow. Custom Task can be used to collect information from workflow participants. That information will be stored in the Tasks list for the site and can be used later in the workflow via workflow lookup)
comp., MSAsociar una tarea de WorksAssociate a Works task (An option that allows the user to associate a Works task with a Project To Do)
tech.aviones cuya tarea es proteger de cerca a los aviones que ejecutan misiones primariasescort (ataque, reconocimiento, transporte aéreo)
stat.ayuda en la realización de tareas cotidianasassistance in carrying out daily tasks
social.sc.ayuda en las tareas domésticashome help
comp., MSayuda orientada a tareastask-oriented Help (A type of Help that present the steps involved in carrying out a particular task)
comp., MSbanda de tareastaskband (A special instance of a deskband on the taskbar that cannot be turned off by the user and offers the primary means to view and switch between the running tasks in the Windows system)
comp., MSbarra de tareastaskbar (The bar that contains the "Start" button and appears by default at the bottom of the desktop. You can click the taskbar buttons to switch between programs. You can also hide the taskbar, move it to the sides or top of the desktop, and customize it in other ways)
comp.barra de tareastask bar
ITbarra de tareas de inicio rápidoQuick launch taskbar
comp., MSbarra de tareas frecuentesdeskband (A customized toolbar that can be added to the regular program taskbar and that contains shortcuts to frequently performed tasks)
comp., MSBarra Tareas pendientesTo-Do Bar (An area within the Outlook application window that can be enabled to show an overview of the user's schedule, tasks and frequent contacts)
comp., MSBarra Tareas pendientes-Do Bar
comp., MSbotón de la barra de tareastaskbar button (A button that represents an item or program that is open and running on your computer. For example, if you open Microsoft Word, and then minimize it, it will be displayed as a taskbar button, which you can then click when you want to maximize it)
energ.ind., industr.buque flotante de almacenamiento y descarga de la producción que también lleva a cabo las tareas de perforaciónfloating production, drilling, storage and offloading vessel
comp., MSBuscar en tareas y plantillasSearch tasks and templates (The name of a search box where the user can enter keywords and look for tasks and templates that match the query)
comp., MScadena de tareastask chain (A sequence of tasks that are defined in a job template so that tasks act on the output of preceding tasks in a workflow)
agric.cadena de tareaswork chain
comp., MScalendario de tareastask calendar (The base calendar that you can apply to individual tasks to control their scheduling, usually independent of the project calendar or any assigned resources' calendars. By default, all tasks use the project calendar)
comp., MSCambiar el nombre de esta tarea pendienteRename this To Do (An option that allows the user to change the name of a To Do item in the list of tasks)
comp., MSCambie el estado de la tarea a Completada y cierre el formularioChange the task status to Completed and close the form (Check box that indicates if the user wants to have the task marked as completed after it has been converted to an opportunity)
lab.law.campo de tareas visualesworking field
lab.law.campo de tareas visualestask area
gen.Castigué a mi hijo una semana por no hacer la tareaI punished my son a week for not doing homework
commun., ITcola de tareastask queue
UN, account.Comité Interinstitucional de Gestores y del Equipo de TareasManagement Ownership Committee
lab.law.complejidad de una tareatask complexity
stat.comportamiento en la tarea de entrenamientolearning mode performance
stat.comportamiento en tareas distintas a la del entrenamientoapplication mode performance
gen.composición de la tareajob content
org.name.Consultade expertos sobre ONG y la agricultura y el desarrollo rural sostenibles en Asia: tareas de carácter político y prácticoExpert Consultation on NGOs and Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Asia - Challenges for Policy and Practices
lawcontrato de tareacontract work
patents.corresponder a las tareas de las conferenciasrelate to the work of the conferences
IT, dat.proc.costes de tareatask costs
comp., MScuenta de tareas programadastimer account (A dedicated, administrator-level user account that performs scheduled administrative tasks)
ITcuerpo de tareatask body
