
Terms for subject Agriculture containing plegable | all forms | exact matches only
aguilón plegablefolding boom
barra plegablefolding boom
barra portaaperos con cuerpos plegableshydraulically folding toolbar
barra portaaperos con cuerpos plegablesfolding toolbar
barra portaaperos plegablehydraulically folding toolbar
barra portaaperos plegabletoolbar for row crops
barra portaaperos plegablefolding toolbar
brazo plegable de muellespring loaded tine
brazo plegable de muellesemirigid tine
brazo plegable de muellespring loaded rigid tine
cuerpos plegablesfolding over sections
cuerpos plegablesfolding sections
cuerpos plegablesfolding outer sections
depósito plegablecollapsible tank
depósito plegableflexible tank
depósito plegablepillow bag
depósito plegablerelay tank
evacuación del estiércol para rascador plegablescraper dung cleaning,delta scraper
grada con cuerpos plegablesharrow with folding sections
grada con cuerpos plegablesfolding harrow
grada plegableharrow with folding sections
grada plegablefolding harrow
plataforma con paralelogramos extensibles y plegablesplatform with expandible parallelograms
plataforma con paralelogramos extensibles y plegablesplatform with double-scissors extension arms
rascador de estiércol plegablefolding dung scraper
recipiente plegablepillow bag
recipiente plegableflexible tank
recipiente plegablecollapsible tank
sierra plegablefolding saw