
Terms for subject Microsoft containing notificación | all forms | exact matches only
actividad de notificaciónnotification activity (" A workflow activity within the action phase of request processing in which ILM "2" sends e-mails to one or more users to notify them of the request.")
API de notificaciónNotification API (A Windows API that is used for sending user notifications to the system, such as telling the system that the user is busy. It provides intelligence regarding when to draw a notification or perform some other custom action, and mechanisms for anchoring these notifications around the system)
aplicación basada en notificacionesclaims-based application (An application, Web site, or service that relies on claims)
aplicación para notificacionesclaims-aware application (A Microsoft ASP .NET application that performs authorization based on the claims that are present in an Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) security token)
asignación de notificacionesclaim mapping (The act of mapping, removing or filtering, or passing claims between various claim sets)
autenticación basada en notificacionesclaims-based authentication (The process of authenticating a user based on a set of claims about the user's identity contained in a trusted token. This token is often issued and signed by an entity that is able to authenticate the user by other means, and that is trusted by the entity doing the claims-based authentication)
Barra de notificaciónNotification bar (A bar at the bottom of the Internet Explorer view pane that alerts the user to status changes and provides possible actions the user can take)
canal de notificaciónnotification channel (A shareable, server-side object capable of routing notifications from a server to appropriately registered clients)
cola de informes sin notificaciónheadless queue A queue type used for reports that are reported silently. It is utilized when a user is not to be notified when the event occurs or prior to reporting the event (headless)
Detector de conexión persistente de notificaciones push de WindowsWPN Keep Alive Detector (Windows Push Notifications (WNS) component that analyses network conditions and determines an optimal ping interval to keep the connection alive)
Detector de conexión persistente de notificaciones push de WindowsWindows Push Notifications Keep Alive Detector (Windows Push Notifications (WNS) component that analyses network conditions and determines an optimal ping interval to keep the connection alive)
dirección del suscriptor de notificacionesnotification subscriber address (A package that contains information about how to reach a particular user. It includes items such as the protocol to use and the target address)
divisa de notificaciónreporting currency (The monetary unit of measure used to record the converted monetary value of economic transactions in ledger accounts for financial and management reporting purposes)
grupo de notificaciónnotification group (A list of operators and scheduled availability for receiving page or e-mail responses)
identidad basada en notificacionesclaims-based identity (A unique identifier that represents a specific user, application, computer, or other entity, enabling it to gain access to multiple resources, such as applications and network resources, without entering credentials multiple times. It also enables resources to validate requests from an entity)
lista de notificaciónnotify list (A list maintained by the primary master for a zone of other DNS servers that should be notified when zone changes occur. The notify list is made up of IP addresses for DNS servers configured as secondary masters for the zone. When the listed servers are notified of a change to the zone, they will initiate a zone transfer with another DNS server and update the zone)
mensaje de notificaciónnotification message (A human-readable message sent by the backend system to the client user)
notificaciones de calidad de vídeovideo quality notifications (Alerts to Lync users about the quality of the network, computer, camera, and lighting conditions)
notificaciones de inserciónpush notifications (A transient message from the application to the user that contains relevant, time-sensitive information and provides quick access to the subject of that content)
Notificaciones de Ventajas de Windows originalWindows Genuine Advantage Notifications (Notifications that indicate a new installation of Windows did not pass validation)
Notificaciones de Ventajas de Windows originalWGA Notifications (Notifications that indicate a new installation of Windows did not pass validation)
notificaciones pushpush notifications (The sound alerts, alerts on screen (text), and badges that are pushed by applications to a device. For the Windows Phone, push notifications are available through the Lync Server Push Notification Service. For the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices, notifications are available through the Apple Push Notification Service)
notificación al usuariouser notification (A notification that an application sends to inform users about important information while the application is running)
notificación Altstoff Recycling Austria AGAltstoff Recycling Austria AG notification (A report of packaging materials used for manufactured products, as required by Austrian regulation. Altstoff Recycling Austria AG is an Austrian waste management organization that collects and recycles packaging material)
notificación ARAARA notification (A report of packaging materials used for manufactured products, as required by Austrian regulation. Altstoff Recycling Austria AG is an Austrian waste management organization that collects and recycles packaging material)
notificación automáticaauto-report (A type of report that is automatically generated from the data that is displayed on a form)
notificación de cachécache notification (An asynchronous notification that can be triggered by a variety of cache operations on the cache cluster. Cache notifications can be used to invoke application methods or automatically invalidate locally cached objects)
notificación de disposición del mensajemessage disposition notification (A request for disposition information from a recipient after a message has been successfully delivered. The information might include whether the message was displayed, printed, or deleted without display, or if a recipient refused to send notification)
notificación de dispositivodevice claim (A statement that a device makes to indicate that it can be trusted to access secure resources, such a folder on a file share)
