
Terms containing formato | all forms | exact matches only
IT, dat.proc.almacenamiento local de formatoslocal format storage
cultur.aparato de formato miniaturaminiature camera
comp., MSarchivo de formatoformat file (A file containing meta information (such as data type and column size) that is used to interpret data when being read from or written to a data file)
comp., MSarchivo de formato de secuenciastream format file (A file used by a player to decode a multicast stream)
comp., MSarchivo sin formatoraw file (A native format for fast reading and writing of data)
comp., MSarchivo sin formato delimitadodelimited flat file (A data file that contains one or more records separated by a record delimiter. Each delimited record contains one or more fields separated by a common field delimiter)
comp., MSarchivo sin formato posicionalpositional flat file (A type of file format used to represent business documents in which the records and fields have a fixed length, eliminating the need for delimiters)
meteorol.archivos de datos de malla en formato binarioGridded Information in Binary Form
gen.asignación de formatoformatting
IT, dat.proc.atributo de formatoformat attribute
comp., MSautenticación de texto sin formatoplaintext authentication (An authentication mechanism that is supported by most browsers, including Internet Explorer, and encodes (but does not encrypt) user name and password data before transmitting it over the network)
radiocambio de formato en televisiónchange of format in television
commun.cambio de formato de obras antiguasremastering old material
commun.cambio de formato de obras antiguasreformatting old material
commun.campo identificador de formato generalgeneral format identifier field
ITcarácter de formatoformat effector
ITcarácter de formatolayout character
ITcarácter determinante de formatoformat effector
ITcarácter determinante de formatolayout character
IT, dat.proc.clase de formato de intercambiointerchange format class
gen.combinación del formato de transportetransport format combination
econ.Condiciones de aplicación del Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento y directrices sobre formato y contenido de los programas de estabilidad y convergenciaSpecifications on the implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact and Guidelines on the format and content of Stability and Convergence Programmes
econ.Condiciones de aplicación del Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento y directrices sobre formato y contenido de los programas de estabilidad y convergenciacode of conduct
gen.conjunto de la combinación del formato de transportetransport format combination set
org.name.Consulta de expertos sobre normalización de los formatos de datos y procedimientos de vigilancia, control y supervisiónExpert Consultation on Standardization of Data Formats and Procedures for Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
ITcontrol de formatoformat control
IT, dat.proc.conversión de formato de fechadate format conversion
IT, dat.proc.conversión de un programa a formato binarioprogram conversion into binary format
IT, el.conversión en formato paraleloconversion into parallel format
IT, el.conversión en formato serieconversion into serial format
forestr.conversión formato de barrido a vectorraster-to-vector conversion
ITconversor de formatoformat converter
comp., MSCopiar formatoFormat Painter (A feature that replicates formatting from a source item - such as text in Word, a cell in Excel, a control in Access, or a shape in Publisher - to one or more target items)
comp., MSCopiar formato de bordeBorder Sampler (A tool used to collect the formatting of an existing table border so that it can be applied to another border)
met.cortar en formatoguillotining
met.cortar en formatocutting to size
IT, dat.proc.código de formatoformat flag
IT, dat.proc.código de formatoformatting code
IT, dat.proc.código de formatoformat code
ITcódigos de formato o de estiloformatting and style enhancements
ed.dar formatoformat
comp.dar formatoformatting
cartogr.datos en formato de vectoresvector data
patents.datos en formato legible por máquinadata in machine-readable form
cartogr.datos geoespaciales presentados en formato de vectoresvector-based geospatial data
gen.de gran formatoof large format
comp., MSdestino de archivo sin formatoRaw File destination (An SSIS destination that writes raw data to a file)
ITdeterminante de formatolayout character
ITdeterminante de formatoformat effector
comp., MSdimensión de formatoformatting dimension (The dimension that numeric formatting is applied to)
stat.diseminación de datos relativos al censo en formato electrónicocensus electronic data dissemination
work.fl., ITdisposición de los datos en formato fijofixed length data format
commun., ITdocumento en formato finalfinal-form document
immigr.documento provisional de viaje de formato común de la Unión EuropeaEU common format emergency travel document
commun.ejemplar en gran formatolarge paper copy
pack.embalaje de gran formatofamily package
pack.embalaje de gran formatoeconomy size pack
IT, dat.proc.escritura con formatolayout typing
commun., ITespecificación de formato de objetos de datosdata object format specification
el.especificador de formatoformat specifier
comp., MSEstándares y formatosStandards and formats (A Regional and Language Options setting that determines the formats used to display dates, times, currency, numbers, and the sorting order of text)
mater.sc.film cortado a formatocut-to-size sheet
pack.film cortado a formatoscut-to-size sheet
commun.formato 16:916:9 aspect ratio format
ITformato A-4A4-format
commun.formato a la italianaoblong shape
comp.formato a párrafoformat paragraph
UN, health.formato accesibleaccessible formats
comp., MSformato adaptableadaptive format (" A type of format that uses Extensible Application Markup Language ("XAML") to optimize the layout of a page. By declaring a document adaptive, "Avalon" automatically optimizes the document to best use the available screen space.")
