
Terms containing objetos | all forms | exact matches only
tech.acción de examinar un objeto por el sonido que produce al golpearlosounding
relig.Acuerdo para la importación de objetos de carácter educativo, científico o culturalFlorence Agreement
relig.Acuerdo para la importación de objetos de carácter educativo, científico o culturalAgreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials
astronaut.Acuerdo sobre el salvamento y la devolución de astronautas y la restitución de objetos lanzados al espacio ultraterrestreAgreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space
comp., MSAdministrador de objetos CIMCIM Object Manager (A component in the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) infrastructure that handles the interaction between management applications and providers. The CIM Object Manager supports services such as event notification, remote access, and query processing. The CIM Object Manager also grants access to the WMI repository)
account.adquisciones menos cesiones de objetos valiososacquisitions less disposals of valuables
comp., MSagrupación de objetosobject pooling (An automatic service provided by COM+ that enables you to configure a component so that instances of itself are kept active in a pool, ready to be used by any client that requests the component)
tech.ajustar el objeto al textoadjust object size to fit text
tech.ajustar la mira de un avión de combate que relaciona el tamaño aparente de un objeto con la distanciamil setting
comp.ajuste automático de línea dentro del objetoword-wrap text in object
ITalmacén basado en objetosobject based repository
comp., MSanclaje del objetoobject anchor (A format code in a desktop publishing or word processing document that keeps an element in the document, such as a figure or a caption or a label associated with the figure, in a certain position in the document. The anchored object is generally attached to another element in the document)
account.antigüedades y otros objetos artísticosantiques and other art objects
mech.aparato que sirve para levantar objetos pesados a poca altura con un mínimo de esfuerzo manualjack
meas.inst.aparatos de regulación para objetos industrialesindustrial control devices
CNC, meas.inst.aparatos de regulación para objetos industrialesindustrial control equipment
comp., MSapariencia de objeto no disponibleunavailable appearance (The visual display for a control when it is unavailable)
patents., Arg.aplicar una marca de fábrica a los objetos de un comercioapply a trademark to goods
patents.apto para ser objeto de un pleitoliable to action
patents.apto para ser objeto de un pleitoactionable
patents.apto para ser objeto de un pleitoliable to complaint
econ.artículos no objeto de restriccionesnon-restricted items
comp., MSasignación de tipo de objetoobject type mapping (" A relationship between an object type that is used to represent a resource in ILM "2" and an object class that is used to represent that object in the metaverse.")
lawasuntos que tengan el mismo objeto o que planteen la misma cuestión de interpretación o que cuestionen la validez del mismo actocases in which the same relief is sought, the same issue of interpretation is raised or the validity of the same act is called in question
fin.ayuda que puede ser objeto de un procedimiento acelerado de aprobaciónaid eligible for accelerated clearance
comp., MSbiblioteca de objetosobject library (A file that contains definitions of objects and their methods and properties)
IMF.bien que es objeto de intercambiotraded good
IMF.bien que no es objeto de comercio exteriornontraded good
ITbloque de objetos moviblesmovable object block
lawCada Estado miembro determinará las sanciones que deberán imponerse en caso de que se incumpla lo dispuesto en el presente Reglamento. Las sanciones deberán ser eficaces, proporcionadas y disuasorias. Hasta que se adopte, en caso necesario, legislación con este objeto, las sanciones que deben imponerse en caso de incumplimiento de las disposiciones del presente Reglamento serán las que determinen los Estados miembros de conformidad con el artículo ... del Reglamento ...Each Member State shall determine the sanctions to be imposed where the provisions of this Regulation are infringed. Such sanctions shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive. Pending the adoption, where necessary, of any legislation to this end, the sanctions to be imposed where the provisions of this Regulation are infringed shall be those determined by the Member States in order to give effect to Article ... of Regulation ...
transp.cajoncito para objetos de bolsillomagazine pouch
tech.cambio de desalojamiento de un objetodisplacement
tech.cambio de posición de un objetodisplacement
patents.capaz para ser objeto de un pleitoliable to action
patents.capaz para ser objeto de un pleitoactionable
patents.capaz para ser objeto de un pleitoliable to complaint
tech.cargar objetos sobre una tarimapalletize
coal.caída de objetosfalls of objects
gen.caída de objetos desprendidoshit by falling objects
gen.choque contra objeto móvilhit by moving object
work.fl., ITclasificación de objetosobject classification
deaf.Clave-Objetoobject cues (singular)
deaf.Claves-Objetoobject cues (plural)
tech.cociente de la velocidad de vuelo de un objeto por la velocidad del sonido en el medio en que se mueve el objetoMach
med.color del objetoobject color
light.color-objeto percibidoobject-colour
gen.Comenzamos a numerar todos los objetos de la subastaWe started numbering all the items from the auction
fin.Comité consultivo de defensa contra las importaciones objeto de dumping o subvencionesAdvisory Committee on Protection against Dumped or Subsidised Imports
gen.Comité consultivo de defensa contra las importaciones que sean objeto de dumping por parte de países no miembros de la CEAdvisory Committee on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the EC
environ.Comité Intergubernamental de Negociación de un instrumento internacional jurídicamente vinculante para la aplicación del procedimiento de Consentimiento Fundamentado Previo a ciertos plaguicidas y productos químicos peligrosos objeto de comercio internacionalIntergovernmental Negotiation Committee for an internationally legally binding instrument for the application of the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade
org.name.Comité Intergubernamental de Negociación para la Aplicación del ICP a Ciertos Plaguicidas y Productos Químicos Peligrosos Objeto de Comercio InternacionalIntergovernmental Negotiating Committee for the PIC Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
UNcon el objeto de determinarwith a view to determining
gen.con objeto de contribuir a un mayor desarrollo de los contactosby way of further developing contacts
org.name.Conferencia de las Partes en el Convenio de Rotterdam sobre el procedimiento de consentimiento fundamentado previo aplicable a ciertos plaguicidas y productos químicos peligrosos objeto de comercio internacionalConference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
comp., MSConfiguración de la visualización de objetosObject Visualization Configuration (" Configuration objects that are used to render UI in the Universal Object Control for authoring a specific object type in ILM "2". ")
forestr.consideración de un único objetosingle-object consideration
comp., MSconstrucción de objetosobject construction (A COM+ service available to .NET Framework classes that passes a persistent string value to a class instance on construction of the instance)
industr., construct.constructor de objetos de junco, caña y mimbre h/mbasket maker/Wicker worker m/f
gen.contexto de acceso a un objeto de seguridadaccess context to a security object
comp., MScontexto del objetoobject context (The entity container defined in the conceptual schema. It contains a connection to the underlying data store and provides services such as change tracking)
chem.Contiene plomo. No utilizar en objetos que los niños puedan masticar o chupar. ¡Atención! Contiene plomo.Contains lead. Should not be used on surfaces liable to be chewed or sucked by children. Warning! Contains lead.
