
Terms for subject Microsoft containing imágen | all forms
Administrador de imágenes de sistemaWindows System Image Manager (A utility for creating and modifying answer files and configuration sets)
almacén de imágenesimage store (The repository where Windows image files used for deployment are stored)
archivo de imagenimage file (A file containing graphics (illustrations, photographs, etc) or other visual information)
botón de imagenpicture button (A control in a form that consists of an actionable image. At run time the user can click the image to run rules or actions similar to a button)
contenido de imagenpicture content (An image that is bounded by a picture frame)
contraseña de imagenpicture password (A picture-based sign-in method that authenticates a user by checking gestures made on a picture of the user's own choosing)
contraseña de imagen de Picture PasswordPicture Password (A user-authentication mechanism used to log on to a computer by tapping a sequence of targets on a picture instead of typing a text password)
control de imagenimage control (A control you use to add a picture to a form, report, or data access page)
Copia de seguridad de imágenes del sistema de WindowsWindows System Image Backup (A tool in Windows Vista that backs up the system image)
correción de oscilación de imagenwobble correction (An image stabilization technique used to remove wobbled distortions from a video captured with a rolling shutter camera that's exposed to large accelerations or jitter)
dispositivo de imagenimaging device (A hardware type for digital cameras and scanners)
Dispositivos de impresión e imagenPrinting and Imaging Devices (A feature in Windows that allows users to access and manage printers, multi-function printers, digital cameras and scanners)
edición de imágenesimage editing (The process of changing or modifying a bitmapped image, usually with an image editor)
editor de imágenesimage editor (A computer program that enables users to adjust a photo to improve its appearance)
efecto de imagenbitmap effect (An effect that can be rendered on content. Such bitmap effects include: Blur, drop shadow, bevel, outer glow, and emboss)
elemento de imagenpicture element (The smallest element used to form the composition of an image on a computer monitor. Computer monitors display images by drawing thousands of very small pixels arranged in columns and rows)
estabilización de imagenimage stabilization (A technique that increases sharpness and fidelity by compensating for some effects that camera movement has on images in videos)
Estilos de imágenesPicture Styles (A gallery of effects that users can apply to images to create a customized, artistic look)
Galería de imágenesImage Gallery (A repository for storing and managing visual resources, such as images and themes)
Galería de imágenesClip Gallery (A feature that contains a collection of clip art)
imagen calcadatracing image (A prototype image used as a mockup for a Web page design)
imagen de arranqueboot image (The Microsoft Windows Preinstallation Environment image that you boot a client into before you install the install image)
imagen de cuentaaccount picture (A graphical representation that's associated with a user account for Windows and Windows Live)
imagen de fondobackground image (The background that appears under an application)
imagen de fondobackground (The picture that appears in the Photos Hub)
imagen de fábricafactory image (The original Windows operating system image file or the OEM custom Windows operating system image)
imagen de marcabrand image (A company's or partner's logo, fonts, and colour themes or schemes intended to visually signify who and what the company is)
imagen de referenciareference image (A configured Windows image that includes additional software applications and updated drivers. A single reference installation image can be deployed onto many destination computers)
imagen de referencia blancawhite reference image (A snapshot of the Surface screen when it is covered by the white side of the calibration board. (This situation represents the absence of light in your environment) This snapshot is taken during calibration)
imagen de referencia de pantalla vacíablank reference image (A snapshot of what the Surface screen looks like in your lighting environment with nothing on the screen. This snapshot is taking during calibration)
imagen de SO personalizadacustom OS image (The user-customized virtual hard disks (VHDs) that define the operating environment hosted by the VM role)
imagen de volumenvolume image (A single Windows image in a Windows image (.wim) file)
imagen de WindowsWindows image (A single compressed file containing a collection of files and folders that duplicate a Windows installation on a disk volume)
imagen del producto de MicrosoftMicrosoft box shot (A photo of a Microsoft product box)
imagen del reflejoreflection image (" The secondary image in the Water attract application that "reflects" the ceiling on the water surface instead of showing the rocks underneath the water.")
