
Terms for subject Microsoft containing operador | all forms | exact matches only
aplicación del operador de telefonía móvilmobile operator app (A privileged app that enables a mobile operator to build an account experience that links their SIM to the Connection Manager under Mobile Broadband connections)
consola de operadorattendant console (A console for call handling)
Consola del operadorOperations console (The Operations Manager interface that you use to perform monitoring, administration, authoring, and reporting functions)
extensión de operador principalmain operator extension (The extension at which Attendant console users who are answering calls for the corporate main phone number can be reached internally)
grupo Operadores de copia de seguridadBackup Operators group (A type of local or global group that contains the user rights you need to back up and restore files and folders. Members of the Backup Operators group can back up and restore files and folders regardless of ownership, permissions, encryption, or auditing settings)
grupo Operadores de servidorServer Operators group (A group whose members can manage all domain controllers in a single domain. This group does not exist on workstations, stand-alone servers, or member servers. Administrative tasks that can be performed by members of this group include logging on locally, creating and deleting network shared resources, starting and stopping services, backing up and restoring files, formatting the hard disk of the computer, and shutting down the computer)
Operador automáticoAuto Attendant (A feature that supplies a caller with information and performs an action without the intervention of a human operator. It automatically routes calls based on selections made by the caller)
operador booleanoBoolean operator (An operator designed to work with Boolean values. The four most common Boolean operators in programming use are AND (logical conjunction), OR (logical inclusion), XOR (exclusive OR), and NOT (logical negation))
operador celularmobile operator (A company that provides telephone and other communications services to consumers)
operador de adiciónaddition operator (The + character, used to indicate addition or a positive number)
operador de combinaciónjoin operator (A comparison operator in a join condition that determines how the two sides of the condition are evaluated and which rows are returned)
operador de comparacióncomparison operator (A character or symbol that indicates a relationship between two or more values or expressions - for example, < (less than), > (greater than), and = (equal to))
Operador de conferenciaConferencing Attendant (The server application that makes it possible for an enterprise user without access to a unified communications client to use a PSTN phone to dial in to a scheduled conference. Conferencing Attendant also provides such a user with basic conference controls)
operador de consulta estándarstandard query operator (A method that constitutes a query pattern and that is implemented by a LINQ provider for a specific domain. Standard query operators are defined in the System.Linq.Enumerable class)
operador de decrementodecrement operator (An operator that subtracts 1 from its operand depending on the position of the operator)
Operador de herramientas remotasRemote Tools Operator (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can run and audit remote administration tools)
operador de incrementoincrement operator (An operator that increases an integer typically by 1)
Operador de reservaBooking Attendant (A calendaring feature that automatically manages resources. Resource requests are automatically accepted or denied depending on availability and policies)
Operador de reserva de recursosResource Booking Attendant (A calendaring feature that automatically manages resources. Resource requests are automatically accepted or denied depending on availability and policies)
operador de telefonía móvilmobile operator (A company that provides telephone and other communications services to consumers)
operador exponencialcaret (An exponentiation operator used in some programming languages. For example, the expression 3^2 represents the number 3 raised to the second power)
operador lambdalambda operator (The C => operator that is used to separate the parameters and the body of a lambda expression)
operador lógicological operator (The and/or operator used when constructing a rule)
operador móvilmobile operator (A company that provides telephone and other communications services to consumers)
operador móvil / operadormobile operator (A company that provides telephone and other communications services to consumers)
operador nnary (Pertaining to an operator that can hold an arbitrary number of arguments, or to a function that can hold an arbitrary number of operators)
operador nn-ary (Pertaining to an operator that can hold an arbitrary number of arguments, or to a function that can hold an arbitrary number of operators)
operador NOT lógicological NOT (A Boolean operator that performs logical negation, effectively reversing the input, if and when its input is false)
operador para notificaciones de errorfail-safe operator (A user who receives the alert if the designated operator cannot be reached)
operador unariounary operator (An operator that takes only one operand, for example, the increment (++) operator)
procedimiento de operadoroperator procedure (A series of Visual Basic statements that define the behavior of a standard operator (such as *, <> or And) on a class or structure you have defined. This is also called operator overloading)
proveedor de servicios de telefonía móvil, operadorcarrier (A company that provides telephone and other communications services to consumers)
rol de usuario Operador de informesReport Operator user role (In System Center Operations Manager 2007, the user role that grants members the rights to access and run reports. Because Virtual Machine Manager reports are created through Operations Manager, Virtual Machine Manager administrators must be a member of the Report Operator user role to view and run reports in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console)
sobrecarga de operadoroperator overloading (The assignment of more than one function to a particular operator, with the implication that the operation performed will vary depending on the data type (operands) involved. Some languages, such as Ada and C++, specifically allow for operator overloading)
usar el operador puntodot source (In Windows PowerShell, to start a command by typing a dot and a space before the command. Commands that are dot sourced run in the current scope instead of in a new scope. Any variables, aliases, functions, or drives that command creates are created in the current scope and are available to users when the command is completed)