earth.sc.contraste del objetoobject contrast
comp., MSControl de objetos universalUniversal Object Control (A data driven UI that takes two inputs: the OVC describing how to render the UI for the object to be edited/created, and the resource object which is being edited/created)
lawcontroversia relacionada con el objeto del Tratadodispute which relates to the subject matter of the Treaty
environ., UNConvenio de Rotterdam para la aplicación del procedimiento de consentimiento fundamentado previo a ciertos plaguicidas y productos químicos peligrosos objeto de comercio internacionalRotterdam Convention
environ., UNConvenio de Rotterdam para la aplicación del procedimiento de consentimiento fundamentado previo a ciertos plaguicidas y productos químicos peligrosos objeto de comercio internacionalPIC Convention
environ., UNConvenio de Rotterdam para la aplicación del procedimiento de consentimiento fundamentado previo a ciertos plaguicidas y productos químicos peligrosos objeto de comercio internacionalRotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
environ., UNConvenio de Rotterdam para la aplicación del procedimiento de consentimiento fundamentado previo a ciertos plaguicidas y productos químicos peligrosos objeto de comercio internacionalConvention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade
environ., UNConvenio de Rotterdam sobre el Procedimiento de Consentimiento Fundamentado Previo Aplicable a Ciertos Plaguicidas y Productos Químicos Peligrosos Objeto de Comercio InternacionalPIC Convention
UN, chem.Convenio de Rotterdam sobre el procedimiento de consentimiento fundamentado previo aplicable a ciertos plaguicidas y productos químicos peligrosos objeto de comercio internacionalRotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
environ., UNConvenio de Rotterdam sobre el Procedimiento de Consentimiento Fundamentado Previo Aplicable a Ciertos Plaguicidas y Productos Químicos Peligrosos Objeto de Comercio InternacionalRotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
environ., UNConvenio de Rotterdam sobre el Procedimiento de Consentimiento Fundamentado Previo Aplicable a Ciertos Plaguicidas y Productos Químicos Peligrosos Objeto de Comercio InternacionalRotterdam Convention
environ., UNConvenio de Rotterdam sobre el Procedimiento de Consentimiento Fundamentado Previo Aplicable a Ciertos Plaguicidas y Productos Químicos Peligrosos Objeto de Comercio InternacionalConvention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade
UNConvenio sobre el registro de objetos lanzados al espacio ultraterrestreConvention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space 1976 Convention on Registration of Space Objects
gen.Convenio sobre el registro de objetos lanzados al espacio ultraterrestreConvention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space
gen.Convenio sobre la responsabilidad de los hoteleros en lo relativo a los objetos que los huéspedes traigan consigoConvention on the Liability of Hotel-keepers concerning the Property of their Guests
astronaut., transp.Convenio sobre la responsabilidad internacional por daños causados por objetos espacialesConvention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects
commun., ITcoordenadas centradas en el objetoobject-centred co-ordinates
tech.cualquier estante para colocar objetosrack
fin.cuenta de contribuciones sin objeto determinadoaccount for unspecified contribution
patents.cuero e imitaciones de cuero, en concreto bolsas y otros productos no adaptados a la forma de los objetos que deben contener, así como productos menores de cuero, en particular, monederos, carteras y estuches para llavesgoods of leather and imitations of leather, namely bags and other containers not designed to contain any particular object, as well as small leather goods, especially purses, pocket wallets, key wallets
work.fl.código de objetocommodity code Agrindex
IT, el.código de objeto ejecutableobject code
tech.daños causados a los motores de propulsión a chorro por objetos que se introducen en los mismosForeign object damage (estos daños ocurren generalmente en las pistas de aterrizaje, en las pistas de carreteo o en las rampas, por falta de limpieza, mantenimiento o descuido)
tech.daños ocasionados por objetos extrañosForeign object damage
patents.de la marca comunitaria como objeto de propiedada Community trade mark as an object of property
patents.debiera ser objeto de una mención especialshall be specially mentioned
patents.debiera ser objeto de una mención especialshall be expressly mentioned
UNDeclaración de Berlín: Bases para una cooperación a nivel mundial, con el objeto de promover en las ciudades un desarrollo compatible con el medio ambienteBerlin Declaration: Foundations for Global Cooperation to Promote Environmentally Sound Development in Town and Cities
tech.definición de daños causados por objetos extrañosForeign object defined
agric.derecho a la devolución del objeto arrendadoright of recovery
agric.derecho a la restitución del objeto arrendadoright of recovery
immigr.descripción de personas y de objetosalert on persons and property
environ.detección de objetos a la derivadetection of drifting objects
meas.inst.detector de objetos metálicosmetal detector
gen.detectores de objetos metálicos para uso industrial o militarmetal detectors for industrial or military purposes
comp., MSdiagrama del modelo de objetosobject model diagram (A graphical representation of the objects and collections that are contained within a specified object model)
comp.dibujar objetosdrawing objects
auto.dirección de girar rápidamente en una dirección cuando una o dos de las ruedas delanteras le pegan a un objetobump steer
fin.dirección horizontal de un objeto de disposiciónhorizontal direction of a layout object
fin.dirección horizontal de un objeto de disposiciónhorizontal direction
UNDirectrices de Londres para el Intercambio de Información acerca de Productos Químicos Objeto de Comercio InternacionalLondon Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade
UNDirectrices para el intercambio de información sobre productos químicos objeto del comercio internacionalGuidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade
ITdiseño jerárquico orientado a objetoshierarchical object-oriented design
ITdiseño orientado a objetosobject-oriented design
tech.distancia horizontal desde el subpunto del avión a un objeto en tierraground range
comp., MSdistribución de objetosobject layout (The positioning of an object, such as a chart, shape, image or text box, on a page, along with related options such as text-wrapping styles)
comp., MSduración del objetoobject lifetime (The span of time a cached object resides in cache and is available to be retrieved by cache clients. The object expires when its lifetime ends. Expired objects cannot be retrieved by cache clients, but remain in memory of the cache host until they are evicted. Specified as time to live (TTL))
environ.ecosistemas naturales u objeto de ordenaciónnatural or managed ecosystems
comp., MSEditor de objetos de directiva de grupoGroup Policy Object Editor (The Microsoft Management Console snap-in used to edit Group Policy objects)
lawejercitar acciones que tengan por objeto prohibir el uso de una marca comunitariato bring proceedings for the purpose of prohibiting the use of a Community trade mark
fin.el IME será objeto de liquidación tan pronto como quede constituido el BCEthe EMI will go into liquidation upon the establishment of the ECB
patents.el objeto de la patente no es patentablethe subject-matter of the patent is not patentable
patents.el objeto de la solicitud consiste puramente en un dominio nuevo de aplicación de un procedimiento conocidothe subject matter consists only in a new field of application of a known method
lawel Presidente tomará todas las medidas necesarias con objeto de garantizar el funcionamiento de la Oficinathe President shall take all necessary steps to ensure the functioning of the Office
econ.el prestador podrá, con objeto de realizar dicha prestaciónthe person providing a service may, in order to do so
tech.el punto de la superficie terrestre directamente debajo de un objeto o cuerpo celestesubpoint
patents.el recurso será objeto de una decisióna decision shall be given on the appeal
law, fin.el régimen de los objetos de arte,objetos de colección y antigüedadesthe scheme for works of art
