
Terms containing host | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSAdaptador de bus hosthost bus adapter (An hardware device for connecting a peripheral to the main computer, typically in the form of an expansion card)
comp., MSadaptador de hosthost adapter (An hardware device for connecting a peripheral to the main computer, typically in the form of an expansion card)
comp., MSadaptador hosthost adapter (A software component that lets you run tests in a specific environment. This hosting environment may be a specific process such as sqprsqext or a process with particular traits such as limited security or custom environment variables)
comp., MSAgente del host de virtualización de Escritorio remotoRemote Desktop Virtualization Host Agent (A service that is running on any machine that has the RD Virtualization role service installed)
comp., MSaplicación hosthost application (An application that has some sort of customization, such as an application-level add-in or a document-level customization, for which the application acts as a host)
comp., MSclasificación de hosthost rating (A rating, consisting of zero through five stars, that is assigned to each host during virtual machine placement to indicate the host's suitability for hosting the virtual machine. The host rating is based on the virtual machine's hardware and software requirements and anticipated resource usage. Host ratings also take into consideration the placement goal: either resource maximization on hosts or load balancing among hosts. The metrics for rating hosts can be customized for Virtual Machine Manager, for host groups, and for individual virtual machines)
comp., MScomprobación de compatibilidad del hosthost compatibility check (An action that is performed in VMM that determines whether the hardware of a destination host is compatible with the virtual machine that you are migrating to the host)
comp., MSconfiguración a nivel de hosthost-level setting (One of the settings that BizTalk administrators can modify in the BizTalk Settings Dashboard. Examples include host tracking, and properties related to resource-based throttling, rate-based throttling, and orchestration throttling. Host-level settings tweak the way all instances of host behave in a given deployment. For example, if for Host1 the setting Max. engine threads is changed to 200, all instances of Host1 will work with a maximum of 200 engine threads)
comp., MSconfiguración a nivel instancia de hosthost instance–level setting (One of the settings that BizTalk administrators can modify in the BizTalk Settings Dashboard. Examples include .NET CLR settings and properties related to an orchestration memory throttling. Specific to a given host instance, host-level settings essentially govern the use of a computer's resources (such as RAM or I/O). An example is Max. I/O Threads)
comp., MSConfiguración de host de sesión de Escritorio remotoRemote Desktop Session Host Configuration (An MMC management snap-in for Remote Desktop Services. You can use Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration to configure settings for new connections, modify the settings of existing connections, and delete connections. You can configure settings on a per connection basis, or for the server as a whole)
comp., MScontrol hosthost control (An object that is native to a host application (such as Microsoft Office Word or Microsoft Office Excel) to which data binding and events have been added. Examples of host controls include Bookmark controls and ListObject controls)
comp., MScontroladora de hosthost controller (An hardware device for connecting a peripheral to the main computer, typically in the form of an expansion card)
comp., MSdirección de hosthost address (The portion of the IP address that identifies a computer within a particular network ID)
comp., MSdominio de hosthost domain (The domain in which a DFS namespace has been configured)
comp., MSelemento hosthost item (An object that is native to a host application (such as Microsoft Office Word or Microsoft Office Excel) to which you can add host controls. Examples of host items include Document and Worksheet)
comp., MSencabezado hosthost header (A piece of information that enables IIS to resolve a request based on the domain name specified by the browser, rather than one based only on the IP address and port number. For example, the host header name for the URL http://www.microsoft.com is www.microsoft.com. By using host headers, you can use the same IP address and port for multiple IIS Web sites)
comp., MSequipo de host múltiplemultihomed computer (A computer that has multiple network adapters or that has been configured with multiple IP addresses for a single network adapter)
comp., MSequipo hosthost machine (A physical computer that is running virtualization software, such as Hyper-V, on which virtual machines can be deployed)
comp., MSequipo hosthost computer (A computer that acts as a source of information or signals. The host computer provides services, such as news, mail, or data, to computers that connect to it. The term can refer to almost any kind of computer, from a centralized mainframe that is a host to its terminals, to a server that is host to its clients, to a desktop PC that is host to its devices, such as printers and scanners)
ITEuropean Commission Host OrganizationEuropean Commission Host Organisation
comp., MSgrupo hosthost group (A custom group of virtual machine hosts, which an administrator can create in Virtual Machine Manager for ease of monitoring and management. Host groups can be used to determine the resources reserved for host operating systems and to administer virtual machine self-service)
comp., MSgrupo host de la colección de proyectos de equipoteam project collection host group (A Virtual Machine Manager host group that has been bound to a team project collection)
comp., MSgrupo host de proyectos de equipoteam project host group (A project collection host group that has been further bound to a TFS team project for the purpose of deploying virtual environments)
comp., MSgrupo host primarioparent host group (" A host group that contains another host group, which is known as a "child host group.")
