
Terms for subject Microsoft containing regla | all forms | exact matches only
activación de reglarule firing (The process of running one of the application rules (event chronicle rules, subscription event rules, and subscription scheduled rules) defined in the application definition file)
Administrador de reglasRules Manager (A task pane that helps form designers to build and manage custom business rules for use in their forms)
Asistente de publicación de reglas de ExchangeExchange Publishing Rule Wizard (A wizard that helps you publish an Exchange Server, making mail in any of the following formats available to clients: OWA, Outlook RPC/HTTPS, OMA, and Exchange ActiveSync)
colección de reglasrule collection (An ordered set of rules for the purpose of implementing a messaging policy. The number of rule collections is set at design time)
Compositor de reglas de negocioBusiness Rule Composer (A graphical user interface (GUI) tool that is used to create and deploy specific versions of business policies)
configuración basada en reglasRule-based configuration (A configuration technology that uses rules to develop product masters and to configure distinct products)
Configuración de reglas de publicaciónPost Rule Configurations (Tab on the Records section of the ribbon in CRM that contains the controls for setting the rules about how posts are handled for Yammer)
conjunto de reglasrule set (A container for grouping logically-related rules)
espacio de trabajo Reglas de negocioBusiness Rules workspace (In PerformancePoint Planning Business Modeler, a user interface area that allows you to create and manage business rule sets, business rules, and model properties)
grupo de reglas de ACSACS rule group (A named set of rules that define which claims are passed to a relying-party application)
guía de reglaruler guide (A horizontal or vertical layout guide that can be aligned to any point on a ruler)
Inspector de reglasRules Inspector (A dialog that allows the user to view all the rules (logic) in a form pivoted in different ways. Because the information is summarized in a centralized view, the user doesn't have to click through multiple dialogs)
marca de reglaruler mark (A mark on the vertical or horizontal ruler that shows a unit or subunit of the measurement unit that is used for the publication)
marcador de guía de reglaruler guide marker (A marker in the ruler that aligns with the current guide position and enables users to add, edit, or delete a guide from within the ruler)
Marco de trabajo del motor de reglasRules Engine Framework (The .NET component library, APIs, and services used by application developers to write rule-based applications)
motor de reglas de ACSACS rules engine (The component in ACS that processes the input claims that are present in the security tokens that ACS receives from clients and which generates the output claims that are present in the security tokens that ACS issues to relying-party applications)
Motor de reglas de negociosBusiness Rule Engine (A run-time inference engine that evaluates rules against facts and initiates actions based on the results of that evaluation)
opción Reglas de cifradoEncrypt rule option (An option reached from the Rule Management area of the Policy Filter page for outbound mail. With this rule, e-mail messages that are sent by users in the organization can be encrypted automatically based on rule matching by subject and message keywords, regular expressions, sending and receiving e-mail address, and domains)
origen de la reglaruler origin (The beginning or zero point of a horizontal or vertical ruler)
procesador de reglarule processor (The set of logic rules used by the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) service. This set of rules determines how to handle the processing of data that is collected from an application)
Publicación de regla de detección de duplicadosDuplicate Detection Rule Publication (A system job that publishes a duplicate detection rule)
regla contableaccount rule (A rule in an accounting system that controls the valid financial dimension value combinations when the requirements of the financial dimension structure condition are met)
regla de agrupamiento de equiposcomputer grouping rule (A rule that combines computers with common attributes into a group to be similarly managed and monitored)
regla de alertasalert rule (A specification of the set of conditions that, when met, will trigger a notification)
regla de aplicabilidadapplicability rule (A rule used by an update agent to determine whether the update is needed by a given computer)
regla de aprobación automáticaautomatic approval rule (A type of rule that allows updates to be automatically approved based on product and update classifications)
regla de asignaciónallocation rule (A rule for the source, destination, and calculation of allocation amounts)
regla de autorizaciónauthorization rule (A script, written in VBScript or JScript, that can be included in role definitions and task definitions. An authorization rule determines whether the role or task is allowed)
regla de caché para Microsoft UpdateMicrosoft Update Cache Rule (A built-in cache rule used to download Microsoft updates using Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS))
