
Terms for subject Environment containing legislación | all forms | exact matches only
legislación ambientalenvironmental legislation
legislación ambientalenvironmental legislation Branch of law relating to pollution control; national parks, wildlife, fauna and flora, wilderness and biodiversity; environmental and occupational health; environmental planning; heritage conservation and a large number of international conventions relating to the environment
legislación ambiental de sustancias químicasenvironmental chemicals legislation
legislación ambiental sobre agriculturaenvironmental legislation on agriculture
legislación ambiental sobre agriculturaenvironmental legislation on agriculture A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate any aspect of farm and livestock production that poses a threat to ecological integrity and human health, especially the use of pesticides, fertilizers and land
legislación de aguas residualeswaste water legislation
legislación de aguas residualeswaste water legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the outflow and disposal of spent or used water from a home, community, farm or industry that contains dissolved or suspended matter
legislación de energía nuclearnuclear energy legislation
legislación de ingeniería genéticagenetic engineering legislation
legislación de protección de aguawater protection legislation
legislación de responsabilidadliability legislation
legislación de responsabilidadliability legislation A law or body of laws enacted that pertains to or establishes an obligation, debt or responsibility for loss, penalty, evil, expense or burden
legislación forestalforestry legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the use and conservation of wooded areas, most often those owned by the government itself
legislación marcoframework legislation
legislación marcoframework legislation A body of rules prescribed by a government, often composed in a series of inter-related parts, to establish or lay the foundation for a new project, agency or organizational structure
legislación relativa al tráfico aéreoaviation law
legislación relativa al tráfico aéreoair traffic law
legislación relativa al tráfico aéreoaviation law International rules regulating air transportation
legislación relativa al tráfico aéreoair traffic law International rules and conventions relating to air transportation
legislación sanitariahealth legislation Laws, ordinances, or codes prescribing sanitary, clean air, etc., standards and regulations, designed to promote and preserve the health of the community and working conditions of businesses
legislación sobre contaminaciónlegislation on pollution
legislación sobre contaminaciónlegislation on pollution Rules concerning the limits of pollutant emissions
legislación sobre energíaenergy legislation
legislación sobre mercancías peligrosasdangerous goods law
legislación sobre querellas de colectivosclass action suits law
legislación sobre querellas de colectivosclass action suits law Legal action initiated by a single person or a few people on behalf of a group with similar claim or claims
legislación sobre recursos hídricoslegislation on water resources
legislación sobre sustancias peligrosashazardous substances legislation
legislación sobre sustancias peligrosashazardous substances legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the production, use or clean-up of materials that pose a threat to human health and the environment, particularly materials that are toxic, corrosive, ignitable, explosive or chemically reactive
legislación sobre sustancias químicaschemicals act
legislación sobre vertidosdischarge legislation
proyecto de legislacióndraft legislation
proyecto de legislacióndraft legislation An initial unsigned agreement, treaty, or piece of legislation which is not yet in force