
Terms for subject Microsoft containing proceso | all forms | exact matches only
Administración del ciclo de vida de los procesosProcess Lifetime Management (An operating system process that closes apps that are not foreground apps to conserve system resources, enhance battery life, and remove the burden of app management, task management, or both, from the user. When the user switches back or re-launches the app, the app starts right where it left off)
Administrador de procesos de ventaSales Process Manager (A section of the Settings area where users can customize sales processes for their team to improve sales performance)
capacidad de procesothroughput (The total amount of output produced by a resource)
componente fuera de procesoout-of-process component (A component that runs in a separate process space from its client)
comunicación entre procesosinterprocess communication (The ability of one task or process to communicate with another in a multitasking operating system. Common methods include pipes, semaphores, shared memory, queues, signals, and mailboxes)
cuenta de procesos de trabajo RFIDRFID Worker Process account (The Windows account whose identity is used to run worker processes that in turn execute event handlers and providers. This is applicable for Windows Server 2003 only)
datos sin procesarraw data (Unprocessed, typically unformatted, data, such as a stream of bits that has not been filtered for commands or special characters)
dentro de procesoin-process (Pertaining to Internet Server API (ISAPI) extensions that are hosted in the worker process address space)
diagrama de procesosprocess diagram (A diagram that shows the relationship of items in a list. It is primarily used when the items are sequential in nature)
emulador de procesocompute emulator (The software emulation of the Windows Azure Compute service that runs in the developer's local environment for application testing and debugging)
entrada sin procesarraw input (The input that the digitizer provides. It is the exact coordinates that the hardware provides into the input stack)
evento de procesosprocess event (One or more recommendation work streams that are bundled and executed simultaneously and time-constrained, and which use compensation information for a group of employees to create date-specific employee compensation records. A process event can be as simple as an anniversary-based merit increase for one employee, or as complex as an annual enterprise-wide combined compensation process)
filtro del proceso de posdigitalizaciónpost-scan process filter (A processing unit on the Distributed Scan Server that is called by the post scan-instructions to process each file as requested and log the results)
Flechas de procesoProcess Arrows (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show information illustrating a process or workflow. Level 1 text appears in the circular shapes and Level 2 text appears in the arrow shapes. Works best for minimal text and to emphasize movement or direction)
flujo de proceso de negociobusiness process flow (An operational process that guides a user to achieve a certain goal)
identidad de procesoprocess identity (An operating system term that denotes the account that a process runs under)
información sobre el procesoprocess accounting (A feature of Internet Information Services (IIS) that administrators can use to monitor and log resource consumption of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts and out-of-process applications)
Informe de trabajo en procesoWIP statement (A report of the value of work in process)
instancia de proceso de Windows AzureWindows Azure compute instance (The computing operation or execution of logic within Windows Azure Platform in response to function call from an application)
Lista de procesosProcess List (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show multiple groups of information or steps and sub-steps in a task, process, or workflow. Level 1 text corresponds to the top horizontal shapes, and Level 2 text corresponds to vertical sub-steps under each related top-level shape)
lote de procesoprocess batch (The quantity of one or more items that is produced or that can be produced)
modo aislado del proceso de trabajoworker process isolation mode (The Web process model for IIS 6.0)
módulo de administración de procesoprocess management pack (A type of management pack that implements all or part of a service management process)
Notación de modelado de procesos de negocioBusiness Process Modeling Notation (A standard notation for process management developed by the Business Process Management Initiative)
notificación sin procesarraw notification (A type of notification sent via the Microsoft Push Notification Service to an app running on Windows Phone. The format and meaning of the data is determined by the app)
Proceso básicoBasic Process (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow)
Proceso cheurón básicoBasic Chevron Process (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a progression; a timeline; sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow; or to emphasize movement or direction. Level 1 text appears inside an arrow shape while Level 2 text appears below the arrow shapes)
Proceso curvo básicoBasic Bending Process (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. Maximizes both horizontal and vertical display space for shapes)
Proceso curvo circularCircular Bending Process (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a long or non-linear sequence or steps in a task, process, or workflow. Works best with Level 1 text only. Maximizes both horizontal and vertical display space for shapes)
Proceso curvo repetitivoRepeating Bending Process (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. Maximizes both horizontal and vertical display space for shapes. Does not emphasize directionality)
Proceso curvo verticalVertical Bending Process (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. Maximizes both horizontal and vertical display space for shapes. Places more emphasis on the interrelationships among the shapes than on direction or movement)