commun.formato apaisadooblong shape
IT, dat.proc.formato apaisadowidth format
IT, dat.proc.formato apaisadowide format
IT, dat.proc.formato apaisadolandscape format
IT, dat.proc.formato ASCIItext-only file format
IT, dat.proc.formato ASCIIASCII format
IT, dat.proc.formato ASCII con retornos de carrotext-only-with-line-breaks format
comp., MSformato ASFAdvanced Systems Format (A low-overhead data format for multimedia streams. It encapsulates images, audio, AVI, and so forth, as well as URLs, and allows for the synchronization of these objects within the stream. Windows Media Technologies can stream ASF formatted content and can store ASF streams as .asf files)
market., commun., life.sc.formato atlaslarge size
commun., industr., construct.formato atlánticoatlas shape
commun., industr., construct.formato atlánticoatlas size
IT, dat.proc.formato automáticoautomatic formatting
comp., MSformato automáticoautoformat (A built-in format that can be applied to a range of data, or to controls and sections in a form or report to change their appearance)
comp., MSformato AVIAudio Video Interleaved (A Microsoft Windows multimedia file format for sound and videos that uses the Microsoft Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) specification)
industr., construct.formato bastardobastard size
commun.formato Bellcore AMABellcore AMA format
pack.formato brutountrimmed size
meteorol.formato BUFR forma binaria universal de representación de datos meteorológicosBinary Universal Form for the Representation of Meteorological Data
commun."formato buzón""letterbox format"
industr.formato C 6C 6 Format
IT, dat.proc.formato científicoscientific format
IT, nat.sc.Formato Común de ComunicaciónCommon Communication Format
comp., MSformato condicionalconditional formatting (Formatting that is applied to cell contents, form controls, Outlook items or other data based on one or more logical conditions)
comp., MSformato condicionalconditional format (A format, such as cell shading or font color, that Excel automatically applies to cells if a specified condition is true)
pack.formato cortadocut-to-size sheet
comp., MSformato .CR8Crate (A compression container format (.cr8) in Windows that largely replaces the CAB format in all servicing scenarios. This format extends beyond servicing and is a compression solution for file sharing in general)
ITformato DD-format
IT, dat.proc.formato DCADCA format
IT, dat.proc.formato DDEDDE format
IT, dat.proc.formato DDLDDL format
IT, dat.proc.formato de archivofile format
comp., MSformato de archivofile format (The structure or organization of data in a file. File format is usually indicated by the file name extension)
IT, tech.formato de archivo común para el intercambio de datos biométricosCommon Biometric Exchange File Format
work.fl.formato de archivo de datosdata archiving format
comp., MSformato de archivo de objeto comúncommon object file format (A format in 32-bit programming for executable (image) and object files that is portable across platforms. The Microsoft implementation is called portable executable (PE) file format)
comp., MSformato de archivo Documento XPSXPS Document file format (An open, cross-platform document format that allows customers to effortlessly create, share, print, and archive paginated documents)
comp., MSformato de archivo planoflat file format (An image file format in which individual objects cannot be edited. Files stored in JPEG, GIF, and BMP formats are all flat files. The PhotoDraw MIX file format is not a flat file format)
comp., MSformato de audio Red BookRed Book audio format (A standard compact disc format developed by Philips and Sony)
comp., MSformato de bajo nivellow level format (A process that creates the physical format, the positions of the tracks and sectors, that defines where the data is stored on a hard disk)
comp., MSformato de bajo nivellow-level format (A process that creates the physical format, the positions of the tracks and sectors, that defines where the data is stored on a hard disk)
el.formato de banda de basebaseband format
comp., MSformato de caracterescharacter formatting (Formatting you can apply to selected text characters)
IT, dat.proc.formato de celdacell format
commun., ITformato de cinta magnéticamagnetic tape format
ITformato de comandocommand format
IT, dat.proc.formato de consultaquery format
