
Terms for subject Microsoft containing signos | all forms
entero sin signounsigned integer (A data type that can only hold a whole number with a value greater than, or equal to, zero. In this implementation, the maximum value that an unsigned integer can hold is 0xFFFFFFFF (4,294,967,295))
signo de divisióndivision sign (The ÷ character)
signo de dólardollar sign (The $ character)
signo de mayor o igual quegreater than or equal to sign (The ≥ character)
signo de mayor quegreater than sign (The > character)
signo de menor o igual queless than or equal to sign (The ≤ character)
signo de menor queless than sign (The < character)
signo de menor queless than sign (The
signo de multiplicaciónmultiplication sign (The × character)
signo igualequal sign (The = character)
signo menosminus sign (The – character, based on the width of an uppercase N and used primarily as a connecting element, especially with numbers)
signo másplus sign (The + character, used to indicate addition or a positive number)