law, fin.el régimen de los objetos de arte,objetos de colección y antigüedadescollectors'pieces and antiques
psychiat., med.elección de objetoobject choice
med.elección del objetoobject choice
law, fin.empresa que puede ser objeto de una sanción graveenterprise liable to a serious penalty
econ.encuestas a realizar entre las unidades que son objeto de investigaciónsurveys in which actual data are collected
ITequipo lógico en código objetoobject code
psychiat., med.escisión del objetoobject splitting
environ., fish.farm.especie objeto de pescatargeted species
commun., ITespecificación de formato de objetos de datosdata object format specification
comp., MSestado de flujo de objetoobject flow state (In an activity diagram, a state that defines an object flow between actions. An object flow state signifies the availability of an instance of a classifier in a given state, usually as the result of an operation)
tech., industr., construct.estructura de protección contra el riesgo de caída de objetosfalling-object protective structures
tech., industr., construct.estructuras de protección contra la caída de objetosfalling-object protective structures
fin.evitar que las mercancías sean objeto de sustitucionesto ensure that goods are not substituted by other goods
insur., construct.examen de los objetos de riesgosurvey of objects at risk
comp., MSExaminador de objetosObject Browser (A dialog box that displays information about objects, properties, methods, and constants in the current project and in referenced object libraries, and that you use to search for an element, get help on it, or paste it into a module)
comp., MSexaminador de objetosobject browser (A dialog box that displays information about objects, properties, methods, and constants in the current project and in referenced object libraries, and that you use to search for an element, get help on it, or paste it into a module)
comp., MSExplorador de objetosObject Explorer (The section of the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) that contains nodes that represent database objects)
comp., MSExplorador de objetos de SQL ServerSQL Server Object Explorer (The section of the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) that contains nodes that represent database objects)
med.exposición óptima a la sustancia objeto de ensayo por inhalaciónto maximize the exposure by inhalation to the test substance
stat., industr., construct.fabricación de objetos de barromanufacture of common pottery goods
industr., construct.fabricación de objetos por inmersiónmanufacture of dipped articles
lawfalsificación de la patente objeto de licenciainfringement of the licensed patent
ITfase objetoobject phase
comp., MSflujo de objetoobject flow (In an activity diagram, a dashed arrow that indicates that an object is input or output by an action. An object flow arrow connects an object flow state either to a control flow arrow or to an action state)
UN, polit.Fondo de contribuciones voluntarias con objeto de ayudar a los pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo y a los países menos adelantados a participar en la Conferencia mundial sobre el desarrollo sostenible de los pequeños Estados insulares en desarrolloVoluntary Fund for Assisting Small Island Developing States and the Least Developed Countries to Participate in the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and its Preparatory Process
comp., MSformato de archivo de objeto comúncommon object file format (A format in 32-bit programming for executable (image) and object files that is portable across platforms. The Microsoft implementation is called portable executable (PE) file format)
IT, dat.proc.formato por objetosobject-oriented layout
comp., MSfotograma clave a nivel de objetoobject-level keyframe (A type of keyframe that applies to entire objects, such as a rectangle object, or a grid that contains multiple objects)
lawfrustrar el objeto de un tratadoto deprive a treaty of its object
ITGestor de memoria virtual orientado al objeto en tiempo realVirtual Real-time Object Oriented Memory Manager
UNGrupo de Trabajo Ad Hoc de expertos sobre el consentimiento previo y otras modalidades para complementar las Directrices de Londres para el intercambio de información acerca de productos químicos objeto del comercio internacionalAd Hoc Working Group of Experts on Prior Informed Consent and Other Modalities to Supplement the London Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade
UNGrupo de Trabajo Ad Hoc de Expertos sobre el intercambio de información acerca de productos potencialmente nocivos especialmente plaguicidas objeto de comercio internacionalAd Hoc Working Group of Experts for the Exchange of Information on Potentially Harmful Chemicals in Particular Pesticides in International Trade
sociol.grupo objetotarget group
earth.sc.guía objetosspecimen-guide
comp., MSherramienta de prueba de objetosObject Test Bench (A tool that creates instances of a project's objects, calls their methods, and evaluates the results)
comp., MSid. de objetoobject ID (" An attribute type in which the value of the attribute is a globally unique identifier (GUID) assigned by ILM"2" to each resource when it is created.")
tech.identificación de los objetos que se encuentran en el espaciospace object identification
comp., MSidentificador de objetoobject identifier (" An attribute type in which the value of the attribute is a globally unique identifier (GUID) assigned by ILM"2" to each resource when it is created.")
comp., MSidentificador de objetosobject identifier (A number that identifies an object class or attribute. Object identifiers (OIDs) are organized into an industry-wide global hierarchy. An object identifier is represented as a dotted decimal string, such as, with each dot representing a new branch in the hierarchy. National/regional registration authorities issue root object identifiers to individuals or organizations, who manage the hierarchy below their root object identifier)
commun., ITidentificador digital de objetosdigital object identifier
radioloc.indicador tipo azel. Indicador que con un solo tubo de rayos catódicos proporciona presentaciones tridimensionales acimut, elevación y distancia de objetos detectados por un radar de precisiónazel azimuth-elevation indicator
ITinformática distribuida en tiempo real orientada al objetoobject oriented real-time distributed computing
avia.ingestión o admisión de objetos extrañosForeign object ingestion
comp., MSinicializador de objetoobject initializer (A set of name/value pairs or unnamed variable initializers that are assigned to the public fields of an object in the same statement in which the object is declared)
comp., MSinterfaz de usuario orientada a objetoson-object user interface (A user interface that appears near a selected object, usually after the user right-clicks a selection, for example, a context menu that pops up above or beside a selected object and displays a list of commands that fit the selection)
comp., MSinterfaz de usuario orientada a objetoson-object UI (A user interface that appears near a selected object, usually after the user right-clicks a selection, for example, a context menu that pops up above or beside a selected object and displays a list of commands that fit the selection)
patents.introducción de objetosimportation of articles
tech.juego de poleas, cables, cadenas y ganchos que se usan para levantar objetos pesadostackle
law, immigr.justificación del objeto de la entradaevidence of purpose of visit
law, immigr.justificación del objeto de la entradaevidence of purpose of stay
law, immigr.justificación del objeto de la entradaevidence of purpose of journey
patents.la acción debe ser objeto de un juiciothe decision on the action shall be delivered in the form of a judgement
lawla marca comunitaria no ha sido objeto de un uso efectivo por el titularthe proprietor has not put the Community trade mark to genuine use
lawla marca comunitaria podrá ser objeto de medidas de ejecución forzosathe Community trade mark may be levied in execution
patents.la marca comunitaria puede ser objeto de licenciasa Community trade mark may be licensed
lawla marca comunitaria sólo podrá ser objeto de renuncia para el conjunto de la Comunidadthe Community trade mark shall not be surrendered save in respect of the whole Community
lawla marca comunitaria sólo podrá ser objeto de resolución de caducidad para el conjunto de la Comunidadthe Community trade mark shall not be the subject of a decision revoking the rights of the proprietor save in respect of the whole Community
lawla marca comunitaria sólo podrá ser objeto de resolución de nulidad para el conjunto de la Comunidadthe Community trade mark shall not be the subject of a decision declaring it invalid save in respect of the whole Community
patents.la parte que queda del objeto de la solicitudthe remaining part of the subject matter
patents.la petición deberá ser objeto de una mención especialthe demand shall be specially mentioned
fin., account.la sociedad de inversión estará sujeta a normas que tengan por objeto supervisar su solvenciaan investment firm must be subject to rules designed to monitor the firm's solvency
lawla solicitud de marca comunitaria como objeto de propiedadthe application for a Community trade mark as an object of property
agric., food.ind.lactosuero en polvo objeto de electrodiálisiselectrodialysed whey powder
lawlas marcas que hayan sido objeto de un registro internacional que surta efecto en un Estado miembrotrade marks registered under international arrangements which have effect in a Member State
fin.las mercancías que se encuentren en las zonas francas podrán ser objeto de cesionesit must be possible for ownership of goods placed in free zones to be transferred
dat.proc.lenguaje de objetosobject-oriented language
ITlenguaje de programación orientado al objetoobject-oriented programming language
gen.lenguaje objetotarget language
gen.lenguaje objetoobject-language
ITlenguaje objetosobject language
ITlenguaje objetosobject-oriented language
ITlenguaje orientado a objetosobject-oriented language
ITlenguaje orientado a objetosobject language
ITLenguaje orientado al objetoobject-oriented language
ITlibrería de objetosobject library
med.líbido de objetoobject-libido
comp., MSlínea de vida de objetoobject lifeline (In a sequence diagram, a representation of the existence of an object at a particular time. If the object is created or destroyed during the time period the diagram represents, then the lifeline stops or starts at the appropriate point)
tech.línea que va del ojo del piloto al objeto usualmente el blanco que se observaline of sight
tech.línea que va del ojo del piloto al objeto usualmente el blanco que se observaline-of-sight
comp., MSmarca de creación de objeto de sistema conectadoconnected system object creation flag (A parameter of a synchronization rule to indicate whether an object should be created in the connector space if the relationship criteria are not met)
comp., MSmarco de objeto dependientebound object frame (A control on a form or report used to display and manipulate OLE objects that are stored in tables)
comp., MSmarco de objeto independienteunbound object frame (A control you place on a form or report to contain an unbound object)
health., el.materia objeto de la irradiaciónirradiation target material
food.ind.materiales y objetosmaterials and articles
UNmedio ambiente mal utilizado u objeto de abusoenvironment subjected to misuse
comp., MSmodelo de objetosobject model (A hierarchical set of objects and its members - methods, properties, and events - that a particular component provides)
comp., MSModelo de objetos compartidos persistentesPersistent Shared Object Model (A custom protocol for transporting Web conferencing content)
comp., MSModelo de objetos componentesComponent Object Model (An object-based programming model designed to promote software interoperability; it allows two or more applications or components to easily cooperate with one another, even if they were written by different vendors, at different times, in different programming languages, or if they are running on different computers running different operating systems)
comp., MSModelo de objetos componentes de CryptoAPICryptoAPI Component Object Model (A Microsoft ActiveX control that provides a Component Object Model (COM) interface to Microsoft CryptoAPI, which exposes a select set of CryptoAPI functions to application developers)
comp., MSModelo de objetos componentes distribuidoDistributed Component Object Model (The version of Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM) specification that stipulates how components communicate over Windows-based networks. It permits the distribution of different components for a single application across two or more networked computers, running an application distributed across a network so that the distribution of components is not apparent to the user, and remotely displaying an application. Because DCOM is language-neutral, any language that uses COM components can also produce DCOM applications)
comp., MSmodelo de objetos de clienteclient object model (A set of APIs for SharePoint products. These APIs are based on the server object model, and can be called from clients such as desktop PCs and mobile devices)
comp., MSmodelo de objetos de representaciónrendering object model (Report object model used by rendering extensions)
comp., MSmodelo de objetos de Tiempo de ejecuciónRuntime object model (An object model designed for use by BDC clients and applications that provides an intuitive, object-oriented interface that abstracts the underlying data sources)
comp., MSmodelo de objetos de tiempo de ejecución de BDCBDC Runtime object model (An object model designed for use by BDC clients and applications that provides an intuitive, object-oriented interface that abstracts the underlying data sources)
comp., MSmodelo de objetos del Explorador de BizTalkBizTalk Explorer Object Model (The APIs used to create tools and scripts to automate the post-deployment tasks that you perform in BizTalk Explorer. You can use the BizTalk Explorer Object Model for such post-deployment tasks as creating ports, binding orchestrations, managing party properties, or any other task where you would use BizTalk Explorer. The BizTalk Explorer Object Model APIs are in the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM namespace)
comp., MSmodelo de objetos Tiempo de ejecución de composiciónComposites Runtime object model (An object model that that can be used to incorporate and/or modify the behavior of a composite at runtime)
immigr.modificación del objeto de la estanciachange in the reason for residence
med.movimiento subjetivo de la fijación del objetomovement parallax
gen.MUD con ObjetosMOO
hobby, IT, comp.MUD orientado a objetosMUD, Object-Oriented
pack.máquina para colocar objetos dentro de envasesboxing machine
pack.máquina para colocar objetos dentro de envasescasing machine
pack.máquina para colocar objetos dentro de envasesbox filling machine
comp., MSnivel de protección del objetoobject protection level (The integrity level of an object, stored in a token or an object's system access control list (SACL). The access check algorithm uses the object protection level to perform Mandatory Integrity Control (MIC))
comp., MSnotación de objetos JavaScriptJavaScript Object Notation (A text-based, data interchange format that is used to transmit structured data, typically in Ajax Web applications)
commun., ITobjeto abstractoobject
commun., ITobjeto abstractoabstract object
comp., MSobjeto activoactive object (In a collaboration diagram, an object role that can initiate control. Typical active objects include processes and tasks. In contrast, a passive object holds data and may send messages, but it does not initiate control)
comp., MSobjeto alineadoinline object (A picture or other object placed within a line of text that retains its place next to adjacent text when text is added or deleted)
comp., MSobjeto AsistenteAssistant object (The Assistant is the shared Microsoft Office Assistant object. It is a fully programmable object)
comp., MSobjeto auxiliar de exploradorbrowser helper object (An in-process Component Object Model (COM) component that Internet Explorer will load each time it starts; it runs in the same memory context as the browser and can perform actions on the available windows and modules)
comp., MSobjeto binario grandebinary large object (" A discrete packet of binary data that has an exceptionally large size, such as pictures or audio tracks stored as digital data, or any variable or table column large enough to hold such values. The designation "binary large object" typically refers to a packet of data that is stored in a database and is treated as a sequence of uninterpreted bytes.")
