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Terms containing servicio central de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
el.central de autoproductor conectada a una red de servicio públicogenerating station owned by an autoproducer and connected to the public supply network
commun.central de servicio de abonadossubscriber serving exchange
commun.central de servicio de abonadosserving exchange
UN, account.Oficina de Servicios Centrales de ApoyoOffice of Central Support Services
polit., ITServicio central automatizado de documentaciónCommunity System for Access to Documentation
polit., ITServicio central automatizado de documentaciónAutomated Central Documentation Service
transp., tech.servicio central de control de modelomodel inspection control office
ITservicio central de difusióndissemination host
gen.servicio central de documentacióncentral documentation service
lawservicio central de información e investigación neerlandésNetherlands Criminal Investigation Department
patents.servicio central de la propiedad industrialcentral industrial property office
lawServicio Central de Prevención de la CorrupciónCentral Service for the Prevention of Corruption
transp., avia.Servicio Central de Tarifas de RutaCentral Route Charges Office
commun.servicio de central telefónica externaforeign exchange service
commun.servicio de central telefónica externaFX service
comp., MSservicio de Publicación centralCentral Publishing service (A service within Remote Desktop Services responsible for aggregating RemoteApp programs and desktops that are published to end users from across the entire deployment. It ensure only users with appropriate rights can access published resources. The resources are used to display error messages that, for example, might say that the publishing service is unavailable. This can help the admin debug their deployment)
polit.Servicio III - Europa Central y Oriental - Estados Bálticos - Rusia y Estados de la CEI - OSCE - ex Yugoslavia - Representación diplomática de la Presidencia en terceros paísesService III - Central and Eastern Europe - Baltic States - Russia and CIS States - OSCE - former Yugoslavia - Representation of the Presidency in non-member countries
lawuna certificación facilitada por el servicio central de la propiedad industrial del Estado miembro de que se tratea certificate furnished by the central industrial property office of the Member State concerned