comp., MSdelegación de tareastask delegation (The process of one team member assigning a task to another team member in Project Server. When a task is delegated to another team member, that team member actually does the work on the task)
comp., MSdependencia de tareastask dependency (A relationship between two linked tasks; linked by a dependency between their finish and start dates. There are four kinds of task dependencies: Finish-to-start [FS], Start-to-start [SS], Finish-to-finish [FF], and Start-to-finish [SF])
IT, dat.proc.dependencia entre tareasdependency between tasks
IT, dat.proc.desplazamiento de tareatask shift
org.name.Directrices sobre las funciones y tareas del administrador de una norma internacional sobre medidas fitosanitarias, NIMFGuidelines on the Role and Responsibilities of a Steward of an ISPM
IT, el.distribuir tareas según la horato distribute tasks according to time
IT, dat.proc.duración de tareatask duration
lab.law.duración de una tareaduration of shift
lab.law.ejecución de tareas de rutinaperformance of routine tasks
patents.el desempeño de sus tareasthe discharge of their duties
gen.El profesor ha remarcado que la tarea es para mañanaThe teacher remarked that the homework is for tomorrow
psychol.encadenamiento de la tarea totaltotal-task chaining
health.enriquecimiento de las tareasjob enrichment
lab.law.enriquecimiento de tareasjob enrichment
UN, ecol.Equipo de tarea interinstitucional para la conferencia a nivel ministerial sobre urbanizaciónInter-organizational Task Force on the Ministerial Conference on Urbanization
health., UNEquipo de Tareas Africano sobre ls trastornos causados por la carencia de yodoAfrican Task Force for Iodine Deficiency Disorders
UN, afr.equipo de tareas avanzadoforward task force MONUC
polit., UNEquipo de Tareas de Alto Nivel sobre la crisis mundial de la seguridad alimentariaHigh Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis
UN, agric.Equipo de Tareas de desarrollo rural integradoTask Force on Integrated Rural Development
UNEquipo de Tareas de las Naciones Unidas sobre el medio ambiente y los asentamientos humanosUnited Nations Task Force on Environment and Human Settlements
social.sc., health., UNEquipo de Tareas de las Naciones Unidas sobre las mujeres y los niños discapacitadosUnited Nations Task Force on Disabled Women and Children
econ., UNEquipo de Tareas del Secretario General para las Asistencia de Emergencia a ÁfricaSecretary-General's Task Force for Emergency Assistance to Africa
IMF.equipo de tareas del sistema de las Naciones Unidas sobre la Agenda de Desarrollo post 2015UN System Task Team on the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda.
IMF.equipo de tareas en estadísticas del comercio internacional de serviciosTask Force on Statistics of International Trade in Services
econ., UNEquipo de tareas especial sobre la asistencia no consistente en suministrosSpecial Task Force on Non-Supply Assistance
UNEquipo de tareas integrado para misionesIntegrated Mission Task Force
UN, afghan.Equipo de tareas integrado para misiones sobre el AfganistánIntegrated Mission Task Force for Afghanistan
UNEquipo de Tareas interinstitucional de estadísticas ambientalesInter-Agency Task Force on Environment Statistics
UN, ecol.equipo de tareas interinstitucional sobre cuestiones de discapacidadInter-Agency Task Force on Disability Issues
environ., UNEquipo de Tareas Interinstitucional sobre Reducción de DesastresInter-Agency Task Force for Disaster Reduction
UNEquipo de Tareas número 6 del Proyecto del Milenio sobre desarrollo sostenible y medio ambienteTask Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability
UNEquipo de Tareas número 6 del Proyecto del Milenio sobre desarrollo sostenible y medio ambienteMillennium Project Task Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability
food.ind., UNEquipo de Tareas número 2 del Proyecto del Milenio sobre el hambreUN Hunger Task Force
food.ind., UNEquipo de Tareas número 2 del Proyecto del Milenio sobre el hambreMillennium Project Hunger Task Force
UNEquipo de Tareas número 2 del Proyecto del Milenio sobre el hambreTask Force 2 on Hunger
UNEquipo de Tareas número 2 del Proyecto del Milenio sobre el hambreMillennium Project Task Force 2 on Hunger
UNEquipo de Tareas número 1 del Proyecto del Milenio sobre la pobreza y el desarrollo económicoTask Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development
UNEquipo de Tareas número 1 del Proyecto del Milenio sobre la pobreza y el desarrollo económicoMillennium Project Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development
