
Terms for subject Microsoft containing impactos | all forms
Agente de Telemetría de impacto de aplicacionesApplication Impact Telemetry Agent (The scheduled task part of Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) that runs nightly to consume the events logged to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) by the AIT Runtime system and send them back to Microsoft using SQM)
de alto impacto visualhigh-impact (Having a strong effect or influence)
de gran impactohigh-impact (Having a strong effect or influence)
matriz de probabilidad e impactoprobability and impact matrix (A common way to determine whether a risk is considered low, moderate, or high by combining the two dimensions of a risk, its probability of occurrence, and its impact on objectives if it occurs)
regla de impacto del rastreadorcrawler impact rule (A rule that applies to a specific URL or range of URLs on which you can configure crawling to reduce the resources that are used on the server that is being crawled)
Telemetría de impacto de aplicacionesApplication Impact Telemetry (A sub-feature of Application Telemetry whose goal is to gather information on how applications use features exposed by the operating system (COM objects, registry, DLLs, DLL exports, etc). This data is used to better understand how a change to or removal of a Windows feature may impact applications and overall application compatibility goals. It also helps understand how features are used, and allows Microsoft to use that information in planning new features, allocating testing resources, etc)