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UNabstención de iniciarnon first-use posture
gen.antes de iniciar la acciónbefore taking an action
market.anuncio de inicio de un procedimiento antidumpingnotice of initiation of a review proceeding of anti-dumping measures concerning imports of..
commer., polit.anuncio de inicio de un procedimiento antidumpingnotice of initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding
commer.anuncio de inicio de una reconsideración provisionalnotice of initiation of an interim review
commer.anuncio de inicio de una reconsideración provisional parcialnotice of initiation of a partial interim review
commer.anuncio de inicio de una reconsideración urgentenotice of initiation of an accelerated review
comp., MSAyudante para el inicio de sesión de Windows LiveWindows Live Sign-in Assistant (The helper program that can store sign-in information for multiple Windows Live IDs)
comp., MSbarra de herramientas Inicio rápidoQuick Launch toolbar (A customizable area of the taskbar, which by default is displayed to the right of the Start button. It contains icons you can click to open programs, such as Windows Explorer or Outlook Express, or to show the desktop. You can add or remove icons to it and move it to a different area of the taskbar)
comp., MSBarra de inicioLaunchbar (A window where Groove users start new activities. It contains two panels, one for creating and managing workspaces, and the other for managing contacts)
ITbarra de tareas de inicio rápidoQuick launch taskbar
comp., MSbotón de inicio de la cintaribbon launch button (The button at the bottom right corner of a ribbon group. Typically, a click of the button opens a dialog box or other element that is related to the group)
comp., MSCambiar cuenta de inicio de sesión...Change Sign-In Account... (An item on the Connect menu that opens the Accounts tab of the Options dialog box, where the user can change sign-in name and Communicator server information)
lawcon un mes de antelación al inicio de la sesiónone month before the start of the meeting
lawconferencia del juez con las partes antes de iniciar el pleitopretrial conference meeting before the trial to try and resolve the case, agree on evidence, etc.
law conferencia del juez con las partes antes de iniciar el pleitopretrial conference
comp., MScontrolador antimalware de inicio tempranoELAM driver (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
comp., MScontrolador antimalware de inicio tempranoEarly Launch Antimalware driver (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
comp., MScontrolador de arranque de inicio tempranoearly-launch boot driver (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
comp., MScorreo electrónico como Id. de inicio de sesióne-mail as sign in ID (A Windows Live ID created in a domain, and using the domain name, before the domain was enrolled in Outlook Live. After the Windows Live ID is imported into the Outlook Live domain, it is subject to the security and privacy policies of the organization)
comp., MSdemonio de inicio de sesión únicosingle sign-on daemon (A daemon on a Windows-based computer that receives an encrypted password and decrypts it before requesting a password change on the UNIX host)
comp., MSdominio de inicio de sesiónlogon domain (The domain used to authenticate a user logging on to a computer, program, or network)
lawel inicio de la sesiónthe start of the meeting
lawel orden del día se aprobará al inicio de cada sesiónthe agenda shall be adopted at the beginning of each meeting
tech.en el momento de iniciarse el combateaction time
comp., MSenlace troncal de Protocolo de inicio de sesiónSession Initiation Protocol trunking (A mechanism for connecting the voice network of an enterprise to a service provider that offers public switched telephone network (PSTN) origination, termination, and emergency services without deploying PSTN gateways)
comp., MSentorno de iniciostartup environment (In dual-boot or multiple-boot systems, the configuration settings that specify which system to start and how each system should be started)
IT, dat.proc.espacios en el inicio de campoleading blank
IT, dat.proc.espacios en el inicio de campofield-starting blank
UN, ecol.Evaluación de los Ecosistemas al iniciarse el MilenioMillennium Ecosystem Assessment
meteorol.evento hidrológico de rápido iniciorapid-onset hydrologic event
construct.fecha de iniciocommencement date
fin.fecha de inicio aplazadadelayed start date
dialys.fecha de inicio del estudio del centro de diálisisDialysis Facility Study Start Date
dialys.fecha de inicio del estudio del centro de diálisisDialysis Unit Study Start Date
gen.fondo para el inicio de operacionesoperational start-up fund
gen.fuente de neutrones para iniciar la reacción de fisión del reactormounted neutron source for initiating the fission reaction in a reactor
comp., MSGuía de inicio rápido sobre dominiosDomains Quickstart (The Office 365 web workflow that leads small business customers step-by-step through adding a domain and setting up user. They find this through clicking Add a user or Add a domain in the Getting Started experience)
comp., MSId. de acceso, Id. de inicio de sesiónlogin ID (" A string that is used to identify a user or entity to an operating system, directory service, or distributed system. For example, in Windows® integrated authentication, a login name uses the form "DOMAIN\username.")
