
Terms containing international | all forms | exact matches only
org.name.CAB InternationalCAB International
environ.Comité de instituciones internationales de desarollo en materia de medio ambienteEnvironmental Committee of the International Development Institutions
environ.Comité de instituciones internationales de desarollo en materia de medio ambienteCommittee of International Environmental Development Institutions
commun.Comité International para la Cooperación de los PeriodistasInternational Committee for Cooperation of Journalists
agric.Conferencia sobre el Comercio International de Alimentos a partir del año 2000FAO Conference on International Food Trade Beyond 2000
org.name.CropLife InternationalCropLife International
comp., MSCTI, Compliance Technologies InternationalCompliance Technologies International (A company that provides reporting compliance services)
org.name.Fairtrade Labelling Organizations InternationalFairtrade Labelling Organizations International
IMF.Foro International de TokioTokyo International Forum
patents.gastos ordinarios de la Oficina Internationalordinary expenditure of the International Bureau
org.name.Greenpeace InternationalGreenpeace International
econ., fin.instrumento financiero "EC International Investment Partners"EC-International Investment Partners financial facility
IMF.International Financial StatisticsInternational Financial Statistics
environ., engl.International Office for WaterInternational Office for Water
el.INTOR:International Tokamak ReactorInternational Tokamak Reactor
social.sc.Movimiento International de las Jornadas Arco IrisInternational Rainbow Week Movement
org.name.Rotary InternationalRotary International
org.name.Sociedad International de Genética AnimalInternational Society of Animal Genetics
nat.sc.Unión Geográfica InternationalInternational Geographical Union
org.name.Winrock InternationalWinrock International