
Terms for subject Environment containing legal | all forms | exact matches only
armonización legalharmonisation of law
armonización legalharmonisation of law The process by which two or more states, sometimes under the auspices of an interstate or international organization, change their legislation relevant to some area of common concern to conform their statutes and to facilitate compliance and enforcement across borders
concepto legal indefinidoindefinite legal concept
concepto legal indefinidoindefinite legal concept A condition or extent of time in a government enforced contract, instrument or agreement that lacks precision, distinguishing characteristics or fixed boundaries
especialidad legallaw branch
especialidad legallaw branch A subdivision of the body of principles and regulations established by a government or other authority, generally defined by its scope or application
Grupo de Trabajo Especial de Composición Abierta de Expertos Legales y Técnicos en Responsabilidad y Reparaciónopen-ended ad hoc working group on liability and redress
reglamento legallegal regulation Any order or rule issued by a government stipulating its procedures for the creation, execution or adjudication of laws
remedio legallegal remedy
remedio legallegal remedy The means by which a right is enforced or the violation of a right is prevented, redressed, or compensated