
Terms for subject Microsoft containing objetivo | all forms | exact matches only
búsqueda de objetivogoal seek (A method to find a specific value for a cell by adjusting the value of one other cell. When goal seeking, Excel varies the value in a cell that you specify until a formula that's dependent on that cell returns the result you want)
ganancias según consecución de objetivosgain sharing (A variable compensation plan that rewards employees based on their achievement of a predetermined goal which is usually associated with a program or project that promotes cost-cutting or other productivity improvements)
KPI de objetivoobjective KPI (A KPI that derives its target value and score from a rollup of its child KPIs)
Lista de objetivoTarget List (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show interrelated or overlapping information. Each of the first seven lines of Level 1 text appears in the rectangular shape. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. Works well with both Level 1 and Level 2 text)
Objetivo anidadoNested Target (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show containment relationships. Each of the first three lines of Level 1 text correspond to the upper left text in the shapes, and Level 2 text corresponds to the smaller shapes. Works best with minimal Level 2 lines of text. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts)
Objetivo básicoBasic Target (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show containment, gradations, or hierarchical relationships. The first five lines of Level 1 text are associated with a circle. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts)
objetivo cuantitativogoaling (Determining the number of ads to deliver in a specified amount of time. You can goal by any event, such as clicks or amount sold)
objetivo cuantitativo de la campañacampaign goaling (Determining the number of ads to deliver in a specified amount of time. You can goal by any event, such as clicks or amount sold)
objetivo de contrato de nivel de servicioSLA target (The specified duration of time in which the IT organization must respond to or resolve an incident or service request)
objetivo de la campañaadvertising campaign goaling (Determining the number of ads to deliver in a specified amount of time. You can goal by any event, such as clicks or amount sold)
objetivo de recuperaciónrecovery goal (One of the goals that need to be met during recovery. The following three are possible: recovery range, data loss tolerance, and frequency of recovery points for protected data)
plantilla de objetivosgoal template (A set of default goals that have predefined descriptions to help an organization create specific goals for employees)
valor del objetivotarget value (As one aspect of a KPI, the desired level of performance with respect to a specific business goal or strategy. Actual values are evaluated against the target to determine KPI score and status)