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lawAcuerdo interinstitucional para un recurso más estructurado a la técnica de la refundición de los actos jurídicosInterinstitutional Agreement on a more structured use of the recasting technique for legal acts
lawagotamiento de las vías de recurso nacionalesexhaustion of legal remedies at national level
law, h.rghts.act.agotamiento de las vías internas de recursoexhaustion of domestic remedies
lawapelar interponer un recurso de apelaciónappeal
lawapreciar el fundamento de un recursodeterminate if proceedings are well founded
water.res.aprovechamiento de los recurso hídricoswater development
comp., MSasociado de recursoresource partner (A federation partner that trusts the Federation Service to issue claims-based security tokens for Web-based applications (that is, applications in the resource partner organization) that users in the account partner can access)
lawaudiencia de recursoappeal hearing
gen.cabrá interponer un recurso de indemnización ante el Tribunalproceedings for damages may be instituted before the Court
comp., MScampo de recursofacility field (One of four fields of an SCODE that indicates the system service responsible for the error. It consists of a unique number that is assigned to represent the error or warning)
polit., lawcaso en que proceda manifiestamente inadmitir el recurso de casaciónappeal clearly inadmissible
lawCJ: interponer recurso contra una de las instituciones de la Comunidadcomplain that an institution of the Community has
environ., fish.farm.Comité de gestión de recursos pesquerosManagement Committee for Fishery Resources
environ., fish.farm.Comité de Ingeniería de Recursos OceánicosEngineering Committee on Oceanic Resources
gen.comité de recursosAppeals Committee
nat.sc., agric.Comité de Recursos Fitogenéticos de Asia Occidental y Africa del NorteWest Asia and North Africa Plant Genetic Resources Committee
IT, UNComité de Sistemas y Recursos de InformaciónInformation Systems and Resources Committee
lawComité para asuntos relativos a las tasas, a las reglas de ejecución y al procedimiento de las Salas de RecursoCommittee on Fees, Implementation Rules and the Procedure of the Boards of Appeal
polit.Comité para asuntos relativos a las tasas, a las reglas de ejecución y al procedimiento de las salas de recurso de la Oficina de armonización del mercado interior marcas, diseños y modelosCommittee on Fees, Implementation Rules and the Procedure of the Boards of Appeal of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market trade marks and designs
industr.Comité para asuntos relativos a las tasas, a las reglas de ejecución y al procedimiento de las salas de recurso de la Oficina de armonización del mercado interiorCommittee on Fees, Implementation Rules and the Procedure of the Boards of Appeal of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market
lawcompetencia de los tribunales de marcas comunitarias de segunda instancia - recurso de casaciónjurisdiction of Community trade mark courts of second instance - further appeal
comp., MSdatos de recursoresource data (A type of data that is characterized by shared, concurrently read and written into operations, and accessed by many transactions. Examples of resource data include user accounts and auction items)
lawderecho de recurso de los presosright of appeal of prisoners
lawdesestimación del recurso de casación por manifiestamente infundadoappeal dismissed as manifestly unfounded
lawdesestimación parcial del recurso de casacióndismiss in part the appeal
commun.distribuidor de último recursodistributor of last resort
lawel recurso deberá remitirse inmediatamente a la Sala de Recurso, sin pronunciamiento sobre el fondothe appeal shall be remitted to the Board of Appeal without delay, and without comment as to its merit
lawel recurso interpuesto ante el Tribunal de Justicia carece de efecto suspensivothe action brought before the Court of Justice does not have suspensory effect
patents.el recurso puede ser presentado por cada una de las partes en el procedimientothe appeal may be filed by the parties to the proceedings
patents.el recurso será objeto de una decisióna decision shall be given on the appeal
lawel reglamento de procedimiento de las Salas de Recursothe rules of procedure of the Boards of Appeal
lawescrito de motivación del recursowritten statement setting out the grounds of appeal
polit., lawextremo no contemplado en el recurso de casaciónplea in law not raised in the appeal
lawfamilia que sirve de recursoresource family
fin.financiación sin posibilidad de recursononrecourse finance
IMF.financiamiento con posibilidad de recurso limitadolimited recourse financing
IMF.financiamiento sin posibilidad de recursononrecourse financing (BIRF)