UNEquipo de tareas número 6 sobre desarrollo sostenible y medio ambienteTask Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability
UNEquipo de tareas número 6 sobre desarrollo sostenible y medio ambienteMillennium Project Task Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability
UNEquipo de Tareas número 2 sobre el hambreTask Force 2 on Hunger
UNEquipo de Tareas número 2 sobre el hambreMillennium Project Task Force 2 on Hunger
UNEquipo de Tareas número 1 sobre la pobreza y el desarrollo económicoTask Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development
UNEquipo de Tareas número 1 sobre la pobreza y el desarrollo económicoMillennium Project Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development
UNEquipo de Tareas para la creación de capacidad en materia de comercio, medio ambiente y desarrolloCapacity-building Task Force on Trade, Environment and Development
UN, afr.Equipo de Tareas RegionalRegional Task Force AU-RTF
UN, AIDS.equipo de tareas relativas a la vacuna contra el SIDAAIDS Vaccine Task Team
UN, ecol.Equipo de tareas sobre cuestiones atinentes a los discapacitadosInter-organizational Task Force on Disability-related Concerns
IMF.Equipo de tareas sobre estadísticas del comercio internacional de serviciosInteragency Task Force on Statistics of International Trade in Services
UNEquipo de Tareas sobre Gestión de Recursos de InformaciónInformation Resources Management Task Force
econ., agric.Equipo de Tareas sobre la participación de la población en el desarrollo rural intergadoPeople's Participation Task Force on Integrated Rural Development
fin., health., UNEquipo de Tareas sobre la recaudación de fondos en el sector privado para la vacunación universal de los niñosTask Force on Private Sector Fund-raising for Universal Child Immunisation
UNEquipo de Tareas sobre la seguridad del personalSecurity Task Force
social.sc., UNEquipo de Tareas sobre la situación de la mujerWomen's Task Force
h.rghts.act., social.sc., UNEquipo de Tareas sobre la situación de la mujer en el UNICEFTask Force on the Situation of Women in UNICEF
h.rghts.act., social.sc., UNEquipo de Tareas sobre la supervivencia del niñoTask Force for Child Survival
gen.Equipo de Tareas sobre los niños, los jovenes y las mujeres discapacitadosTask Force on Disabled Children, Youth and Women
IT, UNEquipo de Tareas sobre necesidades de información para la gestión de programasProgramme Management Information Needs Task Force
org.name.Equipo de tareas sobre objectivos a largo plazo del desarrolloTask Force on Long-term Development Objectives
h.rghts.act., social.sc., UNEquipo Especial de Tareas del UNICEF sobre la CumbreUNICEF Summit Task Force
UNEquipo interinstitucional de tareas sobre los bosquesInter-Agency Task Force on Forests
org.name.Equipo mundial de tareasGlobal Task Team
org.name.Equipo mundial de tareas para estrechar la coordinación entre las instituciones multilaterales y los donantes internacionales en relación con el SIDAGlobal Task Team
gen.eso es una tarea muy difícilthat is a very difficult task
gen.eso es una tarea sencillathat is a simple task
transp., avia.especialista en tarea de tierraground task specialist
transp., avia.especialista en tarea de vueloin-flight task specialist
ITespecificación de tareatask specification
econ.estimación de costo de tareaorder costing
econ.estimación de costo de tareajob costing
lab.law.estructura de desglose de tareaswork breakdown structure
UN, afr.evaluación de los efectivos en función de las tareas por cumplirtroop-to-task assessment
polit.evaluación de tareasjob evaluation The logical determination of the relative value of individual jobs in an organization for such purposes as wage determination and promotion (Determinación lógica del valor relativo de cada puesto en una organización, con el fin de determinar los salarios y decidir las promociones)
polit.evaluación de tareasjob evaluation
ITfin de tareaend of job
polit.formulación de tareasjob design
comp., MSformulario de tareastask form (A narrow and long form that appears in the task pane, which is used to view and edit related data for lookups)
tech.fuerza de tareatask force
tech.fuerza de tarea aerotransportadaairborne task force
comp., MSGalería de paneles de tareas de datos empresarialesBusiness Data Task Panes Gallery (The site collection level gallery containing the XML metadata files that define task pane layouts displaying business data in external data parts)
