
Terms for subject Microsoft containing las aplicaciones | all forms
almacén de datos de la aplicaciónapp data storage (An isolated data store specific to a particular application and user)
API de .NET para aplicaciones de la Tienda Windows.NET APIs for Windows Store apps (The subset of .NET APIs that can be used to develop Windows Store apps)
aplicación de la empresacompany app (The apps or hubs provided by a company that users can install on their phones once they have enrolled in a company account)
aplicación de la Tienda WindowsWindows Store app (An app that runs on the new Windows platform and meets the criteria for onboarding to the Windows Store)
aplicación de la Tienda Windows desarrollada para Windows con C++ o CWindows Store app built for Windows using C++ or (A Windows Store app written in C++ or C that uses standard Windows UI controls, has access to the Windows Runtime APIs, and can participate in the extensibility offered to Windows Store apps)
aplicación de la Tienda Windows desarrollada para Windows con JavaScriptWindows Store app built for Windows using JavaScript (A Windows Store app that uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, can use the standard Windows UI controls, has access to the Windows Runtime APIs, and can leverage the extensibility offered to Windows Store apps. These apps use CSS for their visual styling with Windows UI controls to create a native look and feel)
aplicación para dispositivo de la Tienda WindowsWindows Store device app (An app that's downloaded from the Windows Store and installed automatically to the PC when a user attaches a certified device to the PC, provided that the device manufacturer has submitted the app to the Windows Store)
aplicación que admite el almacenamiento en cachécache-enabled application (An application that uses the Windows Server AppFabric cache client to store data in cache on the cache cluster)
archivo de configuración de la aplicaciónapplication configuration file (An XML-based file in a Microsoft .NET application that is used for storing application configuration settings. This file is named app.config in a Microsoft C project)
barra de la aplicaciónapp bar (The surface that appears along the bottom edge of the screen and includes app commands)
base de datos de servicios de la aplicación ASP.NETASP.NET application services database (In ASP.NET, a database that stores the data for several ASP.NET application services, including membership, Web Parts personalization, roles, and profiles. The database can be a local database in the Web site's App_Data folder or a SQL Server or other database, depending on how the site is configured)
base de la aplicaciónapplication base (The directory where the .exe file that loads into the initial or default application domain is located. If you create your own application domain, the application base is the location you specify in the AppDomainSetup class)
calendario de la aplicaciónapplication calendar (A time period concept that matches the practices that are used in your company)
ciclo de vida de la aplicaciónapplication life cycle (The stages an application used in an organization goes through: deployable, installable, executable, and executing)
comando de la aplicaciónapp command (A function relevant to an app in use that is displayed on the app bar)
complementos en el nivel de la aplicaciónapplication-level add-in (A supplemental program that modifies or adds functionality to an existing program or application. The modifications are available to the application at all times)
compra desde la aplicaciónin-app purchase (A transaction performed by a consumer from within the context of an app to buy additional features for that app)
Configuración de la aplicaciónApplication Settings (The name of a tab in the Web publishing wizard that enables the user to specify whether an HTML customized form should be used)
configuración de la aplicaciónapplication setting (A simple key/value pair that lets you create application-wide values in a central location that can be accessed from anywhere within the Web application)
contenedor de la aplicaciónapp container (A runtime environment for Windows Store apps that's designed to minimize app impact on the computer by placing runtime restrictions on what apps can do)
contrato del proveedor de la aplicaciónapplication provider agreement (An agreement that describes the terms and conditions of the relationship between the application provider and the organization offering a particular service with regards to the application)
cuestionario de base para la aplicacióncore application questionnaire (A questionnaire used to gather key information about your organization to be used as a roadmap for building your PerformancePoint Server application)
definición de la aplicaciónapplication definition (A file that describes a database or Web service and includes connection settings, authentication mode, definitions of available entities, and other information)
desarrollo de aplicaciones de la Tienda WindowsWindows Store app development (The process of developing Windows Store apps)
descripción de la aplicaciónapp description (A Product Description Page that provides a composite view of all the details that a consumer needs to determine if they want to buy a particular app. This page typically includes the title, publisher name, language support, device support, price point, screen shots, ratings, and reviews)
descripción de la aplicaciónapp listing (The description data of a single app that is rendered for display in the consumer side of the store. It consists of several pages of info that provide a composite view of all the details a consumer needs to determine if they want to buy the app. An app listing typically includes the app's name, the publisher's name, language support, device support, price tier, screen shots, age rating and customer reviews. The web-based version of this is called an app listing page)
DLL para el despliegue de paquetes de aplicacionesApp Package Deployment Client DLL (A DLL that deploys .appx packages)
estado de la aplicaciónapplication state (In ASP.NET, a variable store that is created on the server for the current application and is shared by all users. Application state is typically used to store information that is used for all users, such as application-wide settings)
