
Terms for subject Environment containing reservado | all forms
reserva animalanimal conservatory
reserva animalanimal conservatory Areas for the conservation of rare or endangered animal species
reserva antropológicaanthropologic reserve
reserva antropológicaanthropologic reserve Area of protection of the life style of societies where traditional human activities are still maintained and the exploitation of natural resources is still carried out without compromising the future availability
reserva biológica forestalforest biological reserve
reserva biológica forestalforest biological reserve Forest areas which are protected and guarded from deforestation because of the fragility of its ecosystems, and because they provide habitats for hundreds of species of plants and animals
reserva botánicabotanical conservatory
reserva botánicabotanical conservatory Gardens for the conservation of rare species of plants
reserva de biotoposbiotope reserve
reserva de recursoresource reserve
reserva de recursoresource reserve No definition needed
reserva ecológicanature reserve
reserva marinamarine conservation area
reserva marinamarine conservation area Any section of a sea or ocean designated for special protection, often to prevent or reduce harm to its wildlife and ecosystems
reserva nacionalnational park
reserva nacionalnational reserve No definition needed
reservas biológicasbiological reserve
reservas biológicasbiological reserve An area of land and/or of water designated as having protected status for purposes of preserving certain biological features. Reserves are managed primarily to safeguard these features and provide opportunities for research into the problems underlying the management of natural sites and of vegetation and animal populations. Regulations are normally imposed controlling public access and disturbance
reservas de cazahunting reserve
reservas de cazahunting reserve Area of land where the pursuit and killing or capture of game and wild animals is permitted
reservas marinasmarine reserve
reservas marinasmarine reserve Sea area where marine wildlife is protected
reservas parcialespartial reserves