IT, dat.proc.gestión de tareas e intercambio de mensajesmessage interchange and task management
ITgestión informatizada de tareasworkflow
transp., polit.grupo de tarea conjunto de interceptación aeroportuariaairport interdiction task force
comp., MSgrupo de tareastask group (In the Concurrency Runtime, a construct that enables related, fine-grained tasks to be queued to a Task Scheduler. A task group can be used to schedule tasks, wait for tasks to finish, and cancel tasks that have not started)
social.sc., UNGrupo de tareas de emergencia en AfricaAfrican Emergency Task Force
inet.Grupo de Tareas de Investigación sobre InternetInternet Research Task Force
org.name.Grupo de tareas entre organismos para la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cooperación Técnica entre los Países en DesarrolloInter-agency Task Force for the United Nations Conference on Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries
org.name.Grupo de tareas entre organismos sobre intercambio de información y transmisión de tecnologíaInter-agency Task Force on Information Exchange and the Transfer of Technology
UN, afr.grupo de tareas itask force one
org.name.Grupo de tareas interinstitucional de respuesta de las Naciones Unidas a la seguridad alimentaria a largo plazo, el desarrollo agrícola y otros aspectos relacionados para el Cuerno de ÁfricaInter-Agency Task Force on the UN Response to Long-Term Food Security, Agricultural Development and Related Aspects in the Horn of Africa
UNGrupo de Tareas interinstitucional especial sobre las minoríasinter-agency Ad Hoc Task Force on Minorities
UN, ecol.Grupo de Tareas Interinstitucional sobre Desarrollo RuralInter-Agency Task Force on Rural Development
IMF.Grupo de Tareas interinstitucional sobre estadísticas del comercio internacionalInter-Agency Task Force on International Trade Statistics
IMF.Grupo de tareas interinstitucional sobre estadísticas financierasInter-Agency Task Force on Finance Statistics
IMF.Grupo de tareas interinstitucional sobre estadísticas financierasTask Force on Finance Statistics
UN, AIDS.Grupo de tareas para combatir el paludismoTask Force on Malaria Prevention and Control
econ., social.sc., UNGrupo de tareas para el desarrollo de la mujer africanaAfrican Women's Development Task Force
UN, polit.Grupo de Tareas RegionalRegional Task Force Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Croat
org.name.Grupo especial de tareasSpecial Task Force
UN, ecol.Grupo Interinstitucional de Tareas sobre la aplicación de la Estrategia de Desarrollo SocialInter-Agency Task Force on the Implementation of the Social Development Strategy
UNGrupo Interinstitucional de Tareas sobre Servicios Sociales BásicosInter-Agency Task Force on Basic Social Services
comp., MSid. de tareatask ID (A number that Project automatically assigns to a task as you add it to the project. The task ID indicates the position of the task with respect to the other tasks)
commun.identificador de tareatask identifier
commun.identificador de tareatask ID
comp., MSinfome de tareastask report (Printed information about a project's tasks or activities. Task reports usually include information about start dates, work completed, and expected durations)
comp., MSinformación de tareatask information (Information provided about a specific task)
comp., MSinformación de TareasTasks peek (A contextual summary of the user's task list, which is displayed in a callout without switching to the Tasks module)
lab.law.jerarquía de tareastask hierarchy
gen.la aplicación de las tareas definidas por la Conferenciathe implementation of the tasks defined by the Conference
ITlenguaje de control de tareasjob-control language
comp., MSLista de localización del área de trabajo de la tareaTask Workspace Locator List (A list that is used to look up the location of a task workspace, given the details of the task type)
comp., MSlista de tareastask list (A list of tasks that appears in the Tasks folder and in the TaskPad in Calendar)
comp., MSLista de tareasTask List (A list of tasks that appears in the Tasks folder and in the TaskPad in Calendar)
comp., MSLista de tareas diariasDaily Task List (" The name of a pane at the bottom of the Calendar module where tasks are displayed. Tasks that are completed on a particular day "stick" to the day and are shown as a record of what work was performed on that day. Tasks not completed roll over to the next day and accumulate until completed.")