comp., MSgrupo host raízroot host group (The default host group, Managed Computers, which contains all host groups in Virtual Machine Manager. The name of the root host group can be assigned during Setup. The default name is All Hosts)
comp., MSgrupo host secundariochild host group (A host group contained within another host group, which can inherit host reserve settings and virtual machine permissions from its parent host group. All host groups are child host groups of the root host group, which is named All Hosts by default)
comp., MShost administradomanaged host (A virtual machine host that is managed by Virtual Machine Manager)
comp., MShost de adaptadoradapter host (The root abstract class Adapter, which defines the handshake between the adapter and the StreamInsight server in the ENQUEUE interaction point. It provides all the required adapter services such as memory management, and exception handling)
comp., MShost de aplicacionesapp host (The hosting environment for Windows Store apps that use JavaScript/HTML; it plays a role in activation, deactivation, event/SQM logging, configuration, security, and other functions)
comp., MShost de Common Language Runtimecommon language runtime host (An unmanaged application that uses a set of APIs, called the hosting interfaces, to integrate managed code into the application. Common language runtime hosts often require a high degree of customization over the runtime that is loaded into the process)
comp., MShost de dominio de aplicaciónapplication domain host (A host on which the application domain is located)
comp., MShost de flujos de trabajoworkflow host (The server component that deals with the execution of workflows)
comp., MShost de máquina virtualvirtual machine host (A physical computer that is running virtualization software, such as Hyper-V, on which virtual machines can be deployed)
comp., MShost de seguridadsecurity host (An authentication device, supplemental to standard Windows and remote access server security, that verifies whether a caller from a remote client is authorized to connect to the remote access server)
comp., MSHost de servicio de diagnósticoDiagnostic Service Host (A service that hosts the WDI (Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure) components that need to run in Local Service context and enables problem detection, troubleshooting and resolution for Windows components)
comp., MShost de serviciosservice host (The run-time environment for hosting a service within a process)
comp., MShost de servicios de flujos de trabajoworkflow service host (A component that is responsible for running all workflows, orchestrating, and dispatching them)
comp., MShost de sesión de Escritorio remotoRemote Desktop Session Host (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a computer that is running Windows Server to host Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop)
comp., MShost de sesión de Escritorio remotoRD Session Host (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a computer that is running Windows Server to host Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop)
comp., MSHost de sistema de diagnósticoDiagnostic System Host (A service that hosts the WDI (Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure) components that need to run in Local System context and enables problem detection, troubleshooting and resolution for Windows components)
comp., MShost de sitios webwebsite host (A company that provides servers, Internet connectivity, and other associated facilities needed to publish websites)
comp., MSHost de virtualización de Escritorio remotoRemote Desktop Virtualization Host (A Windows server that is running Microsoft Hyper-V Server)
comp., MSHost de virtualización de Escritorio remotoRD Virtualization Host (A Remote Desktop Services role service that hosts the virtual machines that are made available to users by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection)
comp., MShost en tiempo de ejecuciónruntime host (The environment, such as ASP.NET, Internet Explorer, or the Windows shell, in which the common language runtime is typically started and managed. Runtime hosts create application domains in which to run managed code on behalf of the user. See also application domaincpgloA, common language runtimecpgloC, managed codecpgloM)
comp., MShost inteligentesmart host (A designated server through which Exchange routes all outgoing messages. The smart host then makes the remote connection. If a smart host is designated, the Exchange server only needs to transmit to the smart host, instead of repeatedly contacting the domain until a connection is made)
comp., MShost inteligenterelay host (A designated server through which Exchange routes all outgoing messages. The smart host then makes the remote connection. If a smart host is designated, the Exchange server only needs to transmit to the smart host, instead of repeatedly contacting the domain until a connection is made)
