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Terms containing instancia de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.a instancia deat the request of
lawa instancia de la parte interesadaon the application of any interested party
lawa instancia de la parte perjudicadaapplication by the injured party
gen.a instancia de un Estado miembroon application by a member State
comp., MSacción de remisión a una instancia superior del flujo de trabajoworkflow escalation action (An automatic workflow action taken when a workflow work item is not completed by the current assignee)
lawAdministrador de los Tribunales de Primera InstanciaTrial Court Administrator
lawanulación de la resolución del Tribunal de Primera Instancia por el Tribunal de Justiciaquashing of the decision of the Court of First Instance by the Court of Justice
lawanulación parcial de la resolución del Tribunal de Primera Instanciato set aside in part the decision of the Court of First Instance
lawanulación total de la resolución del Tribunal de Primera Instanciato set aside in whole the decision of the Court of First Instance
polit., lawatribuirse el asunto al Pleno del Tribunal de Primera Instanciarefer a case to the Court of First Instance sitting in plenary session
patents.basar la nueva decisión en el juicio de la instancia de apelaciónbase the new decision upon judgement of the board of appeal
lawcompetencia de los tribunales de marcas comunitarias de segunda instanciajurisdiction of Community trade mark courts of second instance
lawcompetencia de los tribunales de marcas comunitarias de segunda instancia - recurso de casaciónjurisdiction of Community trade mark courts of second instance - further appeal
comp., MSconfiguración a nivel instancia de hosthost instance–level setting (One of the settings that BizTalk administrators can modify in the BizTalk Settings Dashboard. Examples include .NET CLR settings and properties related to an orchestration memory throttling. Specific to a given host instance, host-level settings essentially govern the use of a computer's resources (such as RAM or I/O). An example is Max. I/O Threads)
lawcreación de un Tribunal de Primera Instanciaestablishment of a Court of First Instance
lawdecisión especial del Tribunal de Primera Instanciaspecial decision of the Court of First Instance
lawdeclaración por el Presidente del Tribunal de Justicia de que el Tribunal de Primera Instancia se halla debidamente constituidoruling by the President of the Court of Justice that the Court of First Instance has been constituted in accordance with law
lawdesignación del Presidente del Tribunal de Primera Instanciaappointment of the President of the Court of First Instance
lawdevolver el asunto a la instancia que dictó la resolución impugnada para que le dé cumplimientoto remit the case for further prosecution to the department which was responsible for the decision appealed
int. law.doctrina de la cuarta instanciafourth instance doctrine
lawejercicio en primera instancia de las competencias atribuidas al Tribunal de Justiciaexercise at first instance the jurisdiction conferred on the Court of Justice
gen.emitir dictámenes al Consejo a instancia de ésteto deliver opinions at the request of the Council
lawencargado de conocer en primera instanciawith jurisdiction to hear and determine at first instance
comp., MSEstándar de instancias para informes financierosFinancial Reporting Instance Standard (A standard that places additional constraints on instance documents that are used for financial reporting. All instance documents that are valid under FRIS are valid XBRL documents. However, not all XBRL documents are valid under FRIS)
lawinstancia competente en materia de validez de la marca comunitariacourt having jurisdiction in matters of validity of Community trade marks
lawinstancia competente en materia de violacióncourt having jurisdiction in matters of infringement
comp., MSinstancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory ServicesActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance (A single copy of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) directory service that includes its associated directory store and its application event log)
comp., MSinstancia de AD LDSAD LDS instance (A single copy of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) directory service that includes its associated directory store and its application event log)
comp., MSinstancia de aplicación de capa de datosdata-tier application instance (A copy of a DAC deployed on an instance of the Database Engine. There can be multiple DAC instances on the same instance of the Database Engine)
comp., MSinstancia de DACDAC instance (A copy of a DAC deployed on an instance of the Database Engine. There can be multiple DAC instances on the same instance of the Database Engine)
comp., MSinstancia de formularioform instance (An instance, or copy, of a PerformancePoint Planning form template that is pushed to a PerformancePoint Add-in for Excel contributor, reviewer, or approver via an assignment)
comp., MSinstancia de IISIIS instance (A system for organizing sites on a server. Each server can have more than one IIS instance, and each IIS instance can have more than one top-level site)
comp., MSinstancia de proceso de Windows AzureWindows Azure compute instance (The computing operation or execution of logic within Windows Azure Platform in response to function call from an application)
comp., MSinstancia de rolrole instance (The operating environment defined by a role running as a virtual machine within the context of a deployed Windows Azure cloud service. The service model may define multiple role instances for a cloud service)
comp., MSinstancia de servicioservice instance (An instance of an orchestration that BizTalk Server is either processing or has serialized into the MessageBox for further processing or tracking. Within BizTalk Server, this is usually a serialized representation of the state of the orchestration and references to any messages in use within the orchestration)
gen.instancia dirigente de la UniónUnion's managing body
lawinstancia para el registro de marcarequest for the registration of a trade mark
patents.instancia que entiende en el recurso de casaciónappeal instance
UN, lawinstancia superior de apelaciónhigher appeal/recourse instances