patents.gran cámara de recurso establecida por el Convenio sobre la patente europeaEnlarged Board of Appeal
patents.inadmisión de un recurso de casaciónrefusal to appeal on a point of law
patents.inadmisión de un recurso de casaciónrefusal of leave
polit., lawinadmisión manifiesta de un recurso de casaciónappeal clearly inadmissible
lawindependencia de los miembros de las Salas de Recursoindependence of the members of the Boards of Appeal
lawindependencia de los miembros de las salas de recursoindependence of the members of the Boards of Appeal
patents.instancia que entiende en el recurso de casaciónappeal instance
lawinstancia vinculada por los motivos de la sala de recursodepartment bound by the ratio decidendi of the Board of Appeal
patents.instrucción sobre la posibilidad de recursoinstruction on legal remedy
patents.instrucción sobre los medios de recursoinstruction on legal remedy
polit., lawinterponer recurso ante el Tribunal de Justiciato bring a matter before the Court of Justice of the European Union
polit., lawinterponer recurso ante el Tribunal de Justiciato bring an action before the Court of Justice of the European Union
polit., lawinterponer recurso ante el Tribunal de Justiciato bring a case before the Court of Justice of the European Union
patents.interponer recurso de reposiciónfile an appeal
lawinterponer un recurso de apelacionfile an appeal
lawinterponer un recurso de apelaciónappeal
lawinterponer un recurso de casación contra una resolución del Tribunalappeal against a decision of the Court
lawinterponerse recurso ante el Tribunal de Justicia de las CEamenable to action before the Court of Justice of the EC
fin.interposición de un recursolodging of an appeal
patents.interposición de un recursolodging of legal remedy
patents.la decisión es susceptible de recursoan appeal shall lie from the decision
patents.la decisión no es susceptible de un recurso distintothe decision shall not be subject to interlocutory appeal
patents.la decisión no es susceptible de un recurso separadothe decision shall not be subject to interlocutory appeal
construct., ITLa información del sector público: un recurso clave para Europa - Libro Verde sobre la información del sector público en la sociedad de la informaciónPublic sector information: a key resource for Europe - Green Paper on public sector information in the information society
lawla Sala de Recurso ejercerá las competencias de la instancia que dictó la resolución impugnadathe Board of Appeal shall exercise any power within the competence of the department which was responsible for the decision appealed
lawla tasa de recursothe fee for appeal
lawlas disposiciones nacionales relativas al recurso de casaciónthe national rules concerning further appeal
lawlas resoluciones de las Salas de Recursothe decisions of the Boards of Appeal
law, commer.Libro Verde sobre el recurso colectivo de los consumidoresGreen Paper on Consumer Collective Redress
lawlos miembros de las Salas de Recurso no estarán sujetos en sus decisiones por instrucción algunain their decisions the members of the Boards of Appeal shall not be bound by any instructions
lawlos miembros de una Sala de Recurso podrán ser recusados por infundir sospechas de parcialidadthe members of a Board of Appeal may be objected to if suspected of partiality
lawlos Presidentes de las Salas de Recursothe chairmen of the Boards of Appeal
tech.maniobra cargada de alabeo que se usa como último recurso para obligar al atacante a salirse de la zona de alcance de las ametralladorasvector roll
tech.maniobra cargada de alabeo que se usa como último recurso para obligar al atacante a salirse de la zona de alcance de las ametralladorashigh G roll
lawmecanismo de recursorecourse mechanism
patents.medio de recursolegal remedy
patents.medio de recursomeans of recourse
patents.medio de recurso extraordinarioextraordinary remedy
commun.mensaje de gestión de recurso de rednetwork resource management message
inet.Nombre Uniforme de RecursoUniform Resource Name
cinemaplano de recursocutaway
cinemaplano de recursocut-away
patents.plazo de interposición del recursoperiod prescribed for appeals
fin.porcentaje de movilización del recurso PNBcall-in rate for the GNP resource
fin.porcentaje uniforme de movilización del recurso PNBuniform call-in rate for the GNP resource
UN, lawpresentar el recurso de apelaciónfile an appeal
polit., lawpresentar un recurso ante el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europeato bring an action before the Court of Justice of the European Union
polit., lawpresentar un recurso ante el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europeato bring a matter before the Court of Justice of the European Union