regla de compilaciónbuild rule (A set of guidelines that determine how a Visual Studio project is built)
regla de compilación personalizadacustom build rule (A build rule defined by the user, typically to call a tool that is not part of the normal Visual Studio build process)
regla de configuraciónconfiguration rule (A rule that limits the items that can be combined to produce a manufactured product. A configuration rule applies to a configuration group)
regla de consultaquery rule (A rule that an administrator can configure and apply to query processing to help optimize results and create an enhanced user experience)
regla de contabilidadaccounting rule (A rule in an accounting system that controls the principles, methods, and procedures for classifying, recording, and reporting the financial consequences of accounting events)
regla de contabilidad de aprobación de ingresosrevenue recognition accounting rule (A recognition accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of revenue in accounts and on financial statements)
regla de contabilidad de aprobación del gastoexpenditure recognition accounting rule (A recognition accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of expenditure in accounts and on financial statements)
regla de control presupuestariobudget control rule (The encoding of a business decision to check committed and actual expenditure against available budget funds allocated for detailed or aggregate activities defined by valid budget control dimension value combinations)
regla de conversión salienteoutbound translation rule (A rule that converts phone numbers to the local dialing format for interaction with private branch exchange (PBX) systems)
regla de crónica de eventosevent chronicle rule (One or more Transact-SQL statements that manage the data in the event chronicle)
regla de derivaciónderivation rule (A rule to determine a classifier for classifying the financial consequences of an accounting event)
regla de derivación de cuenta principalmain account derivation rule (A rule to determine a main account dimension for classifying the financial consequences of an accounting event)
regla de derivación de dimensióndimension derivation rule (A rule to determine a ledger dimension for classifying the financial consequences of an accounting event)
Regla de directiva de administraciónManagement Policy Rule (A rule in ILM that defines a condition and the subsequent action to take when that condition is met. Management policy rules are used to model the business processing rules for incoming requests to ILM)
regla de directivaspolicy rule (A rule in a policy that controls the actions that can or must be taken when the requirements of the condition are met)
Regla de día festivoWeekend Rule (A policy in Microsoft Office Outlook that moves reccurring meetings forward one day if they land on a weekend or on a public holiday)
Regla de enrutamiento de informes de Duet EnterpriseDuet Enterprise Reports Routing Rule (A SharePoint content type for the rules that govern distribution of Duet Enterprise Reports)
regla de eventos de suscripciónsubscription event rule (A rule that processes information for event-driven subscriptions)
regla de extracciónextraction rule (A rule that copies a string from a Web test response and puts it in the test context for use later in the test)
regla de filtro de estadostatus filter rule (A filtering rule that controls how status messages are reported and viewed)
regla de financiación del proyectoproject funding rule (A rule in a project system that controls how project activities are funded by one or more funding sources based on project criteria and other conditions)
regla de flujo de trabajoworkflow rule (A set of action steps in a business process or sales process. A workflow rule specifies the required activities for a workflow and the order in which those activities must be performed)
regla de impacto del rastreadorcrawler impact rule (A rule that applies to a specific URL or range of URLs on which you can configure crawling to reduce the resources that are used on the server that is being crawled)
regla de inferenciainference rule (The command that runs if the dependency is not current)
regla de la Bandeja de entradaInbox rule (A rule that is defined by an end-user using Outlook or Outlook Web App. When a message that meets the conditions of the rule is sent or received, the rule triggers an action that is performed automatically)
regla de mantenimientomaintenance rule (A rule that is executed by the SharePoint Maintenance Manager to identify problems that are related to configuration settings, data integrity, performance, security, and other issues)
regla de mediciónmeasuring rule (A performance rule for collecting a numeric value from Windows NT performance counters)
regla de mensajemessage rule (A set of criteria for updating a project file with the information in Project Server workgroup messages. For example, project managers can specify that updates from all workgroup members be automatically accepted)
regla de negociobusiness rule (A prescribed action that performs one or multiple operations on the multidimensional data in a model)