comp., MSlista de tareas pendientes-do list
comp., MSLista de tareas pendientesDo List
comp., MSLista de tareas pendientesTo Do List (A list of To Do items associated with a particular project)
comp., MSlista de tareas pendientesto-do list (A list of tasks that are not associated with a project schedule)
gen.Mi tarea en esta granja es alimentar a los animalesMy task in this farm is to feed the animals
comp., MSMis tareasMy Tasks (A feature that provides a search-based aggregation of tasks assigned to a My Site user across SharePoint, Project Server and Exchange to help the user organize and complete these tasks)
lab.law.método de clasificación de las tareasjob ranking method
gen.no es una tarea fácilthat is no easy task
gen.No he terminado mi tareaI have not finished my homework
gen.No tienes personal calificado para esta tareaYou do not have qualified personnel for this task
comp., MSNueva tarea pendienteNew To Do (A UI element that allows the user to add a new To Do to the To Do list)
fish.farm.obstrucción de las tareas de los inspectoresobstructing the work of inspectors
IToperación de tareas múltiplesmultijob operation
tech.orden de tarea aéreaair task order
tech.orden de tarea aéreafragmentary order (programa de vuelo para las misiones de combate)
lab.law.organigrama de distribución de tareaswork breakdown structure
comp., MSpanel de entrada de tareastask input panel (" A small space on the To-Do Bar where the user can input tasks directly. The default label reads "Type a new task".")
comp., MSPanel de tareasTaskBoard (An app that enables a user to interact with tasks in a SharePoint list. A user can quickly move tasks between status categories to keep the list up to date)
comp., MSPanel de tareasTask Pane (" One of the major controls of the Windows Server "Centro" Administration Console, which contains links to wizards and other tools that users can access to perform management and administrative tasks.")
comp., MSPanel de tareasTasks pane (A pane in the Service Manager console that contains tasks that a user can perform)
comp., MSpanel de tareas personalizadocustom task pane (An .html file whose content is displayed in a window next to a form. Custom task panes can provide form-specific commands and Help content)
med.pausa para tareas de vigilanciaspecial break during vigilance tasks
comp., MSperíodo para tareas administrativasservice window (A reserved time for performing administrative tasks on a computer, server farm, or server cluster)
IT, dat.proc.planificación de una tareasingle-job scheduling
IT, dat.proc.planificación de una tareaone-job scheduling
ITplanificación inteligente de la tareaintelligent job planning
comp., MSplantilla de tareatask template (An XML file that describes a task's configurable properties)
psychol.presentación de la tarea totaltotal task presentation
social.sc.programa de concienciación y formación en tareas de desminadomine-awareness and clearance training programme
gen.programa de tareatask program
UN, ecol.Programa de Tareas en relación con la DesertificaciónDesertification Challenge Programme
nat.sc., energ.ind.Programa plurianual de estudios, análisis, previsiones y otras tareas en el sector de la energíaETAP programme
nat.sc., energ.ind.Programa plurianual de estudios, análisis, previsiones y otras tareas en el sector de la energíaMultiannual Programme of studies, analyses, forecasts and other related work in the energy sector
nat.sc., energ.ind.Programa plurianual de estudios, análisis, previsiones y otras tareas en el sector de la energíaProgramme of studies, analyses and forecasts and other related work in the energy sector
energ.ind.programa plurianual de estudios, análisis, previsiones y otras tareas en el sector de la energíaETAP programme
energ.ind.programa plurianual de estudios, análisis, previsiones y otras tareas en el sector de la energíamultiannual programme of studies, analyses, forecasts and other related work in the energy sector
IT, dat.proc.programación de tareatask scheduling
gen.programación de tareastask programming
