
Terms for subject Microsoft containing medio | all forms | exact matches only
administración de derechos digitales DRM de Windows MediaWindows Media Digital Rights Management (Windows Media digital rights management platform and associated technologies)
Bloc de notas de Expression MediaExpression Media Notepad (A feature that enables users to exchange comments on an image or other digital file)
carácter de ancho mediohalf-width character (In a double-byte character set, a character that is represented by one byte and typically has a full-width variant)
códec de audio de Windows MediaWindows Media Audio codec (A codec used to compress and decompress audio streams)
códec de voz de Windows MediaWindows Media Speech codec (A codec used to compress and decompress audio streams with an emphasis on speech)
códec de vídeo de Windows MediaWindows Media Video codec (A codec used to compress and decompress video streams)
duración mediaaverage duration (The average event time for all performance events in the group)
dúplex mediohalf-duplex (Two-way electronic communication that takes place in only one direction at a time)
encabezado de mediosmedia header (A label that provides information about the backup media.)
fórmula de precio mediomedian price formula (A formula that calculates the average of the high and low prices)
identificador de medio portátilportable media identifier (A unique identifier for removable storage media such as compact flash cards. The identifier is hard coded into the storage media and is not changeable)
identificador en el medioon-media identifier (A label that is electronically recorded on each medium in a Removable Storage system. Removable Storage uses on-media identifiers to track media in the Removable Storage database)
medio de comunicaciónmedia outlet (A publication, such as a magazine, or a place that broadcasts programs, such as a radio station, that transmits feature stories and news to the public through various distribution channels)
medio de copia de seguridadbackup medium (Disk file or tape used to hold one or more backups)
medio gruesomedium (Having a font weight that corresponds to a weight class value of 500 according to the OpenType specification)
periodo coste medioaverage cost period (An interval of time that the program uses to calculate average costs of items that use the Average costing method. The program calculates an average cost for the ending date of each average cost period in which an inventory decrease takes place. This average cost is then applied to all inventory decreases with valuation dates in the average cost period)
punto mediomidpoint (A handle that appears in the middle of a selected line, arc, or other one-dimensional (1-D) shape)
Reproductor de Windows MediaWindows Media Player (The Windows Media technology that plays digital media files or streams)
subproceso de detección de mediosmedia sense thread (The thread, or object within a process, that detects the presence of media)
valor mediomedian value (The middle value in a set of ordered numbers. The median value is determined by choosing the smallest value such that at least half of the values in the set are no greater than the chosen value. If the number of values within the set is odd, the median value corresponds to a single value. If the number of values within the set is even, the median value corresponds to the sum of the two middle values divided by two)