comp., MSobjeto binario grande EXCH50EXCH50 binary large object (A set of properties, generated and managed by Exchange Server, which is stored with each message and contains metadata about a given message. Often referred to as EXCH50 BLOB)
lawobjeto carente de novedadobject lacking in novelty
commun., ITobjeto casi puntualquasi-point target
pack.objeto coladocasting
pack.objeto coladocast moulding (obtenido por colada)
comp., MSobjeto compuestocomposite object (A high-level object made of tightly bound parts. A composite object is an instance of a composite class, which implies the composition aggregation between the class and its parts)
comp., MSobjeto Configuraciones de contraseñaPassword Settings object (An Active Directory object that is stored in the Password Settings Container. The Password Settings object holds the attributes of a certain fine-grained password policy)
comp., MSobjeto contactocontact object (An object, similar to a user in Active Directory, that holds Office Communications Server configuration information, such as its routing and storage settings)
comp., MSobjeto 3D3D object (A digital representation of a three-dimensional object that can be rendered on a computer screen using specialized software. The most common file format is the .obj file format)
comp., MSobjeto de activaciónactivation object (An object used by one or more client computers to activate a volume license for an application such as Windows or Office. The activation object contains the ID of the root domain and the end user license data from the activation and validation service)
comp., MSobjeto de Active DirectoryActive Directory object (An entity that can hold an identity in a Windows environment, such as computers, printers, mobile devices, users, groups, and so on)
comp., MSobjeto de Administración de configuraciónConfiguration Manager object (A component used in Configuration Manager software distribution and software updates -- for example, collections, advertisements, programs, packages, deployments, and so on)
cultur.objeto de adorno de vidrio ahiladoornament of spun glass
comp., MSobjeto de almacenamientostorage object (A logical grouping of data or objects within a compound file that can contain streams or other subordinate storages. The relationship between storages and streams in a compound file is similar to that of folders and files)
comp., MSobjeto de aplicaciónapplication object (The top-level object that represents the application to the system. The system calls methods on this object when the application is loaded, before it is shut down, and throughout the lifetime of the application to notify it of system-wide events. The application object contains application-wide code and maintains state that can be accessed from multiple views)
cultur.objeto de artework of art
gen.objeto de arteobjet d'art (art object; A work of fine or decorative art created by an artist or artisan)
comp., MSobjeto de asignación de archivosfile-mapping object (An object that maintains the association of a file's contents with a portion of the virtual address space of a process)
comp., MSobjeto de base de datosdatabase object (A database component (for example, a table, index, trigger, view, key, constraint, default, rule, user-defined data type, or stored procedure in a database))
comp., MSobjeto de canalización PowerShellPowerShell pipe object (In PowerShell scripting, the file or process to which the script's output is directed)
comp., MSobjeto de conexiónconnection object (An Active Directory object that represents a replication connection from one domain controller to another. The connection object is a child of the replication destinations NTDS Settings object and identifies the replication source server, contains a replication schedule, and specifies a replication transport. Connection objects are created automatically by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC), but they can also be created manually. Automatically generated connections must not be modified by the user unless they are first converted into manual connections)
comp., MSobjeto de configuraciónconfiguration object (" A generic user-defined instance of any of the different kinds of configurations in ILM "2", such as OVC and domain config.")
med.objeto de contagiofomite
med.objeto de contagiofomes
comp., MSobjeto de dibujodrawing object (Any graphic you draw or insert, which can be changed and enhanced. Drawing objects include AutoShapes, curves, lines, and WordArt)
comp., MSobjeto de dispositivo de controlcontrol device object (A device object that represents the filter driver to the system and to user-mode application and which allows applications to communicate with the filter driver directly, even before the filter is attached to a file system or volume device object)
meas.inst.objeto de ensayocomponent under test
comp., MSobjeto de inscripciónenlistment object (An object that represents the relationship between a resource manager and a transaction object on which the resource manager has enlisted)
comp., MSobjeto de interfaz de usuariouser-interface object (An object that provides functionality to the user-interface. For example, menu items, toolbar buttons, and accelerator keys are all user-interface objects)
patents.objeto de invenciónsubject matter of the invention
comp., MSobjeto de la aplicaciónapplication object (The top-level object that represents the application to the system. The system calls methods on this object when the application is loaded, before it is shut down, and throughout the lifetime of the application to notify it of system-wide events. The application object contains application-wide code and maintains state that can be accessed from multiple views)
environ.objeto de la auditoríaauditee
gen.objeto de la consultasubject to be considered
lawobjeto de la demandasubject-matter of the action
chem.objeto de la entidad jurídicaLegal Entity Object
IMF.objeto de la misiónterms of reference
UN, clim.objeto de la notaScope of the note
patents.objeto de la patentesubject matter of the patented invention
life.sc.objeto de la presapurpose of the dam
patents.objeto de la solicitudsubject matter of the application
fin.objeto de las transacciones a plazocommodities
fin.objeto de los gastosobject of expenditure
meas.inst.objeto de mediciónobject of measurement
comp., MSobjeto de origensource object (The single object to which all objects in a particular collection are connected by way of relationships that are all of the same relationship type)
comp., MSobjeto de permisopermission object (An instance of a permission class that represents access rights to resources or identity. A permission object can be used to specify a request, demand, or a grant of permission)
commun., ITobjeto de presentación visualdisplay object
lawobjeto de propiedad independiente de la empresaobject of property existing separately from the undertaking
lawobjeto de pruebaexhibit
comp., MSobjeto de referencia cruzadacross reference object (An object in which Active Directory stores information about directory partitions and external directory services)
comp., MSobjeto de rendimientoperformance object (In System Monitor, a logical collection of counters that is associated with a resource or service that can be monitored)
comp., MSobjeto de SQL ServerSQL Server object (An entity within SQL Server)
patents.objeto de uso corrientearticle of everyday use
comp., MSobjeto de usuariouser object (An object in Active Directory that contains information about the user, including user logon name, first name, last name, display name, and telephone number)
comp., MSobjeto definido por el usuariouser-defined object (A custom object defined by the user)
patents.objeto del pleitomatter at issue
patents.objeto del pleitomatter in dispute
patents.objeto del procesomatter in dispute
lawobjeto destructivodestructive device
work.fl., ITobjeto documentalobject of documentation
work.fl., ITobjeto documentaldocumentation object
tech.objeto electrochapadoelectroplate
el.mach.objeto en ensayotest object
comp., MSobjeto en estadoobject in state (In an activity diagram, an object that is manipulated by a number of successive activities. Each appearance of the object indicates a different phase in its life)
life.sc., transp.objeto espacialobject in space
