
Terms for subject Microsoft containing procesador | all forms | exact matches only
bloque de control del procesadorprocessor control block (An extension of the processor control region (PCR))
componente del procesador de datosData Processor component (A component of the report server engine that processes data)
componente del procesador de informesReport Processor component (A component that retrieves the report definition from the report server database and combines it with data from the data source for the report)
contador de rendimiento del procesadoron-chip performance counter (A register on a CPU chip that stores very low-level information. This information can be queried)
procesador compatible con esquemasschema-aware (Pertaining to a processing method based on a schema that defines elements, attributes and types that will be used to validate the input and output documents)
Procesador de entrega y programaciónScheduling and Delivery Processor (A component of the report server engine that handles scheduling and delivery. Works with SQL Agent)
procesador de impresiónprint processor (The component that, working in conjunction with the printer driver, receives and alters print jobs, as necessary, according to their data type to ensure that the jobs print correctly)
Procesador de imágenes de tramaRaster Image Processor (The processor in an imagesetter or desktop printer that interprets the commands sent by a printer driver and converts them to a raster or bitmap grid to mark the paper or film)
procesador de multimediamedia processor (A processor that transforms media content into a different output)
procesador de optimización ortográficaspell tuning processor (A processor used to fine-tune a spelling checker dictionary)
procesador de reglarule processor (The set of logic rules used by the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) service. This set of rules determines how to handle the processing of data that is collected from an application)
Procesador de telemetría de OfficeOffice Telemetry Processor (A Windows service application that reads data files uploaded by the Office Telemetry Agent and inserts the data into SQL Server)
procesador de textosword processor (An application for creating and manipulating text-based documents)
procesador virtualvirtual processor (In the Concurrency Runtime, in the Task Scheduler, an abstraction of a physical processing resource. Just one context executes at any given time on a virtual processor. Every scheduler instance contains a collection of virtual processors, and every virtual processor maps to a virtual processor root in the Resource Manager)
raíz del procesador virtualvirtual processor root (In the Concurrency Runtime, in the Resource Manager, an abstraction of a physical processing resource. To enable oversubscription of hardware threads, multiple virtual processor roots can map to one physical processing resource)