
Terms containing legalmente | all forms | exact matches only
fin.aplicación de los derechos legalmente devengadoscharging of duties legally due
lawausencia comprobada legalmenteduly recognized default
ed.casado legalmentelegally married
med.centro legalmente autorizado para la extracción de material embrionariocentre legally authorised for the removal of human embryological materials
law, commer.comercializado legalmentelawfully marketed
environ.derecho tutelado legalmentelegally protected right
environ.derecho tutelado legalmentelegally protected right A justifiable claim to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way, which is supported by law and is covered or shielded from the danger of being revoked or repealed
fin.derechos legalmente devengadosduties legally owed
crim.law., fin., econ.desvío de un derecho obtenido legalmentemisapplication of a legally obtained benefit
immigr.detenido legalmentelawfully detained
immigr.detenido legalmente para prevenir una entrada no autorizadalawfully detained for the prevention of effecting an unauthorised entry
ed.documento legalmente vinculantebinding legal document
patents.día legalmente feriadoofficial holiday
patents.día legalmente feriadolegal holiday
patents.el último día del plazo es un día legalmente feriadothe last day of the period is an official holiday
patents.el último día del plazo es un día legalmente feriadothe last day of the period is a legal holiday
econ., fin.equivalencia legalmente exigible entre el euro y las unidades monetarias nacionalesa legally enforceable equivalence between the euro and the national units
ed.estado en el que se reside legalmentestate of legal residence
gen.importe legalmente debidoamount legally due
immigr.inmigrante legalmente establecidolawfully resident immigrant
patents.legalmente exigibleliable to action
patents.legalmente exigibleactionable
patents.legalmente exigibleliable to complaint
interntl.trade.personas... legalmente reconocidas como asociadaslegally recognised partners in business
ed.legalmente vinculantelegally binding
tax.mínimo legalmente exigibleminimum legally-due
arts.organización privada cultural legalmente constituidaprivate cultural organisation with legal status
arts.organización pública cultural legalmente constituidapublic cultural organisation with legal status
h.rghts.act.pareja reconocida legalmentefull legal partner
law, tax.porción hereditaria correspondiente legalmentelegal portion
IT, patents.programa legalmente adquiridolawfully acquired program
patents.protegido legalmenteprotected by law
patents.rendimiento inventivo no protegido legalmenteinventive accomplishment not protected by law
lawresidir legalmente en el territorio de la Comunidadreside legally in Community territory