comp., MSformato de contenedorcontainer format (A metafile format that identifies and interleaves different data types, such as audio and video streams, subtitles, chapter-information, and metadata (tags) - along with the synchronization information needed to play the various streams together)
ITFormato de conversión de datosData Interchange Format
meteorol.formato de código de caracterescharacter-coded format
ITformato de datosdata format
comp., MSformato de datosdata format (The structure or appearance of a unit of data, such as a field, or text in a message body)
commun.formato de datos de telemedidatelemetry data format
ITformato de direccionesaddress format
ITformato de direcciónaddress structure
ITformato de direcciónaddress format
comp., MSformato de disco universalUniversal Disk Format (A file system defined by the Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA) that is the successor to the CD-ROM file system (CDFS). UDF is used for removable disk media like DVD, CD, and magneto-optic (MO) disks)
ITformato de distribución neutra de aplicacionesApplications Neutral Distribution Format
ITformato de distribución neutra de aplicacionesVirtual Binary Interface
ITformato de documento portablePortable Document Format
inet.Formato de Documento PortablePortable Document Format
ed.formato de documento portátilPortable Document Format (PDF)
dat.proc.formato de entradainput format
comp., MSformato de exportaciónexport format (UI text for subscriptions and HTML viewer. Corresponds to rendering extensions)
IT, dat.proc.formato de fechadate format
IT, dat.proc.formato de fecha americanoMM-DD-YY format
IT, dat.proc.formato de fecha americanoAmerican-date format
IT, dat.proc.formato de fecha europeoEuropean-date format
IT, dat.proc.formato de fecha europeoDD-MM-YY format
IT, dat.proc.formato de fecha europeoDAY,MONTH,YEAR format
IT, dat.proc.formato de ficherofile format
inet.Formato de Fichero de Imagen con EtiquetasTagged Image File Format
ITFormato de fichero de intercambio de recursosResource Interchange File Format
UN, account.formato de gastoscost format
UN, account.formato de gastosformat for the cost data
UN, account.formato de gastoscost data format
IT, dat.proc.formato de hora americanoAmerican-time format
IT, dat.proc.formato de hora europeoEuropean-time format
commun.formato de imagenaspect ratio
commun.formato de imagennominal aspect ratio
comp., MSformato de importaciónimport format (The file format for the import of payments)
ITformato de impresiónprint format
IT, dat.proc.formato de imágenes vectorialesvector image format
IT, nat.sc.Formato de Información para la Investigación Común EuropeaCommon European Research Information Format
IT, dat.proc.formato de informestatus format
IT, dat.proc.formato de informereport format
gen.formato de intercambiointerchange format
dat.proc.formato de intercambioexchange format
commun., el.formato de intercambio comúncommon interchange format
comp., MSformato de intercambio de datosdata interchange format (A format consisting of ASCII codes in which database, spreadsheet, and similar documents can be structured to facilitate their use by and transfer to other programs)
IT, dat.proc.formato de intercambio de documento abiertoopen document interchange format
ITFormato de intercambio de documentos de oficinaOffice Document Interchange Format
IT, dat.proc.formato de intercambio de documentos LEGSStandard Generalized Markup Language Document Interchange Format
IT, dat.proc.formato de intercambio de documentos LEGSSGML Document Interchange Format
ITFormato de intercambio de gráficosGraphic Interchange Format
comp., MSformato de intercambio de gráficosGraphics Interchange Format (A graphic stored as a file in the GIF format)
commun.formato de intercambio gráficographic interchange format
inet.Formato de Intercambio GráficoGraphics Interchange Format
IT, dat.proc.formato de introduccióninput format
IT, dat.proc.formato de introducciónentry format
el.formato de la grabaciónrecording format
commun.formato de la imagenpicture aspect ratio
IT, tech.formato de la instruccióninstruction format
el.formato de la señalformat of the signal
commun., ITformato de la señal de respuestaformat of the answer signal
commun., ITformato de la señal horariatime-signal format
commun., el.formato de la transmisiónclass of emission
ITformato de las hojas de papel de registrosize of records paper chart
ITformato de los campos de controlcontrol field format
work.fl., ITformato de los datosdata format
el.formato de los paquetespacket format
