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Terms for subject Microsoft containing prueba de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Analizador de prueba de cargaLoad Test Analyzer (A Visual Studio window that displays results of any load test run, after it has run. It is used to examine any load test results that have already ended)
Asistente para prueba de cargaLoad Test Wizard (A wizard that guides you through the process of creating a load test)
Editor de prueba de cargaLoad Test Editor (The Visual Studio editor in which a .loadtest file is opened. It displays a tree structure of nodes)
Editor de prueba de rendimiento webWeb Performance Test Editor (The Visual Studio editor in which a Web test is edited. It displays a tree structure of request nodes)
escenario de prueba de cargaload test scenario (A scenario used to model how a group of users interacts with a server application. A scenario consists of a test mix, a load profile, a network mix, and a browser mix. A load test can have more than one scenario)
herramienta de prueba de objetosObject Test Bench (A tool that creates instances of a project's objects, calls their methods, and evaluates the results)
Monitor de prueba de cargaLoad Test Monitor (A Visual Studio window that displays results during a load test run)
prueba de aceptaciónacceptance testing (Formal testing conducted to enable a user, customer, or other authorized entity to determine whether to accept a product or product component)
prueba de aceptaciónacceptance test (A formal evaluation of a hardware product performed by the customer, usually at the factory, to verify that the product is performing according to specifications)
prueba de aceptación de la compilaciónbuild acceptance test (A group of tests used to determine the health of a build at a high level. Typically, these tests exercise the core functionality to help team members determine whether further testing is worthwhile. They are run after the daily build to verify that compilation of source code has been built successfully and is ready for further testing)
prueba de caja blancawhite box view (A unit test is typically written by a developer to verify the behavior of a specific method or set of methods. They can also be used for white-box testing or in conjunction with load or stress testing)
prueba de cargaload testing (Testing at or beyond the limits of a specified requirement to understand its behavior and failure trigger points)
prueba de cargaload test (A test that studies the behavior of the program when it is working at its limits. Types of load tests include volume tests, stress tests, and storage tests. Volume tests study the largest tasks the program can deal with. Stress tests study the program's response to peak bursts of activity. Storage tests study how memory and space is used by the program, either in resident memory or on disk. A test that is designed to put a server application under heavy user load to pinpoint performance and/or scalability problems)
prueba de comprobación de la compilaciónbuild verification test (A group of tests used to determine the health of a build at a high level. Typically, these tests exercise the core functionality to help team members determine whether further testing is worthwhile. They are run after the daily build to verify that compilation of source code has been built successfully and is ready for further testing)
prueba de conceptoproof of concept (The verification that the selected technology performs according to pre-established criteria in a lab environment designed to simulate the production environment)
prueba de esfuerzostress test (A test that determines an application's breaking points and pushes the application past its upper limits as resources are saturated)
prueba de humosmoke test (A group of tests used to determine the health of a build at a high level. Typically, these tests exercise the core functionality to help team members determine whether further testing is worthwhile. They are run after the daily build to verify that compilation of source code has been built successfully and is ready for further testing)
prueba de interacción humanaHuman Interactive Proof A challenge meant to be easily solved by humans, while remaining too hard to be economically solved by computers (HIP)
prueba de IU codificadacoded UI test (An automated test of the user interface of an application. A coded UI test exercises user actions and validates the expected results)
prueba de posicionamientohit test (A comparison of the mouse position with on-screen geometry. Commonly used to detect whether the mouse has been clicked over on-screen geometry)
prueba de regresiónregression test (A test that is run after the daily build to verify that compilation of source code has been built successfully)
prueba de seguridadsecurity test (A test that looks for attack paths that might be used to gain access to assets)
prueba de tablerocheckerboard test (A memory test employed to detect catastrophic failures and wiring problems within the memory chip and on the data bus by writing an alternating pattern of 0's and 1's to the memory chip)
prueba de validaciónvalidation test (A test that ensures that the functionality called for in a scenario or quality of service requirement is working)