comp., MSinformación de inicio de sesiónsign-in information (Information that includes identification and proof of identification that is used to gain access to local and network resources. Examples of credentials are user names and passwords, smart cards, and certificates)
comp., MSinformación de inicio de sesiónsign-in info (Information that includes identification and proof of identification that is used to gain access to local and network resources. Examples of credentials are user names and passwords, smart cards, and certificates)
comp., MSinformación de inicio de sesiónsign-in (The credentials (user name and password) that a person uses to gain access to a service, network server, etc)
ed.Informe sobre las fechas de inicio del perìodo de pagoDate Entered Repayment Report (DR001)
ed.iniciar acciones de cobro judicialsubject to a judgment
gen.iniciar el procedimiento de impugnaciónto initiate a challenge procedure
gen.iniciar la acción específica deinitiate the specific
polit., lawiniciar la fase oral sin diligencias de pruebaopen the oral procedure without an inquiry
gen.iniciar un procedimiento de concertaciónto open a procedure for co
gen.iniciar un procedimiento de concertaciónto open a conciliation
gen.iniciar un procedimiento de conciertoto open a procedure for conciliation
lawiniciar un procedimiento de infraccióninitiate an infringement proceeding
gen.iniciar un procedimiento de votaciónto open voting proceedings
comp., MSIniciar una conversación de audio...Start an Audio Conversation... (The item on the Actions menu that starts an audio conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
comp., MSIniciar una conversación de vídeo...Start a Video Conversation... (The item on the Actions menu that starts a video conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
patents.iniciarse o reanudarse un uso efectivo de la marcato start or resume genuine use of the trade mark
textileinicio de hilaturaspinning start
agric.inicio de la fermentaciónstarting of fermentation
lawinicio de la fuerza obligatoriabinding effect
health.inicio de la invalidezonset of disability
gen.inicio de la maduración de laveraison (cambio de coloración)
agric.inicio de la operación de redistribuciónbeginning of the redeployment operation
fin.inicio de la reconsideracióninitiation of a review
dat.proc.inicio de sesiónlogging in
dat.proc.inicio de sesiónlog-in
comp., MSinicio de sesión de rednetwork logon (The process of logging on to a computer by means of a network. Typically, a user first interactively logs on to a local computer, then provides logon credentials to another computer on the network, such as a server, that he or she is authorized to use)
comp., MSinicio de sesión de SQL ServerSQL Server login (An account stored in SQL Server that allows users to connect to SQL Server)
comp., MSinicio de sesión rápidofast first logon (A folder redirection functionality that frees users from waiting while files are copied to the server the first time they log on after a Folder Redirection policy has been applied that redirects the path of a user folder to a network location. It also optimizes network usage on WAN links by synchronizing files as a background task)
comp., MSinicio de sesión únicosingle sign-on (An authentication process that permits a user to log on to a system once with a single set of credentials to access multiple applications or services)
tech.inicio de un ataque al blanco abandonando la posición de vuelo niveladoroll in
hydrol.inicio del cono de deyeccióndebris cone head
comp., MSinicios de sesión de cuenta MicrosoftMicrosoft account logins (In Windows 8 all windows portal experiences support and persist Live ID logins streamlining the partner experience when working with multiple services and sites)
comp., MSKit de inicio de Edición de PrepagoPrepaid Starter Kit (A kit that provides the product key and other information required to activate an initial subscription of a Microsoft Office Prepaid edition)
comp., MSKit de inicio de Microsoft Office Edición de PrepagoMicrosoft Office Prepaid Starter Kit (A kit that provides the product key and other information required to activate an initial subscription of a Microsoft Office Prepaid edition)
gen.La campaña de vacunación de inició en las escuelas primariasThe vaccination campaign started in primary schools
comp., MSlatencia de iniciostartup latency (The time it takes for the encoder, SDK reader, or other devices to start before encoding begins. Startup latency prevents the cutting of frames at the mark-in point)