polit., lawpresentar un recurso ante el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europeato bring a case before the Court of Justice of the European Union
patents.presidente de la sala de recursochairman of the Board of Appeal
IMF.prestamista de último recursolender of last resort
law, tech., patents.procedimiento de recursoappeal proceedings
patents.procedimiento de recursoprocedure on appeal
patents.procedimiento de recursoproceedings on appeal
econ.préstamo sin posibilidad de recursonon-recourse loan
comp., MSpuntero de recurso globalglobal resource pointer (A resource object exposed at the site level that serves to reference a global resource being used by that site)
UN, econ.recurso a la carta de créditodraw down funds
fin.recurso a la inyección de capitalesuse of capital injections
gen.recurso a los medios y capacidades de la OTANrecourse to NATO common assets and capabilities
gen.recurso a los medios y capacidades de la OTANrecourse to NATO assets and capabilities
gen.recurso abusivo a un procedimiento de contratación directaabuse of the single tendering procedure
law, econ.recurso al Tribunal de Justiciareferral to the Court of Justice
lawrecurso ante el Tribunal de Justiciaactions before the Court of Justice
gen.recurso ante el Tribunal de Justiciaproceedings before the Court of Justice
lawrecurso ante el Tribunal de Primera Instanciaappeal to the Court of First Instance
comp., MSrecurso, centro de trabajowork center (A self-contained unit of the manufacturing process, or an entire plant)
comp., MSrecurso compartido de archivos testigowitness file share (For a failover cluster, a file share in the cluster storage that is designated to hold information about the cluster configuration database. A failover cluster has a witness file share only if this is specified as part of the quorum configuration)
comp., MSrecurso compartido de bibliotecalibrary share (A share that has been added to the Virtual Machine Manager library. To be available for use in creating virtual machines, a resource must be stored on a library share and must be added to the Virtual Machine Manager library. When a library server is added to Virtual Machine Manager, shares on the library server are automatically discovered)
comp., MSrecurso compartido de biblioteca de la colección de proyectos de equipoteam project collection library share (A Virtual Machine Manager library share that has been bound to a team project collection)
comp., MSrecurso compartido de biblioteca de proyectos de equipoteam project library share (A project collection library share that has been further bound to a TFS team project for storage of virtual environment templates and virtual machine templates)
comp., MSrecurso compartido de biblioteca de solo lecturaread-only library share (A library share that is assigned to a private cloud and that is used to share resources to self-service users that deploy services to that private cloud)
comp., MSrecurso compartido de distribucióndistribution share (A folder that contains the source files for Windows products that you install. It may also contain additional device drivers and application files)
comp., MSrecurso compartido de instantáneasSnapshot Share (A share available for the storage of snapshot files. Snapshot files contain the schema and data for published tables)
comp., MSrecurso compartido de OneNoteOneNote share (The feature that lets users create and share OneNote meeting notes in a Lync Meeting. Notes appear as docked in a Lync Meeting, with participant lists that can be updated in meeting notes for participants to see)
comp., MSrecurso compartido de paquetepackage share (A network share that includes the software installation files for a package)
comp., MSrecurso compartido de rednetwork share (A folder or directory on a computer that is set up to be readable or writeable for certain users on other computers)
environ.recurso comunitario, recurso de uso comunitariocommon pool resource
lawrecurso contra el otorgamiento de la ejecuciónappeal against authorization of execution
lawrecurso contra las decisiones de la asamblea generalaction challenging resolutions of the general meeting
patents., span.recurso contra las resoluciones de la Sección de Patentes del Registro de la Propiedad Industrialappeal from the decision of the primary examiner
patents., span.recurso contra las resoluciones de la Sección de Patentes del Registro de la Propiedad Industrialappeal against the decision of the Comptroller
patents.recurso contra las resoluciones de las Secciones de Marcasobjection to the decisions of the Trademark Divisions
med.recurso de adaptacióncoping pattern
comp., MSrecurso de Administración de configuraciónConfiguration Manager resource (An object (such as a computer, a router, or a user group) that can be discovered and potentially become a Configuration Manager client and be managed by Configuration Manager. Resources and clients can be organized into collections)