comp., MSProgramador de tareasTask Scheduler (A tool which enables users to automatically perform routine tasks on a chosen computer by monitoring whatever criteria the users choose to initiate the tasks (referred to as triggers) and then executing the tasks when the criteria is met)
ITprotocolo de tratamiento y transferencia de tareasjob transfer and manipulation protocol
comp., MSpágina tareastask page (A window that opens on top of a navigation place where the user completes a specific task. Task pages can open in New, Edit, View or Selection mode. A task page can contain any entities or lists of entities that the user will need to perform a task, for example, a list of entities, a document, a card, a journal or a worksheet)
gen.relación de tareasmission statement
IT, el.repartir tareas, asignar tareasto allocate tasks
org.name.reparto de tareasDivision of Labour
gen.reparto de tareastasking
health.rotación de tareasjob rotation
comp., MSruta de acceso a la tareatask path (A series of tasks that includes the predecessors and successors to the task that is selected)
lab.law.salario por tareajob-and-finish
comp., MSsecuencia de tareastask sequence (The mechanism in Configuration Manager for performing multiple steps or tasks on a client computer at the command-line level without requiring user intervention)
comp., MSSelector de tareasTask Launcher (The starting point for all Works programs, contacts, appointments, templates and projects in one easy to use location)
patents.servicios de tareas domésticashousekeeping services
comp., MSSincronización de tareas de administración del trabajoWork Management Task Sync (A component of the Work Management Service that synchronizes tasks with systems outside of SharePoint, such as an Exchange mailbox, to enable task management in Outlook)
gen.sistema de "una persona por tarea""one man one job"system
tech.sobrecarga de tareashigh task loading
IT, dat.proc.solicitud de ejecución de tareatask execution request
comp., MSsolicitud de tareatask request (A request sent in an e-mail message asking the recipient to complete a task. If the recipient accepts the task, it is added to the recipient's task list, and the recipient becomes the new owner of the task)
commun.tabla de estado de tareasjob status table
commun.tabla de tareastask table
comp., MStarea administrativaadministrative task (An operation that can only be performed by an administrator, not a standard user)
comp., MStarea asignadaassigned task (A task that has been sent to someone as a task request in an e-mail message. When you assign a task, you give up ownership of it (unless the assignee declines it). The assigner can receive status reports for the task)
comp., MStarea automatizadaautomated task (A workflow task that is completed by an automatic operation)
econ.tarea básicafront-line task
agric.tarea comunitariacommunity project
IT, dat.proc.tarea con restricción de tiempotime-constraint task
comp., MStarea con uso intensivo de recursosresource-intensive task (A process, thread, or set of related processes or threads that requires significant system resources or time, or requires exclusive access to large amounts of data)
IT, dat.proc.tarea conectadaconnected task
comp., MStarea críticacritical task (A task that must be completed on schedule for the project to finish on time. If a critical task is delayed, the project completion date might also be delayed. A series of critical tasks makes up a project's critical path)
gen.tarea crítica de I+Dcritical R&D task
fin.tarea de acabado de los instrumentos "eurocheque"finishing of the "Eurocheque" products
commun., ITtarea de aislamiento FISO de fallosFISO isolation task
law, fin.tarea de auditoríaaudit task
IT, dat.proc.tarea de controlcontrol task
comp., MStarea de desarrollodevelopment task (An assigned unit of development work usually created to build part of a scenario or quality of service requirement. The development task describes the objective of the developer in the context of an iteration)
comp., MStarea de duración fijafixed-duration task (A task in which the duration is a fixed value and any changes to the work or the assigned units [that is, resources] don't affect the task's duration. This is calculated as follows: Duration x Units = Work)
