
Terms for subject Environment containing forma de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
añadir a la gasolina productos antidetonantes en forma de combinaciones de plomo alcohiloadding lead alkyl compounds to petrol as anti-knock devices
el plomo extraído en forma de ditizonato se recupera en solución nítricathe lead extract in the form of dithizonate is recovered in a nitric solution
en forma de polvoin powder form
filtro de aire en forma de calderadrum-type air filter
filtro de aire en forma de embudofunnel-type air filter
filtro de aire en forma de hongomushroom-type air filter
filtro de aire en forma de émbolopiston-type air filter
forma de relievelandform Any physical, recognizable form or feature of the Earth's surface, having a characteristic shape and produced by natural causes; it includes major forms such as plane, plateau and mountain, and minor forms such as hill, valley, slope, esker, and dune. Taken together the landforms make up the surface configuration of the Earth's
forma jurídica de la sociedadlegal form of organisations
forma jurídica de la sociedadlegal form of organisations The type, structure or purpose of an institution as arranged, required and defined by local or national laws to determine the appropriate governmental regulations, privileges and tax status applicable to that institution
la forma isotérmica de Freundlinchthe Freundlich isotherm form
producto de la reacción en forma de partículasparticulate reaction product
Residuos cálcicos en forma de lodos procedentes de la desulfuración de gases de chimeneacalcium based reaction wastes from flue gas desulphurisation in sludge form
residuos de materias plásticas en forma sólidasolid plastic wastes
residuos en forma de polvo o lodowastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust