
Terms for subject Microsoft containing parte | all forms | exact matches only
administrador del parte de horastimesheet manager (The person to whom your timesheet is submitted. If the user and the timesheet manager are the same person, an automatic approval will be performed upon submittal)
21 CFR Parte 1121 CFR Part 11 (A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation, Title 21 of the Congressional Federal Record, Part 11. This regulation specifies the conditions and criteria for determining the validity and trustworthiness of electronic signatures and processes)
parte de datos externosexternal data part (A set of controls that interact with external data through BCS)
parte de horas suplentesurrogate timesheet (A timesheet that you create in Project Web Access and submit on behalf of someone who works for you)
parte dependientedependent party (A party who assumes a dependent role when it participates in a relationship with another party)
parte interesadastakeholder (An individual or organization that is actively involved in a project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected as a result of project execution or project completion)
petición, pedido de partes, petición de piezasparts requisition (A request for a specified amount of an item to be pulled from inventory)