fin.tarea de ejecuciónimplementing task
IT, transp.tarea de escriturawriting task
IT, transp.tarea de etapa de trabajojob step task
psychol.tarea de evitación de SidmanSidman avoidance task
law, fin.tarea de fiscalizaciónaudit task
el.tarea de fondobackground task
comp., MStarea de informesreport task (A task that specifies which reports to generate and what parameters to use; which volumes and folders to report on; how often to generate the reports; and which file formats to save them in)
IT, transp.tarea de inicializacióninitiating task
fin.tarea de interés comúnjoint programme
gen.tarea de protecciónprotective task
comp., MStarea de proyectoproject task (One of the tasks that comprise the tasks in a business project)
comp., MStarea de pruebatest task (An assignment to create test cases and test a specific area of the product, usually in the context of a scenario or quality of service requirement)
ITtarea de respuesta a la interrupcióninterrupt response task
commun.tarea de restauración automáticaauto restoral task
comp., MStarea de resumensummary task (A task that is made up of subtasks and summarizes those subtasks. Use outlining to create summary tasks. Project automatically determines summary task information [such as duration and cost] by using information from the subtasks)
comp., MStarea de resumen del proyectoproject summary task (A task that summarizes the duration, work, and costs of all tasks in a project. The project summary task appears at the top of the project, its ID number is 0, and it presents the project's timeline from start to finish)
med.tarea de seguimientotracking task
gen.tarea de seguridadsafety task
comp., MStarea de servicioservice task (An action to be taken by a service technician as part of a service order)
IT, dat.proc.tarea del controladorcontroller task
gen.tarea del facilitadorthe facilitator's job
comp., MStarea del flujo de trabajoworkflow job (A job performed on entities or records, based on rules defined in a workflow)
commun.tarea del monitor de dispositivodevice monitor task
IT, transp.tarea del sistemasystem task
IT, dat.proc.tarea dependiente de los recursosresource-constrained task
IT, dat.proc.tarea detalladadetail task
comp., MStarea divididasplit task (A task that is scheduled for non-contiguous periods of time. For example, a two-day task that does not require contiguous work might be split so that the first day of work is scheduled for Monday, and the second day is scheduled for Thursday)
nautic.tarea emprendidaventure
el.tarea en primer planoforeground task
comp., MStarea en segundo planobackground task (A task that is part of an operating system or program, and is operating without interaction with the user while the user is working on another task)
comp., MStarea externaexternal task (A task that represents a linked task in another project, providing an easy way to review the attributes of linked tasks without switching between projects. An external task can be changed only in the source project)
IT, dat.proc.tarea fijafixed task
comp., MStarea Flujo de datosdata flow task (The task that encapsulates the data flow engine that moves data between sources and destinations, providing the facility to transform, clean, and modify data as it is moved)
IT, dat.proc.tarea hijachild task
agric.tarea individualindividual assignment
comp., MStarea inteligenteSmart Task (A small panel that is attached to the upper right-hand corner of a .NET control. When the panel is opened, it contains checkboxes and combo boxes that enables developers to select connectivity and other options for the control)
comp., MStarea ligeralightweight task (In the Concurrency Runtime, an asynchronous function call. A lightweight task is typically shorter-running and contains less internal state than an asynchronous agent, and the caller is not notified when the task is completed)
IT, dat.proc.tarea no críticanon-critical task
IT, dat.proc.tarea no relacionadaunrelated task
IT, dat.proc.tarea no relacionadaorphan task
IT, dat.proc.tarea padreparent task
gen.tarea para la casahomework I.e., work to take home
comp., MSTarea pendienteDo