comp., MSrecurso de almacenamiento locallocal storage resource (A reserved directory in the file system of a virtual machine that is running an instance of a cloud service role)
lawrecurso de alzadaappeal to a superior court
lawrecurso de amparoindividual appeal for protection
lawrecurso de amparoaction for infringement of fundamental rights and freedoms
law, social.sc.recurso de amparoaction for enforcement of rights
comp., MSrecurso de animaciónanimation resource (An animation storyboard that is encapsulated in such a way that it can be reused elsewhere in your application)
polit., lawrecurso de anulaciónproceedings for annulment
lawrecurso de anulaciónapplication for Judicial Review
lawrecurso de anulaciónapplication for annulment
econ.recurso de anulaciónaction for annulment
lawrecurso de anulaciónrescissory action
econ.recurso de anulación CEaction for annulment of an EC decision
lawrecurso de anulación parcialaction which claims that the Court of Justice should declare a number of its provisions void
lawrecurso de apelaciónfurther appeal
lawrecurso de apelaciónappeal on points of law
lawrecurso de casaciónfurther appeal
polit., lawrecurso de casaciónproceedings on the appeal
lawrecurso de casaciónappeal to the highest instance
polit., lawrecurso de casaciónappeal
lawrecurso de casaciónappeal in cassation
lawrecurso de casación ante el Tribunal de Justiciaright of appeal to the Court of Justice
lawrecurso de casación CECAappeal lodged within the framework of the ECSC legislation
lawrecurso de casación interpuesto contra las resoluciones del Tribunal de Primera Instanciaappeal brought against a decision of the Court of First Instance
lawrecurso de casación interpuesto por un Estado miembroappeal brought by a Member State
lawrecurso de casación interpuesto por una Instituciónappeal brought by an institution
lawrecurso de casación limitado a cuestiones de derechoright of appeal on points of law only
polit., lawrecurso de casación manifiestamente inadmisibleappeal clearly inadmissible
polit., lawrecurso de casación manifiestamente infundadoappeal clearly unfounded
comp., MSrecurso de costocost resource (A resource that doesn't depend on the amount of work on a task or the duration of a task, such as airfare or lodging)
comp., MSrecurso de disco de clústercluster disk resource (A disk on a cluster storage device)
comp., MSrecurso de disco físicophysical disk resource (A disk on a cluster storage device. Physical disks are supported as cluster resources by a Resource DLL)
law, immigr.recurso de efecto suspensivoappeal having suspensory effect
comp., MSrecurso de empresaenterprise resource (A resource that is part of an organization's entire list of resources. Enterprise resources can be shared across projects)
stat.recurso de enumeración de campolast resort
gen.recurso de funcionariostaff case
lawrecurso de inconstitucionalidadcomplaint of unconstitutionality
lawrecurso de inconstitucionalidadappeal on grounds of unconstitutionality
lawrecurso de incumplimientofailure to fulfil obligations
lawrecurso de indemnizaciónaction for damages
lawrecurso de indemnizaciónproceedings for damages
lawrecurso de intervenciónapplication to intervene
lawrecurso de las resoluciones sobre extranjerosimmigration appeal
lawrecurso de nulidad por desviación de poderaction for a declaration that a decision or a recommendation is void on the ground of misuse of powers
lawrecurso de nulidad por incompetenciaaction for a declaration that a decision or a recommendation is void on the ground of lack of competence
lawrecurso de nulidad por vicios sustanciales de formaaction for a declaration that a decision or a recommendation is void on the ground of infringement of an essential procedural requirement
lawrecurso de nulidad por violación del Tratado o de cualquier norma jurídica relativa a su ejecuciónaction for a declaration that a decision or a recommendation is void on the ground of infringement of the Treaty or any rule of law relating to its application
comp., MSrecurso de operacionesoperations resource (An economic resource provided by products that flow into or flow out of operations activities)
med.recurso de origen genómicogenomic resource
econ.recurso de particularesappeals by private individuals
comp., MSrecurso de pincelbrush resource (A brush that is encapsulated in such a way that it can be reused elsewhere in your application)
polit.recurso de plena jurisdicciónproceedings in which the Court has unlimited jurisdiction
lawrecurso de plena jurisdicciónunlimited jurisdiction in appeals
