
Terms for subject Environment containing reglamentar | all forms
Reglamento comunitarioEC regulation
reglamento de construcciónbuilding regulation
reglamento de explotación mineramining regulation
reglamento de explotación mineramining regulation A rule or order prescribed by government or management to promote the safety, legality or ecological responsibility of any aspect of the process or industry of ore extraction
reglamento de protección del medio ambienteenvironmental protection regulation
reglamento de protección del medio ambienteenvironmental protection regulation A government or management prescribed rule for the preservation of natural resources and the prevention of damage or degradation of the ecosystem
reglamento del tráfico aéreoair traffic regulation
reglamento sanitariohealth regulation
reglamento sanitariohealth regulation A body of rules or orders prescribed by government or management to promote or protect the soundness of human bodies and minds in the workplace, at home or in the general environment
reglamento sobre límites permitidos máximosregulation on maximum permissible limits
reglamento sobre límites permitidos máximosregulation on maximum permissible limits A body of rules or orders prescribed by a government or an international organization or treaty establishing levels of hazardous materials in the environment or in ingestible substances beyond which human exposure is deemed health-threatening
reglamento sobre mercancías peligrosasdangerous goods regulation
reglamento sobre mercancías peligrosasdangerous goods regulation Rules on the handling of articles or substances capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety, or property, and that ordinarily require special attention when being transported
reglamento sobre residuos electrónicoselectronic scrap regulation
reglamento sobre residuos electrónicoselectronic scrap regulation Government or management prescribed rule for the disposal and recycling of electric parts, circuits and systems, especially computer devices