lawinstancia vinculada por los motivos de la sala de recursodepartment bound by the ratio decidendi of the Board of Appeal
lawinterrupción de la instanciainterruption of proceedings
lawjuez de primera instanciatrial judge
patents.juez de primera instancia e instruccióndistrict judge
lawjurisprudencia del Tribunal de Primera Instanciacases before the Court of Justice
patents.juzgado de primera instancia e instrucciónlower court
lawJuzgado de Primera Instancia e InstrucciónCourt of First Instance and Preliminary Investigations
lawJuzgado de Primera Instancia e InstrucciónCourt of First Instance
patents.juzgado de primera instancia e instruccióndistrict court
patents.juzgado de primera instancia e instruccióninferior court
patents.juzgado de primera instancia e instruccióncounty court
patents.juzgado de primera instancia e instrucciónlower first instance
lawla Sala de Recurso ejercerá las competencias de la instancia que dictó la resolución impugnadathe Board of Appeal shall exercise any power within the competence of the department which was responsible for the decision appealed
polit.Las resoluciones dictadas por el Tribunal de Primera Instancia ... podrán ser reexaminadas con carácter excepcional por el Tribunal de JusticiaDecisions given by the Court of First Instance ... may exceptionally be subject to review by the Court of Justice
lawmagistrado suplente de tribunal de segunda instanciaAssociate Judge of Appeal
comp., MSmensaje de instanciainstance message (A discrete unit of run-time data flowing through BizTalk Server, usually representing a particular business document such as a purchase order, and as differentiated from the BizTalk Server schema that defines its structure)
lawmotivo derivado de irregularidades del procedimiento ante el Tribunal de Primera Instanciabreach of procedure before the Court of First Instance
lawmotivo derivado de la incompetencia del Tribunal de Primera Instanciaground of lack of competence of the Court of First Instance
comp., MSprotección automática de instancias de SQL ServerSQL Server instance auto-protection (A type of protection that enables DPM to automatically identify and protect databases that are added to instances of SQL Server that are configured for auto-protection)
comp., MSproveedor de instanciasinstance provider (A COM server that supplies instances of classes and implements methods of the IWbemServices interface to support data retrieval, modification, deletion, enumeration, or query processing)
ed.préstamo otorgado por un prestamista de última instancialender of last resort loan
gen.que parte de instancias superiorestop-down
comp., MSrecuento de instanciasinstance count (The number of virtual machines to deploy for a given tier of a service)
comp., MSRecuperación de instancias de flujo de trabajoWorkflow Instance Recovery (A feature of the Workflow Management service (WMS) that monitors persistence stores for workflow service instances that should be running and restarts them)
lawrecurso ante el Tribunal de Primera Instanciaappeal to the Court of First Instance
lawrecurso de casación interpuesto contra las resoluciones del Tribunal de Primera Instanciaappeal brought against a decision of the Court of First Instance
lawrecurso de segunda instanciafurther appeal
lawrecurso de segunda instanciaappeal on points of law
lawrecurso o cualquier otro escrito procesal dirigido al Tribunal de Justicia que se presente por error en la Secretaría del Tribunal de Primera Instanciaapplication or other procedural document addressed to the Court of Justice lodged by mistake with the Registrar of the Court of First Instance
lawrecurso que sea competencia del Tribunal de Primera Instanciaaction which the Court of First Instance has jurisdiction to hear
lawrecursos de casación interpuestos contra las resoluciones del Tribunal de Primera Instanciaappeal against decisions of the Court of First Instance
lawresoluciones del Tribunal de Primera Instancia que pongan fin al procesofinal decisions of the Court of First Instance
lawresoluciones del Tribunal de Primera Instancia que resuelvan parcialmente la cuestión de fondodecisions disposing of the substantive issues in part only
ed.responsable en última instancia deultimately responsible for repaying a loan
comp., MSruta de remisión a una instancia superiorescalation path (A series of workflow escalation actions that can be taken to complete a workflow work item when it cannot be complete by the current assignee)
law, crim.law., UNSección de Primera InstanciaTrial Division
lawsecretario de tribunal de segunda instanciaReporting Clerk of a Court of Appeal
lawSecretario del Tribunal de Primera InstanciaRegistrar of the Court of First Instance
lawsede del Tribunal de Primera Instancia en el Tribunal de Justiciaseat at the Court of Justice
lawservicios a los Tribunales de Primera InstanciaTrial Court services
lawsubadministrador de los Tribunales de Primera InstanciaAssistant Trial Court Administrator
lawtribunal de apelaciones instanciaappellate court
lawtribunal de primera instanciatrial court (Compare APPELLATE COURT)
law tribunal de primera instanciacourt/bench trial
patents.tribunal de primera instanciacourt of the highest instance
patents.tribunal de primera instanciacourt of first instance
obs., polit., lawTribunal de Primera Instancia de las Comunidades EuropeasCourt of First Instance
obs., polit., lawTribunal de Primera Instancia de las Comunidades EuropeasCourt of First Instance of the European Communities
obs., polit., lawTribunal de Primera Instancia de las Comunidades EuropeasGeneral Court of the European Union
obs., polit., lawTribunal de Primera Instancia de las Comunidades EuropeasGeneral Court
lawTribunal de Primera Instancia reunido en PlenoCourt of First Instance sitting in plenary session
lawtribunal de segunda instanciaappellate court
patents.tribunal de suprema instanciacourt of the highest instance
patents.tribunal de suprema instanciacourt of first instance
lawtribunal de última instanciaCourt of last resort
UN, polit.tribunal federal de primera instanciaCourt of Primary Federal Jurisdiction
UN, polit.tribunales de primera y segunda instanciafirst- and second-instance courts
lawun Tribunal de Primera Instancia de las Comunidades Europeasthe Court of First Instance of the European Communities
lawuna instancia para el registro de marca comunitariaa request for the registration of a Community trade mark