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Terms containing resumen de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
fin.Avisos de resumen de MedicareMedicare summary notices (MSN, por sus siglas en inglés)
tech.carta facsímil de resumen radáricofacsimile radar summary chart
pharma.cuadro resumen de exposiciones acumuladascumulative summary tabulation
econ.cuadro resumen de las operaciones financierassummary table of financial transactions
comp., MSentrega de resumendigest delivery (A method of sending notifications that combines multiple notifications within a batch and sends the resulting message to a subscriber)
nat.sc.formato del resumen de la información incluida en la notificaciónSummary Notification Information Format
comp., MSgenerador de resumen de estadostatus summarizer (A component that consolidates the data generated by Configuration Manager status messages into a succinct view of the status of a component, a server, a package, or an advertisement)
tech.gráfica facsímil de resumen radáricofacsimile radar summary chart
work.fl.hoja de resumensummary sheet UNDP
chem.resumen amplio de un estudiorobust study summary
dialys.resumen de accesos vascularesvascular access summary
ed.resumen de cuenta de los interesesinterest statement
comp., MSresumen de cuenta del clientecustomer statement (A form that can be sent to customers that includes the customer's balance and amount due for the statement period)
comp., MSresumen de cuenta, extractostatement (A report that summarizes the status of an account, including current balance and recent activities)
stat.resumen de los datosdata summary
comp., MSresumen de DCMDCM digest (A predefined XML schema that is used with the desired configuration management feature to create and validate configuration baselines and configuration items)
comp., MSresumen de estadostatus summary (A data set that is generated by a status summarizer. Status summarizers use both the status messages that are collected by Status Manager and other data in the SMS/Configuration Manager site database to generate status summaries)
dialys.resumen de eventos ambulatoriosoutpatient event summary
dialys.resumen de hospitalizacionessummary of hospital admissions
ed.Resumen de Informe de Ayuda EstudiantilStudent Aid Report Acknowledgment
comp., MSresumen de informe de licencias de MicrosoftMicrosoft license report summary (A report containing information about the installation history and other details of licenses installed for components installed as part of the software)
law  resumen de juicio o falloabstract of judgment
lawresumen de juicio o falloabstract of judgment
lawresumen de juicio o falloabstract of judgement
law, fin.resumen de la auditoríaaudit memorandum
gen.Resumen de la labor del período de sesionesSummary of the Work of the Session
gen.resumen de la situación financieraabridged statement of financial position
pharma.resumen de las características del productosummary of product characteristics
gen.resumen de las discusionessummary of discussions
UN, account.Resumen de las estimaciones del presupuesto ordinario para 2006-2007 por objeto de gastosregular budget estimates by object of expenditure
fin.resumen de las polìticassummary of significant
dril.resumen de lodomud recap
stat.resumen de los cinco númerosfive-number summary
stat.resumen de los cinco números5-number summary
insur.resumen de los períodos de segurosummary of the periods of insurance
work.fl., commun.resumen de los trabajosSummary of proceedings
gen.resumen de ponenciasbook of abstracts
IMF.Resumen de prensaPress Summary
chem.resumen de un estudiostudy summary
comp., MSresumen de vencimientos de ctas. por cobrarA/R Aging Summary (A report that displays all the amounts owed to your company, by customer and by the number of days outstanding at a selected date)
comp., MSresumen de vencimientos de ctas. por pagarA/P Aging Summary (A report that displays all your company's outstanding debt to vendors by the number of days outstanding as of a selected date)
market.resumen del estado de los préstamos y avalessummary statement of loans and guarantees
lawresumen del orden de las relaciones de los padres al hijochain of custody order of parental relationships to child
corp.gov.Resumen del Programa de trabajo y presupuestoSummary PWB
corp.gov.Resumen del Programa de trabajo y presupuestoSummary Programme of Work and Budget
stat.resumen informativo de un paíscountry brief
UN, AIDS.Resumen mundial de la epidemia de VIH/SIDAAIDS Epidemic Update: December 2001 (publicación anual)
work.fl.resumen sucinto de las actuaciones y decisionesrepertorial account
pharma.Sistema de resumen de los informes de altas hospitalariasHospital discharge abstract system
comp., MStarea de resumensummary task (A task that is made up of subtasks and summarizes those subtasks. Use outlining to create summary tasks. Project automatically determines summary task information [such as duration and cost] by using information from the subtasks)
comp., MStarea de resumen del proyectoproject summary task (A task that summarizes the duration, work, and costs of all tasks in a project. The project summary task appears at the top of the project, its ID number is 0, and it presents the project's timeline from start to finish)
lawun resumen de las decisiones tomadas durante la sesióna summary of the decisions taken at the meeting
gen.un resumen de los planesa summary of plans
comp., MSunidad de resumensummary unit (A reporting unit that summarizes data from lower-level units. The lower-level units can be either detail units or other summary units)