comp., MSMenú de inicioLauncher (A menu that users can scroll through and where they open applications from on a Surface unit in user mode. Launcher contains icons, videos, and text that describe each application. Launcher is the primary visual component of the Surface software)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services - Ayudante para el inicio de sesiónMicrosoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant (A required update for Microsoft Online Services that enables your computer's sign-in functionality for multiple Microsoft Online Services IDs)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services - Complemento de inicio de sesiónMicrosoft Online Services Sign-In Add-On (A required update for Microsoft Online Services that updates the Microsoft Online Services ID Sign-In Assistant to work with other Office programs)
comp., MSmodo de seguridad de inicio de sesiónlogin security mode (A security mode that determines the manner in which an instance of SQL Server validates a login request)
textilemáquina automática de inicio de hilosautomatic spinning start device
water.res.nivel de inicio de riegorefill point
comp., MS, mexic.pantalla de inicioStart screen (The Home screen of an unlocked Windows Phone)
comp., MSpantalla de InicioStart screen (The Home screen of an unlocked Windows Phone)
comp., MSpantalla de inicio de sesiónWelcome screen (The first screen that appears when you turn on Windows. The Welcome screen lists all the accounts on the computer)
comp., MSpantalla Inicio de OfficeOffice Start screen (A screen that gives users quick access to recent documents and recommended templates when an Office application starts)
reliabil.periodo de fallos al inicio de la vidainfant mortality period
reliabil.periodo de fallos al inicio de la vidaearly life failure period
comp., MSProtocolo de inicio de sesiónSession Initiation Protocol (A standard signaling protocol for establishing multi-media communications sessions between two or more users over an IP network)
commun.punto de iniciopoint of initiation
horticult.punto de inicioinitiation point
comp., net.página de iniciohome page
comp., MSpágina de inicio de consola de complementosnap-in console start page (The start page that appears in the results pane when the snap-in console root node is selected in the tree)
comp., MSReparación de inicioStartup Repair (A feature of Windows Vista that can automatically recover the system from a serious system problem or provide user with easy-to-use diagnostic information and support options to get the system running again)
comp., MSRestricciones de intentos de inicio de sesión en FTPFTP Logon Attempt Restrictions (An IIS feature that restricts the number of failed logon attempts that can be made to an FTP account in a specified time period)
pharma.Retroceso al punto de inicioZero-time shift
UN, polit.Reunión para iniciar el Decenio de Asia y el Pacífico para los DiscapacitadosMeeting to Launch the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons
comp., MSruta del script de inicio de sesiónlogon script path (A sequence of directory names that specifies the location of the logon script. When a user logs on, the authenticating computer locates the specified logon script (if one has been assigned to that user account) by following that computer's local logon script path (usually systemroot\\\\System32\\\\Repl\\\\Import\\\\Scripts))
comp., MSscript de inicio de sesiónlogon script (A file, typically a batch file, that runs automatically every time a user logs on to a computer or network. It can be used to configure a user's working environment whenever a user logs on, and it allows an administrator to influence a user's environment without managing all aspects of it. A logon script can be assigned to one or more user accounts)
comp., MSservicios de inicio de sesión únicoSingle Sign-On services (Services that enable single sign-on for adapters by accessing credentials in the SSO Credential database. These services are used to manage and administer the Credential database. As a configuration store, these services are used to access configuration data for adapters)
comp., MSsesión de iniciologon session (A period of time when one user is logged on to a computer. When a user logs on to a computer, the session is created. When that user logs off, the session is ended)
isol.tensión de inicio de la descarga parcialpartial discharge inception voltage
commun.terminal sólo capaz de iniciar llamadascall-only terminal
comp., MStiempo de iniciobegin time (The time at which an animation timeline should begin, relative to its parent's BeginTime. If this timeline is a root timeline, the time is relative to its interactive begin time (the moment at which the timeline was triggered))
isol.tiempo de inicio de formación de caminos conductorestime-to-track
wind.velocidad de iniciocut‑in wind speed