imagen digitaldigital image (A pictorial graphic such as a digital photograph or illustration)
imagen dinámicadynamic display picture (A display picture that can be customized and may be animated)
imagen en imagenpicture-in-picture (A small, inset, secondary video window displayed inside the main video window)
Imagen en mosaicoTile image (A UI element that enables a user to repeat an image so that it fills the page)
imagen estáticastatic picture (A snapshot of information, often from another document or program, that is not linked to the document or program in which the information was created)
imagen fotográfica RAWraw camera image (A bitmap that the camera obtains and that the developers use to determine additional types of input, such as the size and shape of an object that is placed on the Surface screen)
imagen generalizadageneralized image (A software image that you can apply and restore to any computer with similar hardware)
imagen incrustadaembedded picture (A picture that is stored within a document rather than being linked to a source file outside of the document)
imagen interactivaclickable map (An image that contains more than one hyperlink on a Web page. Clicking different parts of the image links the user to other resources on another part of the Web page or a different Web page or in a file)
imagen interactiva del lado clienteclient-side image map (An image map that directly encodes in a Web page the destination URL of each hot spot in that image map. Client-side image maps do not require processing from a server when a site visitor follows the hyperlinks in the image map)
imagen interactiva del lado servidorserver-side image map (An image map that passes the coordinates of the mouse pointer to a CGI handler routine on the server. Server-side image maps require the Web server to compute the target URL of the hyperlink based on the mouse pointer coordinates)
imagen .iso.iso image (An image file typically used to create optical disks including CD-ROMs and DVDs. The ISO format is supported by many commercially-available software products)
imagen ISOISO image (An image file typically used to create optical disks including CD-ROMs and DVDs. The ISO format is supported by many commercially-available software products)
imagen maestramaster image (The hard disk image from which the manufacturer creates all other operating system images on the computers being manufactured. The master image is the final operating system image that contains all of the software, configuration settings and other customizations requested by the solution provider. It is installed on every computer in a particular offering during manufacturing)
imagen médicamedical image (An image of body parts, tissues, or organs, for use in clinical diagnosis)
imagen no generalizadanon-generalized image (A software image that you can apply and restore only to the computer where the image was taken)
imagen para recuperaciónrecovery image (A disk image provided for use in repairing or reinstalling an installation of Windows)
imagen promocionalpromotional image (An image uploaded by the developer that Microsoft can use as a part of promotion via Featured lists and/or marketing campaigns)
imagen reflejadamirror image (An image that is an exact duplicate of the original with the exception that one dimension is reversed. For example, a right-pointing arrow and a left-pointing arrow of the same size and shape are mirror images)
imagen reflejadamirror image (An image that is an exact duplicate of the original with the exception that one dimension is reversed. For example, a right-pointing arrow and a left-pointing arrow of the same size and shape are mirror images)
imagen vinculadalinked picture (A picture that links to a high-resolution image file that is stored outside of the publication file. If the linked picture is changed in an image-editing program, you can update the linked picture in the publication file)
Imágenes destacadasFeatured pictures (The group label for pictures that are elevated as part of a promotion or business arrangement)
imágenes prediseñadasclip art (Ready-made art, often appearing as a bitmap or a combination of drawn shapes)
instalación basada en imagenimage-based setup (A process that uses installation technologies that install Windows images (.wim files))
mapa de bits de imágenesimage well (A collection of images of the same size and color depth that are stored as a row of images in a single bitmap)
mapa de imagenimage map (An image that contains more than one hyperlink on a Web page. Clicking different parts of the image links the user to other resources on another part of the Web page or a different Web page or in a file)
marcador de posición de imagenpicture placeholder (A rectangle that represents an imported graphic in your document. You can increase scrolling speed by temporarily replacing graphics with picture placeholders)
marco de imagenpicture frame (A container that surrounds the picture content)
modificador de imagen numéricanumeric picture switch (A switch (\) or instruction that specifies how Microsoft Word will display the numeric result of a field)
objeto de imagenimage object (An object defined by pixels)
pincel de imagenimage brush (A tile brush that paints an area with an image source, such as a bitmap image)
pirámide de imagenimage pyramid (A construct of an image loading process in which a pyramid-like shape is created out of an image)
recrear la imagenre-image (To uninstall all software on a computer and reinstall a new Windows image)
resolución de imagenimage resolution (The fineness or coarseness of an image as it is digitized, measured in dots per inch (DPI), typically ranging from 200 to 400 DPI)
restablecer imagen inicialreimage (To reset the virtual machine to its initial state. The initial state is defined by the settings configured on the VHD image file)
secuencia de imágenesimage sequence (A consecutive series of images created from consecutive video frames)
Seleccionar imagenSelect picture (A button in Works that opens the Insert Picture dialog, where the user can browse to an image to be inserted as a watermark)
Sistema de implementación de imágenesSystem Deployment Image A feature in Windows which facilitates the preparation and maintenance of run-time images (SDI)