comp., MStarea pendienteto-do (A personal or work-related project, assignment, or errand to be tracked through to completion)
comp., MSTarea pendienteTo Do (A task on a To Do list in a Works project)
comp., MStarea pendienteto-do item (A personal or work-related project, assignment, or errand to be tracked through to completion)
comp., MStarea pendiente-do item
comp., MStarea pendiente-do
comp., MStarea por lotesbatch task (One of a set of tasks that make up a batch job. The tasks within a batch job may have complex dependencies between them)
insur., IT, transp.tarea principalmain task
comp., MStarea privilegiadaprivileged task (An operation that requires more resources than are allowed by a threshold, based on the number of items or amount of information that is processed during the operation)
comp., MStarea profesionalbusiness task (A work-related action item that can be tracked through completion. A business task may occur once or repeatedly)
el.tarea programadascheduled job
comp., MStarea repetitivarecurring task (A task that occurs repeatedly during the course of a project. For example, you might define the weekly status meeting as a recurring task)
IT, dat.proc.tarea resumensummary task
lab.law.tarea secundariasecondary task
earth.sc., lab.law.tarea visualvisual task
dialys.tareas administrativasadministrative tasks
IT, dat.proc.tareas concurrentesconcurrent tasks
gen.tareas de concepción y de estudiostudies and research
gen.tareas de confección de documentosmake-up of documents
comp., MSTareas de configuración inicialInitial Configuration Tasks (A window that, by default, opens immediately after operating system installation is complete and each time a member of the Administrators group logs on to the computer. By using commands in the Initial Configuration Tasks window, you can complete the configuration required to identify the computer to other computing resources on your network, secure the computer, enable administrators to perform tasks on the computer, and customize the computer by adding roles or features)
gen.tareas de cultivocultural activities
gen.tareas de impresión de documentoswork relating to the printing of documents
commun.tareas de nivel de basebase level tasks
commun.tareas de procesamiento de llamadacall processing tasks
comp., MSTareas de proyectoProject Tasks (A SharePoint Web Part that displays a list of tasks as well as the Gantt chart of the schedule for these tasks)
comp., MSTareas del calendarioCalendar Tasks (A list of tasks that the user can perform in the Calendar)
health.tareas domésticashousework
comp., MSTareas inicialesGetting Started (A feature that serves as a launching point for several optional Windows tasks and OEM-defined tasks)
IT, el.tareas repetitivasrepetitive tasks
ITtareas subordinadasbackground job
ITtareas URVVDU work
ITtareas URVVDU tasks
comp., MStipo de tareatask type (A characterization of a task based on which aspect of the task is fixed and which aspects are variable. There are three task types: Fixed Units, Fixed Work, and Fixed Duration. The default task type in Project is Fixed Units)
ITtipo tareatask type
law, lab.law.trabajador contratado por tareasday-wage man
nucl.pow.trabajadores que participan en las tareas de desmantelamientodecommissioning workers
nucl.pow.trabajadores que participan en las tareas de desmantelamientodecommissioning personnel
lab.law.trabajo a tareawork paid by the piece
lab.law.trabajo a tareapiece-work
lab.law.trabajo a tareajobbing
comp., MSvista de tareastask view (A view that displays task information. Task views include three task forms; examples include Calendar, Detail Gantt, Gantt Chart, Milestone Rollup, PA_PERT Entry Sheet, Task Entry, Relationship Diagram, Task Sheet, and Task Usage)
comp., MSárea de tareastask area (A grouping of related tasks in DPM Administrator Console. The console has five task areas: Monitoring, Protection, Recovery, Reporting, and Management)
comp., MSárea de trabajo de tareastask workspace (A workspace used to store tasks and also to provide end-user collaboration for them. A Task Workspace Locator List is required to locate the appropriate workspace for a particular task type)