notificación de errorerror notification (A notification that temporarily appears to users to indicate that an application that is running in the background failed or stopped responding. An error notification does not cause the computer, device, or Surface unit to stop working or to display the full-screen out-of-order screen)
notificación de errorfailure notification (A type of cache notification triggered when the cache client misses one or more cache notifications)
notificación de estado de entregadelivery status notification (A notification made up of a DSN code and a DSN message, that reports the result of an attempt to deliver an e-mail message)
notificación de eventosevent notification (A special kind of trigger that sends information about database events to a service broker)
notificación de llamada perdidamissed call notification (An e-mail message that is sent to a Unified Messaging subscriber that indicates that someone called but did not leave a message)
notificación de organizaciónorganization claim (A claim in intermediate or normalized form within an organization's namespace)
notificación de textotext notification (A type of text e-mail reminder that includes a URL and brief instructions for the user about how to log on and view the spam that was sent to that user's address. This text is customizable on the Spam Filter page)
notificación del sistematoast notification (A transient message to the user that contains relevant, time-sensitive information and provides quick access to the subject of that content in an app. It can appear whether you are in another app, the Start screen, or on the desktop. Toasts are an optional part of the app experience and are intended to be used only when your app is not the active foreground app. A toast notification can contain text and images but secondary actions such as buttons are not supported)
notificación del sistematoast (A transient message to the user that contains relevant, time-sensitive information and provides quick access to the subject of that content in an app. It can appear whether you are in another app, the Start screen, or on the desktop. Toasts are an optional part of the app experience and are intended to be used only when your app is not the active foreground app. A toast notification can contain text and images but secondary actions such as buttons are not supported)
Notificación explícita de congestiónExplicit Congestion Notification (A frame relay network technology for, monitoring and adapting to the network bandwidth available for delivery of data packets between source and destination nodes. Either the source or the destination node may set a bit in a packet header to request that the transmission or request rate be decreased)
notificación HTMLHTML notification (An HTML e-mail reminder that gives users a snapshot of the new spam messages delivered to their Spam Quarantine mailbox since their last notification, or since the last time they logged in to Spam Quarantine, whichever is most recent. From this reminder e-mail, users can scan the list of messages that have been filtered and salvage messages or report them as false positives directly from the notification)
notificación periódicarecurring notification (A repeating type of notification that is based on a specified time interval)
notificación por correo electrónicoe-mail notification (A message automatically generated by the occurrence of an event)
notificación sin procesarraw notification (A type of notification sent via the Microsoft Push Notification Service to an app running on Windows Phone. The format and meaning of the data is determined by the app)
número de notificacionesnotification count (A number in the app bar to indicate that the user needs to take some action (such as an alert or a reminder) or that new activity has occurred (such as new mail))
opción Idioma de notificaciónNotification Language option (The option on the Spam Filter page for selecting a language other than English for Spam Quarantine notifications)
operador para notificaciones de errorfail-safe operator (A user who receives the alert if the designated operator cannot be reached)
período sin notificacionesquiet hours (The timeframe a user specifies to suppress notifications from Windows)
proveedor de notificacionesclaims provider (A software component or service that can be used to issue a claim during sign-in operations and to display, resolve, and provide search capabilities for claims in a card selector)
Proveedor de notificaciones de roles SAP para Duet EnterpriseDuet Enterprise SAP Roles Claims Provider (A feature that augments the Duet Enterprise user's SharePoint security context with roles defined in SAP)
punto de notificaciónreporting point (An SMS/Configuration Manager site system that hosts the Report Viewer component for Web-based reporting functionality)
regla de notificaciones de ACSACS claim rule (The logic used by ACS to transform input claims into output claims; claim rules are contained within rule groups and are thereby associated with relying party applications)
Servicio de notificación SPPSPP Notification Service (A Windows service that provides software licensing activation and notification)
Servicios de notificaciones de inserción de WindowsWindows Push Notification Service (The feature of Windows for sending tile updates and notifications to users)
Servicios de notificación de eventos de sistemaSystem Event Notification Services (An event publisher for various system events)
suscripción de notificaciónnotification subscription (A package that contains the notification subscriber, the notification subscriber address, and any additional information, such as when to send specific types of notifications)
suscriptor de notificacionesnotification subscriber (The user who receives notifications)
troyano con notificación de instalacióncall-home Trojan (A type of Trojan malware that connects to a remote server through a stealth connection and that notifies the server that the malware has been installed)
troyano de notificaciónTrojan notifier (A type of Trojan used to notify an attacker when the software has been installed)
umbral de notificaciónnotification threshold (A threshold set up by the user to determine the event that is triggered, when a quoty limit is reached. Examples are: send e-mail notifications, log an event, run a command or script, or generate storage reports)
área de notificaciónnotification area (The area on the right side of the Windows taskbar. It contains shortcuts to programs and important status information)