life.sc., transp.objeto espacialspace object
life.sc., transp.objeto espacialbody in space
comp., MSobjeto etiquetadotagged object (A physical object that is optically or digitally tagged to be used interactively with Surface applications. The Surface Vision System currently recognizes byte tags and identity tags)
lawobjeto explosivoexplosive device
tech.objeto extrañoForeign object
pack.objeto fundidocasting
ITobjeto grande en binariobinary large object
comp., MSobjeto habilitado para correo electrónicomail-enabled object (A type of object that has an e-mail address on a domain in the organization, but the object does not have a mailbox in the domain at which to receive messages. The object appears in the global address list, which allows other people in the organization to easily locate or send a message to that person, but the administrator does not need to manage an unnecessary mailbox. Contacts, users, and even folders can be mail-enabled)
comp., MSobjeto incrustadoembedded object (An object created with one program and embedded into a document created by another. Embedding the object, rather than simply inserting or pasting it, ensures that the object retains its original format. If you double-click the embedded object, you can edit it with the toolbars and menus from the program used to create it)
comp., MSobjeto independienteunbound object (An object, such as a picture, whose value isn't derived from data stored in a table)
ITobjeto independiente de diferentes mediosindividual media object
ITobjeto inteligente multilingüemulti-lingual intelligent object
comp., MSobjeto IPIP object (A performance object that includes counters that describe the rates at which internet protocol (IP) datagrams are transmitted by a computer using the IP protocol. It also describes various error counts for the IP protocol)
comp., MSobjeto locallocal object (A table, query, form, report, macro, or module that remains in the replica or Design Master where it was created. Neither the object nor changes to the object are copied to other members in the replica set)
pack.objeto moldeadomoulded piece
pack.objeto moldeadomoulding
comp., MSObjeto MyMy object (In Visual Basic, the feature that makes programming faster and easier by giving you intuitive access to commonly needed objects in the .Net Framework Base Class Library)
patents.objeto no evidente de la invenciónnon-obvious subject matter
commer.objeto o efecto contrario a la competenciaanti-competitive purpose or effect
comp., MSObjeto OLEOLE object (An object that supports the OLE protocol for object linking and embedding)
comp., MSobjeto Operations ManagerOperations Manager object (A member of a class of elements managed by Operations Manager. For example, an Operations Manager Computer object could refer to a particular computer that is a member of the Operations Manager Computer class)
mun.plan.objeto para el adorno de interioresornament for interior decoration
comp., MSobjeto persistentepersistent object (A COM object that adheres to standards through which clients can request objects to be initialized, loaded, and saved to and from a data store, such as a flat file, structured storage, or memory)
comp., MSobjeto persistentelingering object (A domain controller that was offline for longer than the value of the tombstone lifetime can contain objects that have been deleted on other domain controllers and for which tombstones no longer exist)
comp., MSobjeto primarioparent object (The object in which another object resides. A parent object implies relation. For example, a folder is a parent object in which a file, or child object, resides. An object can be both a parent and a child object. For example, a subfolder that contains files is both the child of the parent folder and the parent folder of the files)
comp., MSobjeto protegiblesecurable object (Anything in the SharePoint environment on which permissions or permission levels can be set)
pack.objeto publicitariomerchandiser
comp., MSobjeto secundariochild object (An object that resides in another object. A child object implies relation. For example, a file is a child object that resides in a folder, which is the parent object)
comp., MSobjeto sincronizaciónsynchronization entity (A Navision or Outlook object containing data to be synchronized. Navision objects are tables and fields; Outlook objects are items, collections, and properties)
fin.objeto social de la empresaobject of the company
fin.objeto social de la empresabusiness object
comp., MSobjeto torneadolathe object (An object that appears as if made by a machine for shaping a piece of material, such as wood or metal, by rotating it rapidly along its axis while pressing against a fixed cutting or abrading tool)
pack.objeto vaciadocasting
IMF.objeto valiosovaluable
comp., MSobjeto vinculadolinked object (An object that is inserted into a document but still exists in the source file. When information is linked, the new document is updated automatically if the information in the original document changes)
ITobjeto virtualvirtual object
comp., MSobjeto virtualvirtual object (Any content or control in an application that a user can interact with, i.e. a menu, a button, the background, etc)
comp., MSobjeto visualvisual object (A low-level graphical object that serves as the ancestor of many useful graphical components)
comp., MSobjeto visualvisual (A low-level graphical object that serves as the ancestor of many useful graphical components)
nat.sc., transp.objeto volante no identificadounidentified flying object
patents.objeto y beneficiarios de la protecciónobject and beneficiaries of protection
chem.objetos cerámicosceramics
ceram.objetos cerámicos porososearthenware
environ.Objetos cortantessharps
commun.objetos cuyos costos se calculancost centre
fin.objetos cuyos costos se calculanitems to be costed
commun.objetos cuyos costos se calculanitem to be costed
comp., MSobjetos de acceso a datosData Access Objects (A programming interface to access and manipulate database objects)
comp., MSObjetos de administración de análisisAnalysis Management Objects (A collection of .NET namespaces included with Analysis Services, used to provide administrative functionality for client applications)
comp., MSObjetos de administración de SQL ServerSQL Server Management Objects (An application programming interface that supports the incorporation of SQL Server administration into any COM or OLE Automation application)
comp., MSobjetos de administración IISIIS Admin Objects (A set of methods, provided by Internet Information Services (IIS), that allow applications to access and modify configuration settings in the metabase)
patents.objetos de arte de cristaleríaworks of art made of glass
patents.objetos de arte de cristalería, porcelana y lozaworks of art made of glass, porcelain or stoneware
patents.objetos de arte de lozaworks of art made of stoneware
gen.objetos de arte de madera, de cera, de yeso o de materias plásticasworks of art, of wood, wax, plaster or plastic
gen.objetos de arte de madera, de cera, de yeso o de materias plásticasworks of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic
gen.objetos de arte de metales comunesworks of art of common metal
gen.objetos de arte de metales preciososworks of art of precious metal
gen.objetos de arte de piedra, hormigón o mármolworks of art of stone, concrete or marble
patents.objetos de arte de porcelanaworks of art made of porcelain
gen.objetos de arte de porcelana, de barro o de cristalworks of art, of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass
gen.objetos de arte grabadosengravings
gen.objetos de arte litografiadoslithographic works of art
gen.objetos de cerámicasceramic articles
gen.objetos de cotillónnovelties for parties, dances party favors, favours
comp., MSObjetos de datos ActiveXActiveX Data Objects (A data access interface that communicates with OLE DB-compliant data sources to connect to, retrieve, manipulate, and update data)
industr., construct., met.objetos de fantasía en vidriofrigger
mun.plan.objetos de higienesanitary articles
patents.objetos de materiales preciosos y sus aleacionesgoods in precious materials and their alloys
