
Terms for subject Microsoft containing informe | all forms | exact matches only
Administrador de informesReport Manager (A Web-based report management tool)
Asistente de proyectos de informesReport Project Wizard (A wizard in the report authoring environment used to create reports)
base de datos de informesReport database (The SQL Server database that stores DPM reporting information)
base de datos del servidor de informesreport server database (A database that provides internal storage for a report server)
componente de informesreporting component (A component that provides comprehensive reporting functionality for a variety of data sources)
cuenta de ejecución del servidor de informesreport server execution account (The account under which the Report Server Web service and Report Server Windows service run)
definición de informereport definition (The blueprint for a report before the report is processed or rendered. A report definition contains information about the query and layout for the report)
definición del informereport definition (The blueprint for a report before the report is processed or rendered. A report definition contains information about the query and layout for the report)
elemento de informereport part (A report item that has been published separately to a report server and that can be reused in other reports)
elemento de informereport item (Entity on a report)
Elemento web de informeReport Web Part (A feature that allows users to view and interact with reports that are created in PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer)
encabezado del informereport header (A report section used to place information, such as a title, date, or report introduction, at the beginning of a report)
firma de informereport signature (A string used to identify the version of a report)
formato intermedio de informesreport intermediate format (Internal representation of a report)
grupo de informesreport group (A set of report definitions that can be used to generate more than one report simultaneously)
grupo de visualizaciones de informereport view group (A set of report views that are grouped together in a single dashboard zone. These report views can be conditionally shown, based on the selected KPI)
historial de informesreport history (A collection of previously run copies of a report)
informar de llamadas malintencionadasmalicious call reporting (A feature that enables phone users to report disturbing calls to the system administrator. When the user selects to report a malicious call, data from the last call received is captured and sent to the system administrator)
Informar de un problemaReport a Concern (The link to the form where a user can report violations of the terms of use. Contextually, it's understood that the abuse in question is poor conduct, such as obscene language or threats)
informe 10991099 report (A report to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on a 1099 form. A 1099 form is used to report non-employee income and is filed on a calendar year basis. The IRS produces various types of 1099 forms, including Dividend (1099-DIV), Interest (1099-INT), Miscellaneous (1099-MISC), and Retirement (1099-R))
informe a peticiónon-demand report (A report that is not scheduled, but created on an as-needed basis. For on-demand reports, as with scheduled reports, current data is gathered before the report is generated)
informe ad hocad hoc report (A type of report that requires users to select the data that they want to display on the report and to design the layout of the report)
informe basado en consultasquery-based report (A type of report generated from an Application Object Tree (AOT) query)
informe basado en Report Data ProviderReport Data Provider-based report (A report where the data source is defined in a Report Data Provider (RDP) class)
informe basebase report (The original, default, or out-of-the-box version of a report that has not been customized for an organization's own business needs)
informe click-throughclickthrough report (A report that displays related report model data when you click data within a rendered Report Builder report)
informe con parámetrosparameterized report (A published report that accepts input values through parameters)
informe condicionalconditional report (A report that displays or suppresses portions of the data according to whether specified conditions are met)
informe Consultas popularesPopular Queries report (A Web analytics report that provides information on the most popular searches)
Informe de actividadesActivity Reporting (An option on Windows Parental Control that, if selected, creates logs of all the actions performed by a user on the computer)
informe de actividadesactivity report (A report that an administrator, parent, or guardian can view showing children's or family members' online activity)
Informe de adquisición de licenciasLicense Purchase Report (A report that displays the software titles for all licensed software in selected license groups, based on their licensing agreements. This report can be used to find gaps in coverage for the license agreements in an organization)
informe de almacenamientostorage report (A reporting tool that alerts administrators to current disk use trends, as well as to attempts by certain users or groups to save unauthorized files)
informe de análisis del proveedorvendor analysis report (A document that displays vendor invoice amounts summarized by one or more dimensions. A vendor analysis report is used to monitor and control expenditures assigned to parties, products, locations, activities, or one or more of their classifiers)
Informe de compatibilidadCompatibility Report (A tool that checks for issues that might prevent a document from displaying or printing properly in current and previous versions of Microsoft Office for Windows and Mac)
informe de consumoconsumption statement (A report of the consumed cost for a project)
informe de diariojournal report (The message that is generated when a message matches a journal rule. The body of the journal report contains information from the original message such as the sender e-mail address, message subject, message-ID, and recipient e-mail addresses. The journal report also includes the original unaltered message as an attachment)
informe de ensamblaje del equipocomputer build report (A report generated by OEMs for each OA 3.0 manufactured computer which is then sent to Microsoft for processing. This report includes the hardware hash value and Product Key ID)
informe de erroreserror reporting (A feature that automatically captures key information at the time of a program or system crash and allows users to report the collected information)
Informe de errores de WindowsWindows Error Reporting (The Windows technology that collects data on system crashes or hangs and sends it to Microsoft)