proceso de aprovisionamiento de Base de datos SQL de Windows AzureWindows Azure SQL Database provisioning process (A way of preparing and configuring the hardware and software required to maintain your data at a Microsoft data center. The SQL Azure provisioning model describes the logical hierarchy of your Windows Azure platform account, SQL Azure servers, and databases; by using this process, you can rapidly provision your data storage)
Proceso de cheurón cerradoClosed Chevron Process (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a progression, a timeline, or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow, or to emphasize movement or direction. Can be used to emphasize information in the starting shape. Works best with Level 1 text only)
proceso de comprapurchase process (The method, or way, that the contact will purchase a selected product, for example, by credit card or check)
Proceso de flechas continuoContinuous Arrow Process (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a timeline or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. Works best with Level 1 text because each line of Level 1 text appears inside the arrow shape. Level 2 text appears outside the arrow shape)
proceso de flujo de trabajoworkflow process (A series of interrelated action steps and the workflow rules that drive the transition between these steps. A workflow process defines the actions the workflow should take at each step, and the workflow rules the workflow should use to evaluate when to proceed to the next step)
proceso de guardarsave process (The process of writing data to disk)
proceso de hospedajehosting process (An application that is designed to host services. These include Internet Information Services (IIS), Windows Process Activation service (WAS), and Windows services. In these hosted scenarios, the host controls the lifetime of the service. For example, using IIS you can set up a virtual directory that contains the service assembly and configuration file. When a message is received, IIS starts the service and controls its lifetime)
proceso de importaciónimport process (The process of provisioning new users using a CSV file)
Proceso de imágenes destacadasPicture Accent Process (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. The rectangular shapes in the background are designed to contain pictures)
proceso de negociobusiness process (A specified sequence of steps required to complete a complex task, such as creating a contract. A business process can be performed manually or through the use of a workflow rule)
proceso de planificación presupuestariabudget planning process (A process that identifies the budget cycle and ledger for the budget planning period and defines how the budget plans will be routed, reviewed, and approved in an organization hierarchy)
proceso de posdigitalizaciónpost-scan process (All the information created to accomplish an enterprise scan. It includes a destination server, scan ticket and post-scan instructions)
proceso de servidorserver process (A process that hosts Component Object Model (COM) components. A COM component can be loaded into a surrogate server process, either on the client computer (local) or on another computer (remote). It can also be loaded into a client application process (in process))
proceso de trabajoworker process (The implementation of the core Web server in IIS. Worker processes run in W3wp.exe)
proceso de ventassales pipeline (A potential sales transaction in process)
Proceso destacadoAccent Process (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a progression, a timeline, or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. Works well for illustrating both Level 1 and Level 2 text)
Proceso detalladoDetailed Process (A SmartArt graphic layout used with large amounts of Level 2 text to show a progression through stages)
proceso dualboth-threaded (Pertaining to a threading model in which the object has the characteristics of an apartment-threaded object as well as a free-threaded object)
Proceso escalonadoStaggered Process (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a downward progression through stages. Each of the first five lines of Level 1 text corresponds with a rectangle. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts)
proceso por lotesbatch process (A production process for producing items in batches)
proceso RFIDRFID process (A high-level object that is used to put together custom sources)
Proceso segmentadoSegmented Process (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. Emphasizes Level 2 text, since each line appears in a separate shape)
Proceso verticalVertical Process (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow from top to bottom. Works best with Level 1 text, since the vertical space is limited)
programación de procesosprocess scheduling (The assignment of business intelligence tasks for users, roles, and PerformancePoint Planning Server)
Servicio de activación de procesos de WindowsWindows Process Activation service (A service that provides process activation, resource management, and health management services for message-activated applications)
Servicio proceso de planeaciónPlanning Process Service (The Web service that supports the running of all scheduled and ad-hoc workflow processes and tasks for Planning Server applications)
token de acceso del procesoprocess access token (A data structure that contains authentication and authorization information for a user. Windows creates the access token when the user logs on and the user's identity is confirmed. The access token contains the user's security ID (SID), the list of groups that the user is a member of, the list of privileges held by that user. Each process or thread started for the user inherits a copy of the access token. In some cases a user may have more than one access token, with different levels of authority)
trabajo en procesowork in progress (An item under current assets in the balance sheet that represents work in progress in some stage of the manufacturing process)
trabajo en procesowork in process (An item under current assets in the balance sheet that represents work in progress in some stage of the manufacturing process)
Área de trabajo Procesos empresarialesBusiness Process Workspace (An interface that enables business managers to track and manage all the business processes from STS)