comp., MSrecurso de presupuestobudget resource (A resource that captures the maximum capacity for a project to consume money, work, or material units for a project. Budgets can only be applied at the project level by assigning a budget resource to the project summary task)
plann.recurso de propiedad comúncommon property resource
comp., MSrecurso de quórumquorum resource (For a server cluster, the quorum-capable resource selected to maintain the configuration data necessary for recovery of the cluster. This data contains details of all of the changes that have been applied to the cluster database. The quorum resource is generally accessible to other cluster resources so that any cluster node has access to the most recent database changes. By default there is only one quorum resource per server cluster)
lawrecurso de reconsideraciónappeal for reconsideration
comp., MSrecurso de rednetwork resource (An individual computer on an internal corporate or private network that users can connect to through an RD Gateway server. The computer can be either a remote desktop server running RemoteApp programs or a computer with Remote Desktop enabled)
patents.recurso de reformaappeal
lawrecurso de reposiciónappeal for reversal
lawrecurso de reposiciónappeal for reconsideration
lawrecurso de reposiciónappeal to the same court
law, immigr.recurso de reposicióninternal appeal
patents.recurso de reposiciónappeal
lawrecurso de responsabilidadaction for damages
lawrecurso de revisiónappeal for reconsideration
lawrecurso de revisiónappeal for revision
law, proced.law., crim.law.recurso de revisiónappeal
patents.recurso de revisiónresumption
patents.recurso de revisiónreopening
lawrecurso de segunda instanciafurther appeal
lawrecurso de segunda instanciaappeal on points of law
comp., MSrecurso de software factorysoftware factory asset (A resource or set of resources provided by a software factory and used in a development environment to build a software application. Assets can include documents, models, configuration files, build scripts, source code files, prescriptive guidance, localization files, deployment manifests, test case definitions, and so forth)
lawrecurso de suplicaciónappeal for reconsideration
lawrecurso de súplicaappeal to the highest authority
comp., MSrecurso de tematheme resource (A file of supported type used in a theme)
transp.recurso de tercerosthird party claim
comp., MSrecurso de trabajo de impresiónPrint Spooler resource (Printer queues providing access to a network printer connected to the network by an IP address rather than by an individual name. Print spoolers are supported as cluster resources by a Resource DLL)
environ.recurso de uso comúncommon pool resource
lawrecurso directo ante el Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeasdirect appeal to the Court of Justice of the European Communities
lawrecurso en interés de la leyappeal in the interest of the law
law, immigr.recurso en materia de extranjeríaappeal in immigration law
lawrecurso en regulación de competenciaappeal on ground of jurisdiction
lawrecurso interpuesto contra una Institución de las Comunidadesaction brought against an institution of the Communities
lawrecurso interpuesto por agentes de las Institucionesaction or proceeding brought by servants of the Communities
lawrecurso interpuesto por funcionario u otro agente de una Instituciónproceedings commenced by an official or other servant of an institution
law, patents.recurso jurisdiccional de derecho internojudicial remedy under national law
commun., IT, social.sc.recurso lingüístico multilingüe a través de redes globalesmultilingual language resource over global networks
comp., MSrecurso Nombre de redNetwork Name resource (In a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC), a logical server name that is managed as a cluster resource. A network name resource must be used with an IP address resource)
lawrecurso o cualquier otro escrito procesal dirigido al Tribunal de Justicia que se presente por error en la Secretaría del Tribunal de Primera Instanciaapplication or other procedural document addressed to the Court of Justice lodged by mistake with the Registrar of the Court of First Instance
fin.recurso obtenido a través de swapsfund raised via swaps
lawrecurso por desviación de poderaction on grounds of misuse of power
lawrecurso por desviación de poderaction brought on the ground of misuse of powers
lawrecurso por incumplimiento de un Estadoappeal against non-compliance of the State
lawrecurso por incumplimiento de un Estadoaction for failure to fulfil obligation
lawrecurso por quebrantamiento sustancial de formaaction on grounds of infringement of an essential procedural requirement
lawrecurso por vicios sustanciales de formaaction brought on the grounds of infringement of an essential procedural requirement
