
Terms for subject Environment containing informaciones | all forms | exact matches only
centro de distribución de informacióninformation clearing-house
centro de distribución de informacióninformation clearing-house A central institution or agency for the collection, maintenance, and distribution of materials or data compiled to convey knowledge on some subject
centro de informacióninformation centre Any facility devoted to the collection, maintenance and distribution of materials or data compiled to convey knowledge on some subject, often with trained staff persons available to answer questions
Centro Internacional de Intercambio de Información sobre Sistemas de Producción menos ContaminantesInternational Cleaner Production Information Clearinghouse
Centro Temático Europea sobre el Uso del Suelo e Información EspacialEuropean Topic Centre on Land Use and spatial information
consenso previa informaciónprior informed consent
divulgación de informaciónprovision of information
equipo de informacióninformation kit
equipo de informacióninformation kit A set or collection of materials compiled to convey knowledge on some subject and usually placed in some type of container
fuentes de informacióninformation source Generally, any resource initiating and substantiating the reception of knowledge or specifically, the origin of a data transmission
Gobernanza e Información ClimáticasClimate Governance and Information
Gobernanza e Información MedioambientalesEnvironmental Governance and Information
información al consumidorconsumer information Factual, circumstantial and, often, comparative knowledge concerning various goods, services or events, their quality and the entities producing them
información ambientalenvironmental information
información ambientalenvironmental information Knowledge communicated or received concerning any aspect of the ecosystem, the natural resources within it or, more generally, the external factors surrounding and affecting human life
información bibliográficabibliographic information
información bibliográficabibliographic information Data pertaining to the history, physical description, comparison, and classification of books and other works
información científica y técnicascientific and technical information
información científica y técnicascientific and technical information Knowledge communicated or received pertaining to the systematic study of the physical world or to the mechanical or industrial arts
información del procesoreporting process
información estadísticastatistical information Knowledge pertaining to the collection, classification, analysis and interpretation of numerical data
información genéticagenetic information The information for protein synthesis contained in the nucleotide sequences of the DNA polynucleotide chain
información legislativalegislative information
información legislativalegislative information Knowledge or a service providing knowledge concerning actual and proposed laws, including approval status, the history and content of deliberative proceedings and the specific language of those laws
información medioambientalenvironmental information
información preventivapreventive information
información preventivapreventive information Data communicated or received concerning the recommended means of averting risk of an accident, disaster or other undesirable and avoidable incident
información públicapublic information
información públicapublic information Factual or circumstantial knowledge or the service, office or station providing this knowledge for an entire population or community, without restriction
información sobre productosproduct information
información sobre productosproduct information Factual, circumstantial and, often, comparative knowledge concerning various goods, services or events, their quality and the entities producing them
información técnicatechnical information Factual data, knowledge or instructions relating to scientific research or the development, testing, evaluation, production, use or maintenance of equipment
información validadavalidated information
Información y preparación para casos de accidentes industriales a nivel localawareness and preparedness for emergencies at the local level
infraestructura de informacióninformation infrastructure The basic, underlying framework and features of a communications system supporting the exchange of knowledge, including hardware, software and transmission media
intercambio de informacióninformation exchange A reciprocal transference of data between two or more parties for the purpose of enhancing knowledge of the participants
Oficina Mediterránea de InformacionesMediterranean Information Office
Oficina Mediterránea de Información para el Medio Ambiente, la Cultura y el Desarrollo SostenibleMediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development
Principio de Información y Consentimiento PreviosPrinciple of Prior Informed Consent
Programa Conjunto FAO/PNUMA para el procedimiento de Información y Consentimiento Previos ICPUNEP/FAO Joint Programme for the Operation of Prior Informed Consent PIC
propiedad patógena de organismos portadores de información genética nuevapathogenic property of organisms carrying new genetic information
Red de datos e informaciones sobre los productos químicos en el medio ambienteEnvironmental Chemicals Data and Information Network
Red Europea de Información y de Observación sobre el Medio AmbienteEuropean Environment Information and Observation Network
Red Mundial de Información sobre DesastresGlobal Disaster Information Network
servicio de informacióninformation service An organized system of providing assistance or aid to individuals who are seeking information, such as by using databases and other information sources to communicate or supply knowledge or factual data
Servicio Mundial de Referencias e Información sobre Datos ClimáticosWorld Climate Data Information Referral Service
Sistema compartido de información medioambientalShared Environmental Information System
sistema comunitario de informaciónCommunity Information System
sistema de información bibliográficabibliographic information system
Sistema de información comunitarioCommunity Information System
sistema de información de remisiónreferral information system
sistema de información de remisiónreferral information system A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources organized to provide directions leading people to sources known to provide knowledge or assistance on a specified topic or request
sistema de información estadísticastatistical information system
sistema de información estadísticastatistical information system A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources enabling the exchange of numerical data that has been collected, classified or interpreted for analysis
Sistema de Información sobre el Agua para EuropaWater Information System for Europe
Sistema de Intercambio de Información sobre Desastres Naturales y AmbientalesNatural and Environmental Disaster Information Exchange System
Sistema Euromediterráneo de Información sobre los conocimientos especializados en el sector del aguaEuro-Mediterranean Information System on Know-How in the Water Sector
Sistema Nacional Unificado de Observación, Control e Información sobre la Situación del Medio AmbienteUnified National System for Observation, Control and Information on the Environment's State
sistemas de informacióninformation system Any coordinated assemblage of persons, devices and institutions used for communicating or exchanging knowledge or data, such as by simple verbal communication, or by completely computerized methods of storing, searching and retrieving information
sistemas de información ambientalenvironmental information system
sistemas de información ambientalenvironmental information system A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources designed to exchange data or knowledge concerning any aspect of the ecosystem, the natural resources within or, more generally, the external factors surrounding and affecting human life
sistemas de información geográficageographic information system
sistemas de información geográficageographic information system An organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and personnel designed to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of geographically referenced information that can be drawn from different sources, both statistical and mapped
tecnología de información ambientalenvironmental information technology
transferencia de informacióninformation transfer The communication or conveyance of data or materials for the purpose of enhancing knowledge from one person, place or position to another
umbral de información al públicopopulation information threshold