comp., MSobjetos de modelado de negociobusiness modeling objects (The set of objects that a modeler uses to create a custom application. The set includes the following primary object categories: system, application, model, and modeling site. Primary object categories can contain other object categories. For example, system-level security objects and application-level security objects)
law, fin., polit.objetos de orfebrería y platería ...articles of goldsmiths' or silversmiths' wares and parts thereof
pack.objetos de pequeño tamaño fijados sobre una planchacarded products (soporte de cartón)
gen.objetos de similorormolu ware
gen.objetos de similorobjects of imitation gold
mun.plan.objetos de tocadortoilet articles
agric., mech.eng.objetos de trabajowork implements
agric., mech.eng.objetos de trabajoimplements
agric., mech.eng.objetos de trabajotools
chem.objetos de vidrioglass ware
gen.objetos decorativosornament (A thing used or serving to adorn)
comp., MSobjetos equivalentesequivalent objects (Different files (for example, .vhd files) on which a user has set the same family and release properties to indicate that the different files are related)
ITobjetos estructuralesstructural object
patents.objetos expuestos en el escaparate pueden invalidar la novedadexhibits in a shop-window may be prejudicial as to novelty
tech.objetos extraños y escombros suciedadForeign objects and debris
insur.objetos fijosfixed objects
comp., MSObjetos para colaboración de datosCollaboration Data Objects (An application programming interface (API) that allows users and applications high-level access to data objects in Exchange. CDO defines the concept of different object classes, including messages, posts, appointments, and tasks)
gen.objetos perdidoslost property office
commun., ITobjetos primariosprimary objects of interpersonal messaging
commun., ITobjetos secundariossecondary objects
ITobjetos tipificadostyped objects
account.Objetos valiososvaluables
comp., MSObjetos y escala de tiempoObjects and Timeline (The area of the workspace that displays all of the objects on the artboard and the animation timeline)
polit.ocupación objeto de aprendizajeapprenticeable occupation Occupation for which apprenticeship has been officially approved, usually through legislation (Ocupación para la cual la formación requerida se adquiere mediante un aprendizaje desarrollado en condiciones formalmente establecidas por ley o reglamentación)
ITordenador de objeto ejecutableobject computer
gen.orientado a objetosobject-oriented
book.bind.ornamento objetos decorativosornament
account.otros objetos valiososother valuables
environ.Otros residuos cuya recogida y eliminación es objeto de requisitos especiales para prevenir infeccionesother wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in view of the prevention of infection
environ.Otros residuos cuya recogida y eliminación no es objeto de requisitos especiales para prevenir infeccioneswastes whose collection and disposal is not subject to special requirements in view of the prevention of infection
comp., MSPaleta de objetosObject Palette (A tab in the Toolbox where you can go to insert objects into your document)
comp., MSpanel Dependencias del objetoObject Dependencies pane (A pane that shows objects that have a dependency on the selected object. Also shows objects on which the selected object has dependencies)
comp., MSpanel Formato de objetosFormat Object task pane (A task pane that provides functionality for formatting objects)
IT, dat.proc.paquete de fichas objetoobject pack
gen.para limpiar el suelo y los objetos contaminados por este producto, úsese...a especificar por el fabricanteS40
gen.para limpiar el suelo y los objetos contaminados por este producto, úsese...a especificar por el fabricanteto clean the floor and all objects contaminated by this material, use... to be specified by the manufacturer
auto.parte superior de cualquier objetotop
pack.pequeños objetos colocados sobre un soporte de cartónboard underlayer
pack.pequeños objetos colocados sobre un soporte de cartóncarded products
patents.pequeños objetos de ferretería metálicasmall items of metal hardware
tech.permutación entre dos objetostransposition
gen.período objeto del informereporting period
tech.pieza que se extiende del eje hacia la periferia de una rueda o cualquier objeto circularradial
fisherypoblación objeto de especial preocupaciónspecial concern category
UN, account.por objeto de gastosby object of expenditure
health.porta-objetos para microscopiosmicroscope slides
ITposicionamiento de objetosobject positioning
econ.precio de los productos que han sido objeto de transacciónprice of the products involved in the transactions
comp.predeterminado para objetos nuevosdefault for new objects
ITpreparación de programa objetoobject-program preparation
tech.preparación y montaje del herramental especial con el objeto de producir en masa un artículo determinadotooling-up
transp.Prescripciones relativas a las Materias y Objetos excluidos del Transporte o admitidos en ciertas Condiciones RIDRegulations concerning the Substances and Articles not to be accepted for Carriage, or to be accepted subject to certain Conditions RID
UN, account.presupuestación por objeto de gastosline budgeting
UN, account.presupuesto por objeto de gastosobject-of-expenditure budget
health., environ., chem.procedimiento de consentimiento fundamentado previo aplicable a ciertos plaguicidas y productos químicos peligrosos objeto de comercio internacionalprior informed consent procedure
health., environ., chem.procedimiento de consentimiento fundamentado previo aplicable a ciertos plaguicidas y productos químicos peligrosos objeto de comercio internacionalPIC procedure
fin., polit., tax.producto objeto de impuesto especialproduct subject to excise duty
fin.producto objeto de impuestos especialesproduct subject to excise duty
gen.producto objeto de un supuesto dumpingallegedly dumped product
tech.programa de prevención de daños causados por objetos extrañosForeign object damage prevention
gen.programación concurrente basada en el objetoObject-Based Concurrent Programming
ITprogramación de objetosObject-Oriented Programming
dat.proc.programación de objetosobject oriented programming
IT, dat.proc.programación orientada a objetosobject-oriented programming
dat.proc.programación orientada a objetosobject oriented programming
ITprogramación orientada hacia el objetoObject Oriented Programming
IT, dat.proc.programación por objetosobject-oriented programming
comp., MSProtocolo simple de acceso a objetosSimple Object Access Protocol A simple, XML-based protocol for exchanging structured data and type information on the World Wide Web. The protocol is currently the de facto standard for XML messaging (SOAP)
el.proyector Balopticon marca comercial que utiliza la luz reflejada para proyectar objetos opacosBalopticon
med.prueba de reconocimiento de objetosobject perception test
earth.sc.punto objetoobject point
law, fin., polit.Recomendación de 1 de enero de 1975 del Consejo de Cooperación Aduanera que tiene por objeto la expresión en términos de la Clasificación Uniforme para el Comercio Internacional, revisión 2, de los datos estadísticos del comercio internacional recogidos sobre la base de la Nomenclatura de BruselasCustoms Cooperation Council's Recommendation of 1 January 1975 designed to enable Statistical Data on International Trade collected on the basis of the Brussels Nomenclature to be expressed in terms of the second revision of the Standard International Trade Classification
ITreconocimiento de los objetosobject recognition
chem.recortado de objetos a partir de lingotesprocess of cutting out from ingots
patents.relación de adición entre el objeto de dos solicitudesadditional relation between the subject matters of two applications
comp., MSrepositorio del Administrador de objetos CIMCIM Object Manager repository (A central storage area, managed by the CIM Object Manager, where defined objects, such as static class definitions and instances that are used to access and manipulate system management information, are stored)
tech.reproducción de un objeto mediante un depósito electrolíticogalvanoplastics
environ.Residuos cuya recogida y eliminación es objeto de requisitos especiales para prevenir infeccionesother wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in view of the prevention of infection