informe de estadostatus report (A description of the status of a member's project work and related work)
informe de excepcionesexception report (A report that shows the general ledger account balances that were not included in the financial report)
informe de gastosexpense report (A document that provides an itemized summary and tracking of work-related expenses for reimbursement)
informe de gráfico dinámicoPivotChart report (A chart that provides interactive analysis of data, like a PivotTable report. You can change views of data, see different levels of detail, or reorganize the chart layout by dragging fields and by showing or hiding items in fields)
informe de implementacióndeployment report (A report in XML- or HTML-format that is associated with a deployment diagram. You can use these reports to create installation and deployment scripts)
informe de incidentesincident report (A report that is created when a user exceeds a quota threshold or tries to save an unauthorized file)
informe de instalación de licenciasLicense Installation Report (A report that compares installed software on computers in an organization with that organization's current license agreement coverage. This report can be used to determine whether an organization has sufficient license agreement coverage)
informe de invitación para usuarios externosexternal user invitation report (A report that lists the email address, invitation date, invitation status, and invitation submitter for external users invited to a SharePoint site collection)
Informe de mantenimientostatement of health (A declaration from a client computer that asserts the computer's health status. System health agents (SHAs) create SoHs and send them to a corresponding system health validator (SHV))
informe de mantenimiento de la organizaciónOrganizational Health report (A report that provides you a quick view of your organization and its operating characteristics. This includes health and licensing information, and also a summary of the Exchange servers and recipients)
informe de MorphXMorphX report (A report that is developed using the MorphX integrated development model)
informe de no entreganon-delivery report (A notification that an e-mail message was not delivered to the recipient)
Informe de problemas de WindowsWindows Problem Reporting (The Windows technology that manages information to help Microsoft create solutions to non-critical problems (problems that do not cause programs, services, or components to stop working))
informe de progresovelocity report (A report that provides a measure of the rate of work accomplished per iteration unit of time)
informe de recursosresource report (Printed information about a project's resources, which usually includes information about costs and the allocation of resources)
informe de Reporting ServicesReporting Services report (A report type that acts as a wrapper for a SQL Server Reporting Services report so that the Reporting Services report can be displayed in a PerformancePoint dashboard)
informe de servicioservice report (A report generated with customer service data, including case, knowledge base, and contract data)
informe de sincronizaciónSynchronization report (A DPM report that provides statistics on the success or failure of synchronization jobs, and illustrates patterns of failure)
Informe de sugerencias de opciones más probablesBest Bet Suggestions report (A Web analytics report that identifies terms that should become Best Bets)
informe de tabla dinámicaPivotTable report (An interactive, cross tabulated Excel report that summarizes and analyzes data, such as database records, from various sources including ones external to Excel)
informe de tabla dinámica asociadoassociated PivotTable report (The PivotTable report that supplies the source data to the PivotChart report. It is created automatically when you create a new PivotChart report. When you change the layout of either report, the other also changes)
Informe de trabajo en cursoWIP statement (A report of the value of work in process)
Informe de trabajo en procesoWIP statement (A report of the value of work in process)
Informe de uso de opciones más probablesBest Bet Usage report (A Web analytics report that identifies the Best Bet terms and how they are utilized by the system)
informe de valoración del inventarioInventory Valuation report (A report that lists all transactions affecting each inventory item and their impact on the number and value of stock on hand)
informe de ventassales report (A report specific to the Sales areas of the product)
informe del administradoradministrative report (A report run by a System Administrator)
informe detalladodrill-through report (A secondary report that is displayed when a user clicks an item in a report. Detailed data is displayed in the same report)
informe detallado de KPIKPI details report (A report type that shows information about a KPI that is selected in a scorecard)
informe detallado de vencimientos de cuentas por cobrarA/R Aging Detail report (A report that gives an in-depth view of the amounts your customers owe your company at a selected date)
informe detallado de vencimientos de cuentas por pagarA/P Aging Detail report (A report that gives an in-depth view of the amounts your company owes its vendors as of a selected date)
Informe diarioDaily Report (A report that is automatically generated by Windows Midmarket Server and sent to subscribed administrators via e-mail)
informe dinámicodynamic report (An Excel workbook that contains at least one matrix that is created by the report wizard)
informe estáticostatic report (An Excel workbook that contains no matrices. Essentially a snapshot of data at the point in time of creation)
informe financierofinancial statement (A statement of a company's financial state as of the end of a defined period. A financial statement may include an operating statement (an income statement showing the results in terms of profit and loss of normal business activities), a balance sheet (assets and liabilities), and other financial information)
informe generalcrosstab report (Printed information about tasks and resources over a specified time period. There are five predefined crosstab reports in Project: Cash Flow, Crosstab, Resource Usage, Task Usage, and Who Does What When)
informe independienteunbound report (A report that isn't connected to a record source such as a table, query, or SQL statement)
informe locallocal report (An Excel file that has been saved to the user's local file system)
informe MOMMOM report (A predefined report that is provided with the Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 Management Pack. Reports are organized by three categories: Microsoft Operations Manager, Operational Data Reporting, Operational Health Analysis)
