
Terms for subject Microsoft containing libre | all forms | exact matches only
Asociación Europea de Libre ComercioEuropean Free Trade Association (A group of European countries/regions (including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland) that have agreed to free trade among themselves)
búsqueda de texto librefree-text searchable (" A Yes/No flag in a property definition that indicates whether the property can be found through a free-text search. To set this flag to Yes, the property type must be string or enumerated. A free-text search locates exact matches and words that are inflectionally generated from the one(s) you specified. For example, the word "drive" would return matches for drives, drove, driving, and driven.")
celda librefree cell (In the FreeCell game, the four card locations in the upper-left corner of the screen. Each cell holds one card)
curva de forma librefreeform curve (A curved line, made up of segments and defined by control points)
enrutamiento según agente libre por más tiempolongest idle routing (A routing method in which the agent who has the longest idle in the hunt group is offered the call first)
lenguaje de forma librefree-form language (A language whose syntax is not constrained by the position of characters on a line. C and Pascal are free-form languages; FORTRAN is not)
libre de regalíasroyalty free (Pertaining to the absence of a requirement to pay the original owner of music, images, software, or other content for the right to use, edit, or distribute their content)
libro de activosasset book (Accounting records (ledgers or journals) for a specific reporting purpose, such as financial or taxes)
Libro de calificacionesGradebook (A worksheet that contains the collection of grades for all students enrolled in a particular class)
libro de impuestossales tax book (A record of sales and purchase transactions for sales tax reporting in Italy)
libro de visitasguestbook (A module in Spaces where visitors can leave comments)
libro electrónicoeBook (An electronic book product offered by Microsoft)
libro PowerPivotPowerPivot workbook (An Excel 2010 workbook that contains PowerPivot data)
manos libresspeakerphone (The microphone and speaker on a calling device/phone that allows you to converse with someone without using the handset or headset)
trazado de forma librefreeform path (A line that is drawn as if by a pencil. A pixel is placed everywhere that the mouse cursor moves, so long as the mouse button is pressed. All paths can be stroked or filled)
venta libreOTC (Medication which is available without a prescription)
venta libreover the counter (Medication which is available without a prescription)