lawrecurso por vicios sustanciales de formaaction brought on the ground of infringement of an essential procedural requirement
lawrecurso por violación de cualquier norma jurídica relativa a la ejecución del Tratadoaction brought on the ground of infringement of any rule of law relating to the application of the Treaty
lawrecurso que sea competencia del Tribunal de Primera Instanciaaction which the Court of First Instance has jurisdiction to hear
lawrecurso remitido a la sala de recursoappeal remitted to the Board of Appeal
econ.recurso sobre letra de cambiorecourse on bills of exchange
lawrecurso sobre una cuestión de derechoappeal on a point of law
lawrecursos ordinarios y las demás vías de recursomeans of redress and other forms of appeal
comp., net.registro de recurso en Internetresource record in the Internet
comp., MSregistro de recurso de servicioservice resource record (A resource record used in a zone to register and locate well-known TCP/IP services. The SRV resource record is specified in RFC 2782, and it is used to locate domain controllers for Active Directory)
comp., MSregistro de recurso SRVSRV resource record (A resource record used in a zone to register and locate well-known TCP/IP services. The SRV resource record is specified in RFC 2782, and it is used to locate domain controllers for Active Directory)
lawreglamento de procedimiento de las salas de recursorules of procedure of the Boards of Appeal
patents.remedio de un agravio por medio de recursoredressing of a grievance on appeal
lawremisión de un recurso al Tribunal de Justiciadecision to refer an action to the Court of Justice
lawremisión del caso a la sala de recursoremittal of the case to the Board of Appeal
lawresolución judicial ejecutoria a pesar de que pueda existir apelación o recursojudgment which is enforceable notwithstanding that it may be appealed against
lawresolución judicial ejecutoria que aún es susceptible de recursoenforceable judgment even if there is still a right to appeal
lawresolución judicial pasible de recursoa judgment from which an appeal still lies
polit., lawresolución que sea objeto de recurso de casacióndecision against which the appeal is brought
polit., lawresolución sobre el recurso de casacióndecision on the appeal
polit., lawresolver el recurso de casación sin fase oraldispense with the oral part of the appeal procedure
polit., lawretirar un recurso de casaciónwithdrawal of appeal
comp., MSruta de acceso del recurso compartidoshare path (The full name of a resource on a network in the format \\servername\sharename, which can include a directory path under the share name)
gen.sala de recursoOHIM Board of Appeal
gen.sala de recursoBoard of Appeal of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market Trade Marks and Designs
environ., chem.Sala de Recurso de la Agencia Europea de Sustancias y Mezclas QuímicasBoard of Appeal
environ., chem.Sala de Recurso de la Agencia Europea de Sustancias y Mezclas QuímicasBoard of Appeal of the European Chemicals Agency
gen.sala de recurso de la OAMIBoard of Appeal of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market Trade Marks and Designs
gen.sala de recurso de la OAMIOHIM Board of Appeal
gen.sala de recurso de la OAMIBoard of Appeal
gen.sala de recurso de la Oficina de Armonización del Mercado Interior Marcas, Dibujos y ModelosBoard of Appeal
gen.sala de recurso de la Oficina de Armonización del Mercado Interior Marcas, Dibujos y ModelosOHIM Board of Appeal
gen.sala de recurso de la Oficina de Armonización del Mercado Interior Marcas, Dibujos y ModelosBoard of Appeal of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market Trade Marks and Designs
gen.sentencia a raíz de un recursojudgment delivered in action
gen.sentencia recaída en recurso de casaciónjudgment on appeal
patents.ser susceptible de recursoliable to appeal
patents.ser susceptible de recursosubject to appeal
lawsin perjuicio de un recurso ante el Tribunal de Justicia limitado a las cuestiones de derechosubject to a right of appeal to the Court of Justice on points of law only
patents.susceptible de un recursovoidable
patents.susceptible de un recursosubject to appeal
comp., MStestigo del recurso compartido de archivosfile share witness (A new type of Majority Node Set (MNS) quorum in Windows Server 2003. In Exchange Server 2007, cluster continuous replication (CCR) uses the MNS quorum with file share witness instead of the traditional voter node)
comp., MStipo de recursoresource type (A class of resources, such as print spooler, physical disk, or file share)
lawun derecho de recurso directo de la Administración contra un tercero responsable del dañoright of direct recourse of the authority concerned against a third party responsible for injury or damage
lawvías de recurso particularesspecial means of redress