informe Número de consultasNumber of Queries report (A Web analytics report that provides information on the number searches performed)
informe predeterminadodefault report (A type of report that does not allow a user to modify the layout but that does allow a user to filter and sort the data in the report)
informe representadorendered report (A fully processed report that contains both data and layout information, in a format suitable for viewing (such as HTML))
informe resumido de vencimientos de cuentas por cobrarA/R Aging Summary report (A report that displays all the amounts owed to your company, by customer and by the number of days outstanding at a selected date)
informe resumido de vencimientos de cuentas por pagarA/P Aging Summary report (A report that displays all your company's outstanding debt to vendors by the number of days outstanding as of a selected date)
informe Uso de almacenamientoStorage Usage report (A Web analytics report that provides information about storage usage trends)
informe web de comentario de códigocode comment Web report (Web pages that enable you to browse the code structure within files in your current project or solution, such as objects and interfaces defined in a project)
Informe Xx-report (A type of report that is generated to record current sales totals for a specific cash register)
Informe Zz-report (A type of report that is generated to record current sales totals for a specific cash register and to close the current work shift)
informes CLMCLM reports (Audit information pertaining to credential management activities within Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM))
Informes de Duet EnterpriseDuet Enterprise Reports (A feature that enables integration of SAP Reports with SharePoint 2010)
Informes del sitioSite Reports (A feature that provides detailed Web site statistics and reports related to the subscriber's Web site)
instantánea de informereport snapshot (A static report that contains data captured at a specific point in time)
instantánea del historial de informesreport history snapshot (Report history that contains data captured at a specific point in time)
Mis informesMy Reports (A personalized workspace)
modelo de informereport model (A metadata description of business data used for creating ad hoc reports)
Modificar informeModify Report (A button, found on the Report toolbar, that enables the user to customize a report)
módulo del informereport module (A module that includes code for all event procedures triggered by events occurring on a specific report or its controls)
módulo InformesReports module (A Microsoft CRM module used to create, view, and print metrics and statistical reports)
panel Datos de informereport data pane (A data pane that displays a hierarchical view of the items that represent data in the user's report. The top level nodes represent built-in fields, parameters, images, and data source references)
período de informereport period (The span of time during which you track and update a task that the workgroup manager has assigned to you. You can change the unit of time to days, weeks, or a single unit of time for the whole task)
pie de página del informereport footer (A report section used to place information that normally appears at the bottom of the page, such as page numbers, dates, and sums)
plantilla de diseño de informereport layout template (A pre-designed table, matrix, or chart report template in Report Builder)
plantilla de informereport template (An Excel template (.xlt file) that includes one or more queries or PivotTable reports that are based on external data. When you save a report template, Excel saves the query definition but doesn't store the queried data in the template)
Preparación del informe anualAnnual Report Preparation (A template that addresses, from a Finance & Accounting view, the general activities that define a typical effort to prepare an Annual Financial Report. Includes activities focused on obtaining the necessary information from multiple departments, to working with other departments (e.g., Legal and Public Relations) to ensure all required information is presented accurately, and up through the printing and distribution process)
programación específica del informereport-specific schedule (Schedule defined inline with a report. Report-specific schedules are defined in the context of an individual report, subscription, or report execution operation to determine cache expiration or snapshot updates)
Proyecto de informeReport Project (A template in the report authoring environment)
Receptor de informes de Duet EnterpriseDuet Enterprise Reports Receiver (A SharePoint feature that manages publishing and authorization of Duet Enterprise Reports)
representación del informereport rendering (The action of combining the report layout with the data from the data source for the purpose of viewing the report)
Respuesta al informe de mantenimientostatement of health response (The validation of a statement of health (SoH) that a system health validator (SHV) produces and sends to the NAP administration server. The SoHR can contain remediation instructions)
resumen de informe de licencias de MicrosoftMicrosoft license report summary (A report containing information about the installation history and other details of licenses installed for components installed as part of the software)
servicio web del servidor de informesReport Server Web service (A Web service that hosts, processes, and delivers reports)
servidor de informesreport server (A location on the network where Report Builder is launched from and a report is saved, managed, and published)
Servidor de informes de Service ManagerService Manager reporting server (The server that hosts Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS))
Servidor de informes MOMMOM Reporting Server (A component that uses SQL Server Reporting Services to generate and display reports)
tipo de informereport type (A category of reports that all contain similar information)
unidad de divisa de informereporting currency unit (A currency unit that is used to record the financial consequences of accounting events and to prepare and report ancillary financial statements)
vista InformesReporting view (The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator runs reports)
visualización de informe de hoja de cálculospreadsheet report view (A report view that provides interactive functionality for a spreadsheet on a Web page)
visualización de informe Página webWeb page report view (A report type that contains a Web page)
visualización de informe SQL SeverSQL Server report view (A report view in the form of a SQL Server report, which uses the analysis features of SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services)
vínculo de informereport link (URL to a report)