regla de normalizaciónnormalization rule (A design rule that minimizes data redundancy and results in a database in which the Database Engine and application software can easily enforce integrity)
regla de notificaciones de ACSACS claim rule (The logic used by ACS to transform input claims into output claims; claim rules are contained within rule groups and are thereby associated with relying party applications)
regla de pertenenciamembership rule (The criteria by which Configuration Manager evaluates whether a resource belongs to a particular collection)
regla de pertenencia directadirect membership rule (A collection membership rule that targets an individual resource, such as a user, user group, or an SMS/Configuration Manager client. This allows you to gather a diverse group of resources)
regla de prácticas recomendadasbest practice rule (A rule that is optionally enforced after compilation in X++. The rules represent safe or consistent code design)
regla de rastreocrawl rule (A set of preferences that applies to a specific URL or range of URLs that you can use to include or exclude items you want to crawl and specify the content access account to use when crawling that URL or range)
regla de reconocimiento de ingresos y costesrecognition accounting rule (An accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of revenue and expenditure in accounts and on financial statements)
regla de redondeorounding policy (A drop-down list on the price list item form from which a user can select how to round the price (up, down, or not at all))
regla de rendimientoperformance rule (A rule that defines how Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) processes performance counter data and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) numeric data)
regla de ruta de acceso a sitiosite path rule (A rule for a specific part of a site that includes or excludes content from the content index)
regla de transportetransport rule (A concept that implements a single function point of a transport messaging policy. A transport rule contains conditions as to when to trigger this rule and an ordered set of actions as to what to do if the rule is triggered. Additionally, each transport rule can have exceptions that specify what to exclude from the condition. Exceptions typically identify a subset of criteria identified in the condition)
regla de umbralthreshold rule (A rule that is set on an individual performance counter to monitor system resource usage during a load test)
regla de validaciónvalidation rule (A property that defines valid input values for a field or record in a table, or a control on a form)
regla del diariojournal rule (An Exchange rule that is used to record the e-mail messages sent to or from specific recipients)
regla globalglobal rule (A rule that is defined for a specific database and is shared by columns of different tables)
regla horizontalhorizontal ruler (A bar marked off in units of measure (such as inches) that is displayed across the top of the document window)
regla kanbankanban rule (A rule in a lean manufacturing system that realizes material planning and replenishment policies by controlling how process and transfer activities are coordinated in production flows)
regla personalizadacustom rule (In a role, a specification that limits the dimension members or cube cells that users in the role are permitted to access)
regla predefinidapredefined rule (A system-generated rule)
regla programada de suscripciónsubscription scheduled rule (One or more Transact-SQL statements that process information for scheduled subscriptions)
regla verticalvertical ruler (A bar displayed along the left side of a document window. You can use the vertical ruler to adjust the top and bottom page margins and the row height in tables)
reglas de administración de llamadascall-handling rules (A set of features used for call answering and forwarding)
reglas de asignación de sitiosite assignment rules (A group of boundaries that an SMS/Configuration Manager administrator defines for an SMS/Configuration Manager site. SMS/Configuration Manager uses these rules to determine which resources and clients are assigned to the site)
reglas de marcadodialing rules (A feature that allows the user to define a set of rules that are used repeatedly when dialing from a specific place)
Reglas de negocioBusiness Rules (A node in the solution explorer that will display all the rules that are created on attributes on the current entity and that apply to other entities)
reglas de negociosbusiness rules (The logical rules that are used to run a business)
reglas de procesamiento de rendimientoperformance processing rules (Rules that govern process performance or capacity type counters)
Reglas rápidasQuick Rules (A feature that allows form designers to select from a gallery of pre-built rules to make their forms dynamic)
servicio Actualización del motor de reglasRules Engine Update service (A service that performs dynamic policy updates)
subdivisión de reglaruler subdivision (The division between grid lines and between intervals of the ruler)
área Administración de reglasRule Management area (The area of the Policy Filter page where administrators add and manage rules (such as Reject, Redirect, Deliver with Bcc) that define actions to take when conducting spam and virus filtering)