
Terms for subject Microsoft containing operaciones | all forms | exact matches only
Administrador de operacionesOperations Administrator (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can perform all actions in Configuration Manager except for those that are required to manage security)
copia de seguridad de registros de operaciones masivasbulk log backup (A backup that includes log and data pages changed by bulk operations. Point-in-time recovery is not allowed)
copia de seguridad de registros sin operaciones masivaspure log backup (A backup containing only the transaction log covering an interval without any bulk changes)
entrada del diario de operacionesoperations journal entry (A record of the operational and legal consequences of a resource flow event)
maestro de operacionesoperations master (A domain controller that has been assigned one or more special roles in an Active Directory domain)
operaciones simultáneassimultaneous operations (A type of operations network in which multiple operations take place at the same time and must be completed before moving on to the next operation)
operación asincrónicaasynchronous operation (A process whose execution can proceed independently or in the background. Other processes may be started before the asynchronous process has finished)
operación bit a bitbitwise operation (An operation that manipulates a single bit, or tests whether a bit is on or off)
operación comercialbusiness operation (A logical business action controlled by the business operation framework and implemented by a class that communicates with the framework using data contracts)
operación de cachécache operation (An event that occurs on regions or cached items that can trigger a cache notification)
operación de dominiodomain operation (A method on a domain service that is exposed to a client application. It enables client applications to perform an action on the entity such as, query, update, insert, or delete records)
operación de invocacióninvoke operation (A domain operation that is executed without tracking or deferred execution)
operación de posterizaciónposterizing operation (A lookup table operation that reduces the number of colors used in an image)
operación de recopilación y escrituragather-write operation (A performance optimization where the Database Engine collects multiple modified data pages into a single write operation)
operación de refactorizaciónrefactoring operation (A command such as Refactor.Rename, which is part of the process of improving your code by changing the internal structure of the code without changing its external behavior)
operación de rutaroute operation (A step in the process of manufacturing an item)
operación Getget operation (An operation in a source-controlled database that replaces the workspace version of a file with the specified repository version. By default, the repository version is the latest version)
operación Mergemerge operation (The process of combining the changes in two distinct branches of a source-controlled database)
planificación de ventas y operacionessales and operations planning (The development of tactical plans that provide management with the ability to strategically direct its businesses to achieve competitive advantage on a continuous basis by integrating customer-focused marketing plans for new and existing product with the management of the supply chain)
recurso de operacionesoperations resource (An economic resource provided by products that flow into or flow out of operations activities)
red de operacionesoperations network (An organization of operations that synchronizes the dependencies between operations based on starting/ending times, costs, and other criteria. The organization forms a network that follows the manufacturing process from beginning to end. The three types of networks are simple network, simultaneous operations network, and complex network)
registro de operacionesoperations register (A register that is used to record the operational and legal consequences of resource flow events in an accounting system)
tipo de operaciónoperation type (Information that is requested on the resource managed by ILM through the Web service. This includes information on creating and deleting objects, and reading and modifying object attributes. In addition, Add/Remove operations let you apply further control to the modify operation to control only addition of attributes or their removal)