Estadísticas de la aplicaciónApp Summary (Collected data about an app, such as analytics of download, usage, in-application transaction, customer ratings provided by the Windows Store developer portal. This type of information helps developers clearly understand how their applications are doing in the Windows market)
extremo de la aplicaciónapplication endpoint (An endpoint at which an application provides or uses a service and is of provider or consumer type, respectively)
firma del paquete de la aplicaciónapp package signing (The process of adding a secure digital Authenticode signature to an app package before it is available in the Windows Store. The digital signature shows who signed the package, that the signer is recognized by the client as a trusted source, and that the content of the package was not changed after it was signed)
flujo de la aplicaciónapplication flow (A map or diagram that outlines the flow of an application from one screen or piece of UI to the next)
Galería de ensamblados de la aplicacíónApplication Assemblies Gallery (The site collection level gallery containing the binary assemblies that are used by code method business data actions, or External Data Parts)
ganancias por la aplicaciónapp proceeds (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
ganancias por la aplicación desde el último pagoapp proceeds since last payment (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
ganancias por la aplicación hasta la fechaapp proceeds to date (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
grupo de usuarios de la aplicación de BizTalkBizTalk Application Users Group (The group of users who can access MessageBoxes for a particular BizTalk Group)
icono de la aplicaciónapp tile (A tile on the Start screen, as defined in its manifest. An app can only have one app tile, but it can have multiple secondary tiles)
id. de la aplicaciónapp ID (An identification number for a software application)
integración de datos de origen de la aplicaciónapplication source data integration (The process of taking data from a data warehouse or data mart into PerformancePoint Planning Server staging and application databases)
Kit de desarrollo de software para aplicaciones de la Tienda WindowsWindows Software Development Kit for Windows Store Apps (An SDK that contains everything for a developer to create an app for the Windows Store. It is a subset of the complete Windows SDK. This allows developers to stick with APIs that are safe for applications that would appear in the Store and are focused towards core app scenarios)
Kit para la certificación de aplicaciones de escritorio en WindowsWindows Desktop Apps Certification Kit (Tools and documentation to certify apps for Windows)
Kit para la certificación de aplicaciones en WindowsWindows App Certification Kit (A part of the Windows SDK that validates both Windows Store apps for the Windows Store and Windows desktop applications)
manifiesto de la aplicaciónapp manifest (An XML file that specifies the characteristics of an application. This includes metadata for the application, dependencies on other packages, and capabilities required by the app)
Menú contextual de la aplicaciónapp Context Menu (The system user interface provided for cut, copy, and paste)
nombre de la aplicaciónapp title (The name a developer provides for their application)
objeto de la aplicaciónapplication object (The top-level object that represents the application to the system. The system calls methods on this object when the application is loaded, before it is shut down, and throughout the lifetime of the application to notify it of system-wide events. The application object contains application-wide code and maintains state that can be accessed from multiple views)
oferta desde la aplicaciónin-app offer (A feature that a developer provides in an app for consumers to buy from within the app through an in-app purchase transaction)
panel de la aplicaciónapplication pane (A discrete area of a split or single window in which an application user interface is rendered)
pantalla de la aplicaciónapplication display (The screen (the Surface screen or an attached external monitor) where user mode will appear when you are calibrating the unit)
paquete de la aplicaciónapp package (A file that contains the app manifest, executable files, text and image resource files, and other files that make up the app for a single platform)
Proxy de la aplicación de Servicio de BDCBDC Service Application Proxy (An application proxy that allows Web applications to connect to a Business Data Connectivity Shared Service Application and contains features for using the shared service)
Proxy de la aplicación de Servicio de conectividad a datos empresarialesBusiness Data Connectivity Service Application Proxy (An application proxy that allows Web applications to connect to a Business Data Connectivity Shared Service Application and contains features for using the shared service)
raíz de la aplicaciónapplication root (The root directory for an application; all directories and files contained within the application root are considered part of the application. Also called an application starting point directory)
referencia para aplicaciones de la Tienda WindowsWindows Store app reference (The section, or Table of Contents node, of Windows Developer docs that contains all of the reference docs for Windows Store app development)
servicio de la aplicación Windows Communication FoundationWindows Communication Foundation application service (An application service such as authentication, profile properties, or roles, that can be accessed by any non-ASP.NET application that can read and send messages in SOAP format. WCF services enable different types of applications to share common data, such as user credentials for logging in)
ventana de la aplicaciónapplication window (A window that serves as an interface between the user and the application)
vista previa de la aplicaciónapplication preview (The image, video or slide show for an application that appears in Launcher when the application is selected and appears at the center of the Launcher menu. When the application is not selected in Launcher, the application icon is displayed)