environ.Residuos cuya recogida y eliminación no es objeto de requisitos especiales para prevenir infecciones por ejemplo, vendajes, vaciados de yeso, vendas, pañaleswastes whose collection and disposal is not subject to special requirements in view of the prevention of infection e.g. dressings, plaster casts, linen, disposable clothing, diapers
polit., lawresolución que sea objeto de recurso de casacióndecision against which the appeal is brought
cultur.restitución de los objetos culturalesreturn of cultural objects
cultur.restitución de los objetos culturalesrestitution of cultural objects
UN, account.Resumen de las estimaciones del presupuesto ordinario para 2006-2007 por objeto de gastosregular budget estimates by object of expenditure
comp.retorno automático del texto en el objetoword-wrap text in object
org.name.Reunión conjunta de expertos FAO/OMS con objeto de preparar directrices para la elaboración de estrategias prácticas de gestión de riesgos basadas en los resultados de las evaluaciones de riesgos microbiológicosJoint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting to Elaborate Guidelines on the Development of Practical Risk Management Strategies Based on Microbiological Risk Assessment Outputs
comp., MSruta de acceso del objetoobject path (A formatted string used to access namespaces, classes, and instances. Each object on the system has a unique path that identifies it locally or over the network. Object paths are conceptually similar to Universal Resource Locators (URL))
tax.régimen especial aplicable a los bienes de ocasión, objetos de arte, antigüedades y objetos de colecciónspecial arrangements for second–hand goods, works of art, collectors' items and antiques
el., acoust.sección transversal de dispersión de un objeto o volumenscattering cross-section of an object or volume
earth.sc.sección transversal de reverberación de un objetobackscattering cross section of an object
earth.sc.sección transversal de reverberación de un objetobackscattering cross section of a volume
el., acoust.sección transversal de reverberación de un objeto o volumenbackscattering cross-section of an object or a volume
insur., agric.seguro de objetos domésticosresidence contents insurance
comp.seleccionar objetos de dibujoselect drawing objects
lawser objeto de un registro internacionalto register under international arrangements
lawser objeto de un registro internacional con efecto en un Estado miembroto be registered under international arrangements having effect in a Member State
IMF.ser objeto de un seguimientokeep under continuing review IMF credit policies
fin.ser objeto de una orden de pago por el importe netobe passed for payment of the net amount
comp., MSServicio del objeto de escritura de SQLSQL Writer Service (A service that permits Windows backup programs to copy SQL Server data files through the Volume Shadow Copy Service framework, while SQL Server is running)
comp., MSServicios de objetoObject Services (The services provided by the Entity Framework that enable application code to operate on entities in terms of .NET Framework objects)
patents.servicios de seguridad relacionados con objetos de valorsecurity services relating to valuables
UNserá objeto deit will be a matter of subsequent agreement (acuerdo posterior)
IT, tech., R&D.sistema de bases de datos orientadas a objetosobject oriented database systems
org.name.Sistema de certificación de la calidad de los productos farmacéuticos objeto de comercio internacionalCertification Scheme on the Quality of Pharmaceutical Products moving in International Commerce
ITsistema de gestión de bases de datos orientado a objetosobject-oriented data base management system
ITsistema de gestión de objetosobject management system
ITsistema de gestión de objetosObject management system
ITsistema híbrido orientado a objetoshybrid object-oriented system
ITsistema orientado a objetos y basado en el conocimientoobject-oriented, knowledge-based system
ITsistemas de gestión de bases de datos interoperables en torno a objetosinteroperable object-oriented database management systems
patents.solo objeto de la solicitud divisionalsole subject matter of the divisional application
tech.soporte estante para colocar objetosrack
ITtecnología orientada a objetosobject-oriented technology
comp., MStipo de datos ObjetoObject data type (A fundamental data type representing any object that can be recognized by Visual Basic. Although you can declare any object variable as type Object, it is best to declare object variables according to their specific types)
comp., MStipo de datos Objeto OLEOLE Object data type (A field data type that you use for objects created in other applications that can be linked or embedded (inserted) in an Access database)
IT, dat.proc.tipo de objetoobject type
comp., MStipo de objetoobject type (An opaque data structure that defines a protected entity that is implemented and manipulated by the operating system. For example, the system service that reads a file operates on an open file object)
comp., MStipo de objeto conectadoconnected object type (The object type in the connected system to which the ILM objects are connected)
lawtodos los ingresos y los gastos de la Oficina deberán ser objeto de previsiones para cada ejercicio presupuestarioestimates of all the Office's revenue and expenditure shall be prepared for each financial year
patents.transporte vigilado de objetos de valorguarded transport of valuables
lawuna de las empresas de que se trate puede ser objeto de una sanción graveone of the enterprises concerned is liable to a serious penalty
comp., MSvariable de objetoobject variable (A variable that contains a reference to an object)
gen.vigilancia de objetosunit surveillance
comp., MSvinculación e incrustación de objetosobject linking and embedding (A technology for transferring and sharing information among applications. When an object, such as an image file created with a paint program, is linked to a compound document, such as a spreadsheet or a document created with a word processing program, the document contains only a reference to the object; any changes made to the contents of a linked object will be seen in the compound document. When an object is embedded in a compound document, the document contains a copy of the object; any changes made to the contents of the original object will not be seen in the compound document unless the embedded object is updated)
comp., MSvinculación e incrustación de objetos para PDVobject linking and embedding for POS (A widely-adopted POS device standard initiated by Microsoft, NCR, Epson, and Fujitsu-ICL to help integrate POS hardware into applications for the Windows™ family of operating systems)
rem.sens.visibilidad de objetos bajo perturbacionessubclutter visibility
comp., MSvista de objetosobjects view (The list of objects that appear on the artboard. This list shows the general structure of the content on the artboard, reflecting Z-order or markup order as well as nesting)
comp., MSvínculo de objeto de directiva de grupoGroup Policy object link (A method of applying settings in a Group Policy object (GPO) to an Active Directory container (site, domain, or organizational unit). Linking a GPO applies the settings of that GPO to the users and computers in a site, domain, or organizational unit and, by default, to the users and computers in all child containers)
comp., MSzoom de objetosobject zoom (A view that shows a close-up of an object within a document)
comp., MSámbito de los objetos conectadosconnected object scope (A filter that identifies object types from a source directory based on a particular condition, for example Users, Computers, Printers)
comp., MSámbito de objetosobject scope (A set of objects about which a request can be submitted)
comp., MSárbol de objetos de aplicaciónApplication Object Tree A navigable view of the element objects in an application model (AOT)
earth.sc.área de absorción equivalente de un objetoequivalent absorption area
el., acoust.área de absorción equivalente de un objeto o de una superficieequivalent absorption area of an object or of a surface
comp.área del objetoobject area
earth.sc.índice de reverberación de un objetotarget strength
earth.sc.índice de reverberación de un objetoobject backscattering differential
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