comp., MShost predeterminadodefault host (Administration objects that facilitate deployment and orchestration enlistment. These objects are identified in the BizTalk Server Administration console with a checkmark symbol. During the orchestration enlistment process, the default host is automatically used to host the orchestration, unless the user explicitly selects a different host)
comp., MShost principallead host (A cache host that has been designated to work with other lead hosts and to keep the cluster running at all times)
comp., MShost remotoremote host (A Web server on a separate server computer. A remote host is connected to other servers by a network connection)
comp., MShost WOPIWOPI host (A host server, such as SharePoint Server, that uses WOPI to support file operations and provides a wrapper for the WOPI application UI)
comp., MSid. de hosthost ID (The portion of the IP address that identifies a computer within a particular network ID)
comp., MSnombre de hosthost name (The DNS name of a device on a network, used to locate computers on the network)
comp., MSperfil de hosthost profile (A Virtual Machine Manager library resource that contains hardware and operating system configuration settings to convert a bare-metal computer to a managed Hyper-V host)
comp., MSprioridad del hosthost priority (For Network Load Balancing, a host's precedence for handling default network traffic for TCP and UDP ports. It is used if a host within the cluster goes offline, and it determines which host within the cluster will assume responsibility for the traffic previously handled by the offline host)
comp., MSProtocolo de configuración dinámica de hostDynamic Host Configuration Protocol (A TCP/IP service protocol that offers dynamic leased configuration of host IP addresses and distributes other configuration parameters to eligible network clients. DHCP provides safe, reliable, and simple TCP/IP network configuration, prevents address conflicts, and helps conserve the use of client IP addresses on the network)
comp., MSproveedor de host DNSDNS hosting provider (A provider that offers DNS hosting services)
comp., MSrecurso en reserva en el hosthost reserve (A resource that is set aside on the physical host computer for the use of the host operating system)
comp., MSRemoteFX para host de sesión de Escritorio remotoRemoteFX for RD Session Host (RemoteFX running on an RD Session Host server)
comp., MSRemoteFX para host de virtualización de Escritorio remotoRemoteFX for RD Virtualization Host (RemoteFX running on an RD Virtualization Host server)
comp., MSruta de acceso de hosthost path (A sequence of host group names that specifies the location of a virtual machine host or host group within the hierarchy of host groups. All host paths begin with the root host group, Managed Computers)
comp., MSservidor de hosts múltiplesmultihomed server (A computer that has multiple network adapters or that has been configured with multiple IP addresses for a single network adapter)
comp., MSservidor host de sesión de Escritorio remotoRemote Desktop Session Host server (A server running the RD Session Host role service that hosts Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop for Remote Desktop Services clients)
comp., MSservidor host de sesión de Escritorio remotoRD Session Host server (A server running the RD Session Host role service that hosts Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop for Remote Desktop Services clients)
comp., MSservidor host de sesión de Escritorio remoto en modo de redireccionamientoRD Session Host server running in redirection mode (An RD Session Host server running in redirection mode)
comp., MSsistema operativo hosthost operating system (The operating system of the physical computer running the Virtual Server or Virtual PC software)
comp., MStecla del hostHost key (The key (right ALT key by default) that must be pressed with Virtual Server to move keyboard and mouse focus from a guest operating system back to the host operating system)
comp., MStipo de hosthost type (A property that determines whether the host is controlled within or outside of the BizTalk Server process. Host types are In-process or Isolated)
comp., MSutilizar host automáticoautohost (To deploy the components of an app on appropriate hosts and establish app isolation automatically)
comp., MSvista host del complementohost view of the add-in (In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, an assembly that contains interfaces or abstract base classes, and represents the host's view of the methods and types used to communicate with an add-in)
comp., MSweb de hosthost web (A SharePoint site to which an app is installed)