IT, dat.proc.formato de mapa de bitsbitmap format
IT, dat.proc.formato de nota membreteadaheaded note-paper format
IT, dat.proc.formato de numeraciónnumbering format
comp., MSformato de número internacionalinternational number format (The string that is used to define how to dial someone from outside of their country/region)
comp., MSformato de número nacionalin-country/region number format (The string that is used to define how to create an in-country/region number to use when making calls from a dial plan)
comp., MSformato de número nacionalin-country number format (The string that is used to define how to create an in-country/region number to use when making calls from a dial plan)
comp.formato de númerosnumber format
comp.formato de númerosformat numbers
comp., MSformato de origen de datosdata source formatting (A type of conditional formatting that is configured within Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services)
dat.proc.formato de pantallascreen format improper for "screen layout"
cinemaformato de pantallascreen format
commun.formato de pantalla anchawide-screen format
telegr.formato de paquetespacket format
commun., ITformato de películafilm size
comp.formato de pintarformat painter
comp., MSformato de punto flotante de doble precisióndouble-precision floating-point format (A computer number format that occupies 8 bytes (64 bits) in computer memory and represents a wide dynamic range of values by using floating point)
comp., MSformato de párrafoparagraph formatting (Formatting that controls the appearance of a paragraph. Examples include indentation, alignment, line spacing, and pagination)
comp., MSformato de píxelpixel format (The size and arrangement of pixel color components. The format is specified by the total number of bits used per pixel and the number of bits used to store the red, green, blue, and alpha components of the color of the pixel)
dat.proc.formato de registrorecord format
comp., MSformato de remesa bancariaremittance format (The file format for remittances to a specific bank)
dat.proc.formato de salidaoutput format
comp., MSformato de secuenciastream format (Information about the properties of a stream, such as the codecs used, frame rate, and frame size. A player uses stream format information to decode a stream)
commun., ITformato de señal horariatime-signal format
IT, dat.proc.formato de tarjetacard format
comp., MSformato de textotext formatting (Formatting that controls the appearance of a text. Examples include text alignment, intercharacter spacing, text justification, and text and background colors)
ITformato de texto enriquecidoRich Text Format
ITFormato de texto revisableRevisable Form Text
comp., MSformato de tramaframe format (The way in which a network type, such as Ethernet, formats data to be sent over a network. When multiple frame types are allowed for a particular network type, the packets are structured differently and are, therefore, incompatible. All computers on a network must use the same frame type to communicate)
stat.formato de transformación UnicodeUnicode text format
stat.formato de transformación Unicodeuniversal transformation format
stat.formato de transformación UnicodeUnicode transformation format
law, commun.formato de transmisión de la comunicación interceptadaformat for transmitting the intercepted communication
gen.formato de transportetransport format
work.fl.formato de un tesaurothesaurus format
dat.proc.formato de visualizacióndisplay format
IT, dat.proc.formato de visualización de registrosrecord display format
IT, dat.proc.formato de visualización de tablastable display format
IT, dat.proc.formato de visualización secuencialsequential-display format
ITformato decimal codificado en binariobinary-coded decimal digit
ITformato decimal codificado en binariobinary coded decimal
ITformato decimal no desbloqueadounpacked decimal format
ITformato del documentodocument formating
comp.formato del ejeformat axis
commun.formato del informe de pruebastest report format
commun.formato del mensajemessage format
econ.formato del proyectoproject format
nat.sc.formato del resumen de la información incluida en la notificaciónSummary Notification Information Format
comp.formato del título del gráficoformat chart title
work.fl., ITformato del área de datosdata format
environ.Formato digital GISGIS digital format
environ.Formato digital GISGIS digital format The digital form of data collected by remote sensing
industr.formato DLDL Format
