
Terms for subject Microsoft containing inspector | all forms | exact matches only
inspector de configuración en segundo planobackground configuration surveyor (An idle task that runs in the background watching for various things to happen in the system as part of the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP))
inspector de documentoDocument Inspector (A feature that allows users to check and remove personal and other sensitive information from a document)
Inspector de estilostyle inspector (A floating task pane that allows users to view and customize specific paragraph and text style properties)
inspector de propiedadproperty inspector (A dynamic properties viewer that displays the properties of the current selection, usually of a particular type of object. Compare property sheet)
Inspector de páginaPage Inspector (A tool that renders a web page (HTML, Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, or Web Pages) in the Visual Studio IDE and lets you examine both the source code and the resulting output)
Inspector de reglasRules Inspector (A dialog that allows the user to view all the rules (logic) in a form pivoted in different ways. Because the information is summarized in a centralized view, the user doesn't have to click through multiple dialogs)
Árbol de inspector de etiquetasTag Inspector Tree (An item on the View menu that refers to the hierarchical HTML tag structure of an opened HTML document)