
Terms for subject Microsoft containing perfilar | all forms
Administrador de perfilesProfile Manager (A component of Windows Media Encoder that creates and edits the encoding profiles needed to identify the appropriate codec, the multimedia input streams, and the number and bit rate of the encoded output streams)
Asistente para perfiles de bases de datos de Microsoft CRMMicrosoft CRM Database Profile Wizard (An application which collects data about Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployments and sends it to Microsoft. Customers who volunteer to use this tool help Microsoft develop improvements for Microsoft CRM)
editor de perfilesProfile Editor (A tool provided with Windows Media Encoder that creates and edits the encoding profiles)
generación de perfilesprofiling (The collection of detailed performance data, such as memory, stack frame, and CPU utilization, during application execution. Analysis of the resulting data often leads to code optimizations that substantially improve application run-time behavior)
generador de perfilesprofiler (A diagnostic tool for analyzing the run-time behavior of programs)
generador de perfiles del códigocode profiler (A software tool, implemented as a DLL, which is called by the runtime system during the execution of an image)
generar perfilesprofile (To analyze a program to determine how much time is spent in different parts of the program during execution)
gráfico de perfiles de aptitudesskill profile wheel (A control that visually represents the complete list of competencies that an employee, a unit, or a team can demonstrate. A skill profile wheel is often used in connection with skill gap analyses, for example to display the difference between an employee's current profile and that of a career path)
Optimización guiada por perfilesprofile-guided optimization (A feature that allows you to optimize an application based on most-likely used scenarios)
proveedor de perfilesprofile provider (A data provider that specifies profile properties for each user and that is managed automatically by ASP.NET)