comp., MSformato Documento XPSXPS Document format (An open, cross-platform document format that allows customers to effortlessly create, share, print, and archive paginated documents)
el.formato duobinario modificadomodified duo-binary format
comp., MSformato DXFDrawing Exchange Format (A computer-aided design file format originally developed by Autodesk; for use with the AutoCAD program to facilitate transfer of graphics files between different applications)
IT, dat.proc.formato EPSFEncapsulated Postscript Format
IT, dat.proc.formato EPSFEPSF format
met.formato especialspecial size
dat.proc.formato estándarstandard format
IT, dat.proc.formato exponencialexponential format
IT, dat.proc.formato FF format
pack.formato finalfinal size
pack.formato finaltrimmed size
nat.sc.formato generalgeneral format
IT, dat.proc.formato HPGLHPGL format
commun., ITformato I para la transferencia de informacióninformation transfer format I
commun., industr., construct.formato in planoatlas size
commun., industr., construct.formato in planoatlas shape
IT, dat.proc.formato interactivointeractive reformatting
comp., MSformato intermedio de informesreport intermediate format (Internal representation of a report)
comp., MSformato internacionalinternational format (A phone number format for dialing any call from any location or with a calling card)
ITformato internointernal format
comp., MSformato JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group A raster graphics file format for displaying high-resolution color graphics on the World Wide Web. JPEG graphics apply a user-specified compression scheme that can significantly reduce the file sizes of photo-realistic color graphics. A higher level of compression results in lower quality, whereas a lower level of compression results in higher quality. JPEG-format files have a .jpg file name extension (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
comp., MSformato letterboxletterbox (A video display format in which black bars appear above and below the video image while it is played. The letterbox format maintains the original aspect ratio of an image when it is displayed in a window with a different aspect ratio)
ITformato librefree format
comp., MSformato librobook fold (A style of publication that is printed with two pages on one side of each sheet of paper. When you fold the paper, it opens like a book)
comp., MSformato locallocal formatting (Individual formatting attributes such as line width, fill color, or font size, that you apply to a selected shape by using a command on the Format menu, such as Line, Fill, or Text)
met.formato macizojet
IT, dat.proc.formato manualmanual formatting
IT, dat.proc.formato manualdirect formatting
el.formato MICPCM format
IT, dat.proc.formato monetariodisplay format for financial data
IT, dat.proc.formato monetariocurrency format
comp., MSFormato multicolumnaMulti-Column Layout (A Windows feature that allows designers and developers to lay out a single column of HTML content in multiple parallel columns of equal width and height. This layout style allows designers to make better use of available display space, and is common to newspapers and magazines in both the print and digital world)
commun., ITformato multilingüemulti-lingual format
ITformato narrativonarrative format
tech.formato normalizadostandardised format
fin.formato normalizado de mensajestandardized message format
IT, earth.sc.formato NRZNon-Return-to-Zero format
IT, earth.sc.formato NRZNRZ format
IT, dat.proc.formato numériconumerical format
IT, dat.proc.formato numériconumeric format
commun.formato oblongooblong shape
industr., construct.formato oblongoshort grain
commun.formato pantalla de cinecinema screen format
comp., MSformato para redifusión websyndication format (A format used for publishing data on blogs and web sites)
ITformato pautadoraster format
IT, dat.proc.formato PC-PaintbrushPC-Paintbrush format
IT, dat.proc.formato PICTPICT format
comp., MSformato pillarboxpillarbox (A video effect that occurs when vertical black bars display on both sides of an image on widescreen displays. This usually occurs when video content not intended for widescreen display is played back on widescreen televisions)
comp., MSformato PNGPortable Network Graphics A graphic file format that is supported by some World Wide Web browsers. PNG supports variable transparency of images (alpha channels) and control of image brightness on different computers (gamma correction). PNG files are compressed bitmaps (Portable Network Graphics)
