
Terms for subject Environment containing limitan | all forms
comercio con fijación previa de límites máximoscap-and-trade system
curva límitedead man's curve
estrato límiteboundary layer
estrato límiteboundary layer The layer of fluid adjacent to a physical boundary in which the fluid motion is significantly affected by the boundary and has a mean velocity less than the free stream value
limite de flujoliquid limit
límite administrativoadministrative boundary
límite administrativoadministrative boundary A limit or border of a geographic area under the jurisdiction of some governmental or managerial entity
límite biológico segurosafe biological limit
límite de aguas dulcesfresh-water limit
límite de emisiónemission standard
límite de emisiónimmission limit
límite de emisiónimmission limit Maximum levels of selected pollutants which would lead to unacceptable air quality
límite de inmisiónimmission standard
límite de inmisiónambient air quality standard
límite de intervenciónaction threshold
límite de migración transitoriotransitional migration limit
límite de olorair odour threshold
límite de velocidadspeed limit
límite de velocidadspeed limit The maximum permitted speed at which a vehicle may travel on certain roads
límite del sistemasystem boundary
límite máximo nacionalnational emission ceiling
límite permitido de exposiciónpermissible exposure limit
límite permitido de exposiciónpermissible exposure limit An exposure limit that is set for exposure to an hazardous substance or harmful agent and enforced by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act) as a legal standard. It is based on time-weighted average concentrations for a normal 8-hour work day and 40 hour work week
límite público de urgenciapublic emergency limit
límite público de urgenciapublic emergency limit No definition needed
límite subnacionalsub-national boundary
límite subnacionalsub-national boundary The line demarcating a territory located within the limits of a State
reglamento sobre límites permitidos máximosregulation on maximum permissible limits
reglamento sobre límites permitidos máximosregulation on maximum permissible limits A body of rules or orders prescribed by a government or an international organization or treaty establishing levels of hazardous materials in the environment or in ingestible substances beyond which human exposure is deemed health-threatening
sistema de límites máximos y comercio de derechos de emisióncap and trade
sistema de límites máximos y comercio de derechos de emisióncap-and-trade system
una prueba de diagnóstico que permite fijar límites de seguridad colectivaa diagnostic test which enables the limits of collective security to be fixed
valor límitelimit value
valores límitelimit value A workplace exposure criterion or standard that determines if a facility or building has a concentration of a substance to which most workers can be exposed without harmful or adverse effects