
Terms for subject Microsoft containing forma | all forms | exact matches only
botón Forma del moldeCake pan button (The button to choose which shape cake you're going to make)
codificado de forma rígidahard-coding (The process of putting string or character literals in the main body of code, instead of in external resource files)
Combinar formasMerge Shapes (A tool that enables users to create custom shapes by combining multiple shapes into a single shape, using one of five geometric Boolean operations: Union, Combine, Fragment, Intersect, and Subtract)
conector de formasshape connector line (A line used to link shapes and to determine their relative order in an orchestration)
conexión forma a formashape-to-shape connection (A method of connecting shapes. The actual point of connection might change when you move the connected shapes. You make shape-to-shape connections by dragging a connector from the center of one shape to the center of another shape)
Convertir en formaConvert to Shape (A feature that enables Tablet PC users to convert an ink drawing to a standard OfficeArt shape, which can be formatted with colors and effects exactly as if it were inserted using "Insert Shape.")
curva de forma librefreeform curve (A curved line, made up of segments and defined by control points)
Datos de formasshape data (The collection of custom properties for a shape)
declaración por forma de pagotender declaration (A count of the coins and bills at the POS; for example, as part of the end of day or end of shift procedure)
forma abiertaopen shape (A shape such as a line, arc, or zigzag. You can format an open shape with line patterns and ends, such as by changing a solid line to a dashed line and adding an arrow to one end)
forma Asistenteassistant shape (In an organization chart, a shape that is placed below and connected to any other shape with an elbow connector. This shape is placed above any additional subordinate shapes for the particular superior shape it is attached to)
forma cerradaclosed shape (A shape that is surrounded by a continuous outline, such as a rectangle or circle)
forma colocableplaceable shape (A 2-D shape that is set to work with routable connectors and automatic layout. If a shape is set as placeable, a routable connector can detect and avoid crossing through it)
forma 1D1-D shape (Either a straight line you draw or a shape that has a beginning point and ending point and can be glued between two shapes to connect them)
forma 2D2-D shape (A shape that has four selection handles that you can use to resize the shape proportionally)
forma de contactomethod of contact (The preferred method of communication with the Business Contact; for example, phone, e-mail message, letter, fax, and so on)
forma de envíoshipping method (A method of transportation for goods or services, such as Air, Truck or UPS)
forma de guion gráficostoryboard shape (A shape or graphical object that has been added to a storyboard or to a storyboard shapes file)
forma de onda de audioaudio waveform (A visual representation of an audio signal over time)
forma de pagotender (Something used as a medium of payment)
forma de puntero Hacer clic y escribirClick and Type pointer shape (A visual cue to indicate which formatting will be applied when you double-click: a left-aligned, centered, or right-aligned tab stop; a left indent; or left or right text wrapping)
forma patrónmaster shape (A shape on a stencil that you use repeatedly to create drawings. When you drag a shape from a stencil onto the drawing page, the shape becomes an instance of that master)
forma predeterminadadefault shape (A virtual shape that contains default formatting properties for new shapes. Each presentation contains one default shape)
forma simplesimple shape (A shape in an orchestration that cannot be collapsed and cannot contain other shapes)
forma Subordinadosubordinate shape (In an organization chart, a shape that is placed below and connected to a superior (or manager) shape)
forma superiorsuperior shape (In an organization chart, a shape that is placed above and connected to any other shape, such as an employee (subordinate or coworker shape) or assistant shape)
formar intersecciónintersect (To combine two or more shapes or paths to result in a single path that shows only the areas where all shapes and paths overlapped)
herramienta FormaShape tool (A tool that allows you to draw a shape such as a rectangle, ellipse (circle), line, etc)
instructor de formasshape trainer (A feature that helps improve the recognition of a user's handwriting by a process in which the user provides samples for shapes that are associated with given characters, in order to teach the recognizer which shapes should be recognized as which character)
lenguaje de forma librefree-form language (A language whose syntax is not constrained by the position of characters on a line. C and Pascal are free-form languages; FORTRAN is not)
relación en forma de rombodiamond-shape relationship (A chain of attribute relationships that splits and rejoins but that contains no redundant relationships. For example, Day ->Month ->Year and Day ->Quarter ->Year have the same start and end points, but do not have any common relationships)
trazado de forma librefreeform path (A line that is drawn as if by a pencil. A pixel is placed everywhere that the mouse cursor moves, so long as the mouse button is pressed. All paths can be stroked or filled)
validación de formasshape-level validation (The act of checking a visual workflow to ensure that the shapes and connections are valid)