IT, dat.proc.formato PNTGPNTG format
IT, dat.proc.formato por objetosobject-oriented layout
gen.formato postale normalizadostandardised postal size
immigr., tech.formato recortadotrimmed size
comp., MSformato regionalregional format (The options for setting the phone's default language and the specific country or region where it is spoken)
IT, dat.proc.formato RIFFRaster Image File Format
IT, dat.proc.formato RIFFRIFF format
IT, earth.sc.formato RLLRun-Length-Limited format
IT, earth.sc.formato RLLRLL format
commun., ITformato S para la supervisiónsupervisory format S
comp., MSformato secuencias de programasprogram stream format (A file format that supports the multiplexing of audio, video, and data. Program streams are exclusive to MPEG-1 and MPEG-2-compressed files and use variable-sized packets that have a common time base. Program streams are designed to be played back from reliable media, such as hard drives and DVDs)
IT, dat.proc.formato tabloidetabloid format
ITformato tabulartabular format
life.sc.formato teórico de un mapatheoretical size of map
IT, tech.formato TIFFtagged image file format
commun., ITformato U sin numerarunnumbered format U
dat.proc.formato unilíneasingle-line format
IT, dat.proc.formato variablevariable format
IT, dat.proc.formato verticaltall format
IT, dat.proc.formato verticalupright format
IT, dat.proc.formato verticalportrait
IT, dat.proc.formato verticalmugshot
comp., MSformato WMFWindows Metafile Format (A 16-bit vector graphics format for Windows-compatible computers used mostly as a clip art format in word-processing documents)
comp., MSFormato XML de ExcelExcel XML Format (The formal name for Excel 12 file format. The Excel XML Format has an open, royalty-free specification, and is the technology licensed to external parties)
comp., MSFormato XML de PowerPointPowerPoint XML Format (The formal name for PowerPoint 12 file format. This format has an open, royalty-free specification, and is the technology licensed to external parties. This license is the subject in the messaging points where "Open, royalty-free license" is discussed)
comp., MSFormato XML de WordWord XML Format (The formal name for Word 12 file format. This format has an open, royalty-free specification, and is the technology licensed to external parties. This license is the subject in the messaging points where "Open, royalty-free license" is discussed)
comp.formatos a aplicarformats to apply
cultur.formatos de la imagenimage sizes
cultur.formatos de la imagenpicture formats
cultur.formatos de la imagenframe sizes
cultur.formatos de la imagenimage formats
cultur.formatos de la imagenpicture sizes
cultur.formatos de la imagenfield sizes
immigr., tech.formatos del papelsizes of paper
comp.formatos disponiblesavailable formats
comp., MSformatos Office Open XMLOpen XML formats (An international open standard for word-processing documents, presentations, and spreadsheets that can be freely implemented across multiple applications and platforms)
comp., MSformatos Office Open XMLOffice Open XML formats (An international open standard for word-processing documents, presentations, and spreadsheets that can be freely implemented across multiple applications and platforms)
tech., industr., construct.fuera de formatooffcut
UNGrupo de referencia sobre la estructura y el formato de los documentos presupuestariosReference Group on the Structure and Format of Budget Documents
org.name.Grupo Especial de Trabajo sobre Terminología, Formato y Unidades de Medida en Relación con los Sistemas de Circulación y RecirculaciónAd Hoc Working Party on Terminology, Format and Units of Measurement related to Flow-through and Recirculation Systems
comp., MSGuías directas de formatoDirect Formatting Guides (A feature which, when activated, highlights the areas of text where styles, such as bold or italic, have been manually applied)
mater.sc.hoja cortada a formatocut-to-size sheet
pack.hoja cortada a formatos determinadossized sheet
pack.hoja cortada a formatos determinadoscut-to-size sheet
pack.hoja cortado a formatoscut-to-size sheet
gen.identificación del formato de transportetransport format identification
commun., transp.identificador de formatodata link processor/format identifier
IT, dat.proc.identificador de formato de intercambio de documentos LEGSSGML Document Interchange Format identifier
IT, dat.proc.identificador de formato de intercambio de documentos LEGSSDIF identifier
ITimpresora de gran formatowide format printer
gen.indicador de la combinación del formato de transportetransport format combination indicator
IT, dat.proc.instrucción de formato de datosdata-formatting statement
comp., MSlector de tarjetas multi formatoall-in-one card reader (A flash card reader with slots that support the majority of card formats without the need of either a camera adaptor or external power)
ITlenguaje de conversión de formatosformat conversion language
ITlínea de formatoformat line
automat.mando de formatoformat control
comp., MSmodificador de formatoformat switch (A switch (\*) or instruction that specifies the capitalization, numeral style, and character formatting that Microsoft Word uses in a field result)
el.modo "formato"format mode
el.modo "formato"formatted mode
commun., ITnombre en formato librefree-form-name
comp., MSorigen de archivo sin formatoRaw File source (An SSIS source that reads raw data from a file)
comp., MSPaleta de formatoFormatting Palette (A free floating utility in Microsoft Office for Mac that puts the right formatting options at users' fingertips when they need them)
pack.paleta de pequeño formatolow small pallet
comp., MSpanel Formato de objetosFormat Object task pane (A task pane that provides functionality for formatting objects)
mater.sc.película cortada a formatocut-to-size sheet
pack.película cortado a formatoscut-to-size sheet
cinemapelícula de pequeño formatosubstandard film
cinemapelícula de pequeño formatonarrow-gauge film
transp.permiso de conducción de formato "tarjeta de crédito"driving licence in credit card format
met.placa en el formato en que se va a emplearplate shaped for use
IT, dat.proc.procedimientos de formatoend-of-line procedure
IT, tech.procesador de formatosfront end processor
IT, tech.procesador de formatosfront-end processor
patents.programas de ordenador y datos grabados en formato accesible por ordenadorcomputer programs and data recorded in computer accessible form
patents.publicaciones en formato electrónicopublications in electronic form
ITrecepción en formato adaptableproduced in revisable form
comp.recoger el estilo del formatopick up text style
telegr.relación de formatoaspect ratio
org.name.Reunión del Grupo de Trabajo de Expertos sobre el Formato de Presentación de Informes para el Seguimiento del Plan de Acción de la Cumbre Mundial sobre AlimentaciónExperts Working Group Meeting on the Reporting Format for Monitoring the World Food Summit Plan of Action
el.salida ajustada a formatoformat output
earth.sc.salida de datos de imagen en formato digitaloutput imaging data in digital form
el.salida de formatoformat output
el.secuencia de corrección de errores de formatoformat error correction sequence
commun.servicio de formato anchowide-format service
commun., ITservicio de televisión de formato de pantalla anchawide-screen television service
commun., ITseñales especificadoras de formatoformat specifier signals
comp.sin formatono formatting
patents.software informático y publicaciones en formato electrónico suministradas en línea desde bases de datos o desde puntos de Internetcomputer software and publications in electronic form supplied on-line from databases or from facilities provided on the Internet including web sites (inclusive sitios web)
IT, dat.proc.tecla de formatoformatting key
comp.texto con formatoformatted text
comp., MStexto sin formatoplain text (A string of text that is displayed with one value for each text attribute: typeface, slant, and weight)
commun., ITtranscodificación en formato físico de los servicios por satélitetranscoding into a physical format
el.transmisión con formato finalfinal format transmission
el.transmisión con formato intermediointermediate format transmission
commun.transmitir los Juegos Olímpicosen formato de AD de 1250 líneasto cover the Olympic Games in the HD-1250 format
ITunidad de formato verticalvertical format unit
ITunidad electrónica de formato verticalelectronic vertical format unit
IT, tech.verificación de formatoformat check
ITvisualización en formato detalladorich display
ITvisualización en formato detalladodetailed format
comp., MSXML con formato correctowell-formed XML (An XML file in which there is only one root element and all the elements, delimited by start- and end-tags, nest properly within each other)
ITárea de formatoformatted area
ITárea de formatoformat area